Inflation is Looming… Ways To Beat Inflation!

by | Mar 11, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 34 comments

How should you defend against Inflation? What are the best investments against Inflation? How does Inflation affect your wallet? I answer all of these questions in today’s video!

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0:00 – Start Here
0:55 – Format of Today’s Video
1:20 – Quick Background
2:02 – How Inflation Impacts You (Short vs Long Term)
4:25 – 4 Things Inflation Affects
7:14 – Best Investments to Protect Against Inflation

Inflation in the short term doesn’t typically have a negative effect on stock prices, however, what we’re seeing is that because of the looming EXPECTATION of inflation, we’re seeing rates rise, and when interest rates rise, that’s what usually has a negative effect on stock prices.

The reason is simple, let’s pretend the interest rate that the bank offers you is 12% on your money, and it’s risk free, and you know that the stock market historically returns 8%, but it carries risk. Logically speaking, if you could get 12% risk free and beat out the market, then you’re going to invest your money into the bank, and not invest in the stock market – you might even move some or all of your money out of the market into that 12% yielding return.

Now, interest rates aren’t at 12%, but rising interest rates, or rising yields elsewhere are causing a chain-reaction type effect where investors, specifically, institutions will be moving around their money based on what the yields and rates are. Even small movements in interest rates or yields can cause big movements when it comes to allocation of investment funds.

So in the short term, inflation might affect interest rates. Higher interest rates usually are correlated with lower stock prices. When interest rates are low, that’s when you see stock prices go up.

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In terms of how inflation affects you in the long term, most financial planners assume the average rate of inflation to be between 2-3%, which means that in the long term you should aim to get at minimum 2-3% back on your money, or get a raise at work, or increase your income by about 2% a year. If you’re able to invest in yourself consistently, you could even find that your income raises at a bigger rate than inflation.

Best Investments Against Inflation:
1. “TIPS”, or Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities. These securities are linked to inflation at a 1:1 ratio, so basically if inflation goes up, your investment goes up proportionally along side it.

In terms of buying TIPS, they’re available via ETFs like ticker symbol IVOL, TDTF, or SCHP.

The thing with these TIPS is that they’re mostly going to underperform the broader market, but will offer more stability and less risk.
For example, SCHPs’ average annualized return for the past 5 years is only around 4%, compared to the S&P 500 which has an average annualized return of about 16% The difference is that the downside may be greater with equities compared to TIPS.

#2 Stocks

Stocks are still a great place to put your money to protect against inflation, especially in the long term. The stock market is going to be more risky than buying TIPS, but it should also provide an average annual return of around 8% if you hold it for long enough.

#3. Diversify
Diversifying your money across different investments, not just stocks – will be a good defense against inflation because you’re investing it but also accounting for possible downturns in the market.

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For diversification purposes, I think real estate is a good hedge against inflation, because if you own a piece of land or property – that land/property will continue to be there, and if inflation does occur, your piece of property will continue to appreciate as well. It could also be a great hedge because you may be able to lock in an interest rate right now.

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😺 WHO AM I: I am not a cat. My name is Humphrey Yang, I’ve built multiple businesses and am passionate about Personal Finance, Investing, among other things! If you’re trying to build a solid foundation of financial literacy, learn to invest, or become financially free – then I’m here for you!

📧 GET IN TOUCH: I’d love to hear from you! Tweet me @HumphreyTalks directly and I can respond there. If you have a longer question, or if you have a business related inquiry, please then send me an email at I try my best to reply to all e-mail but sometimes I do not have enough time to respond to everyone.

PS: I am not a Financial Advisor, any investment commentary are my opinions only. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I do receive a commission for….(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



With the pandemic raging on across the globe, governments are spending trillions of dollars to keep their economies afloat. While it is a necessary measure, it is also a cause for concern as inflation looms in the near future. Inflation, the rise in prices, is harmful to people’s purchasing power, especially if it is high, persistent and volatile.

The impact of inflation is widespread and can lead to increased uncertainty, reduced investment and diminished economic growth. With a surge in demand and supply chain disruptions, prices are already climbing, and it’s crucial to be proactive in safeguarding one’s finances. Here are some ways to beat inflation:

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1. Invest in Real Assets: Inflation hurts papers assets such as bonds and stocks, but physical goods like real estate, gold and other metals tend to increase in value. Investing in these types of assets will help to retain value during inflationary periods.

2. Diversify your Portfolio: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments by spreading them across various asset classes – stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, etc. It will help one mitigate risk and protect against inflation.

3. Invest in Stocks that Benefit from Inflation: Certain stocks, such as those in the energy, utilities and healthcare sectors, perform better in inflationary periods. Investors can add them to their portfolio to offset the impact of inflation.

4. Invest in Fixed-income Securities: Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) help protect against inflation by adjusting the principal value based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) changes. These bonds are an excellent long-term investment to beat inflation.

5. Invest in Foreign Currencies: Inflation often affects one currency, while others remain more stable. Investing in foreign currencies, particularly those from nations with stable political and economic climates, can diversify one’s portfolio and provide a hedge against inflation.

Inflation is a persistent and ever-present risk in the economy. However, it is possible to beat inflation by being proactive and taking precautions. Investing in real assets, diversifying your portfolio, investing in stocks and fixed-income securities, and investing in foreign currencies can all help protect against inflation. Don’t delay; protect your finances today before it’s too late!

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  1. Humphrey Yang

    What is up you guys!! Welcome back to another video from me. Inflation is inevitable, hopefully this gives you some insight into what you can do. I personally took down the prices of all the things I frequently buy, and I plan to revisit my list of items and their prices yearly/every few years to see how much things have changed. For example, a Jamba Juice when I was in middle school was $3.25, and this week it was $7.99! Crazy. Weird example, I know.


    A flawed argument to say that high inflation is good for your debt. The bank is going to raise the interest rate along with the rising inflation rate. The argument would be valid if you had a interest rate ceiling contract with the bank for which you would have been paying a premium for all the previous years.

  3. Southern Time

    Starting a small business is not hard and doesn't cost alot of money. Simply register your self with the city/county. The city will have a packet to fill out. Most areas this will cost you less than $100 and you will have a tax use license. Small stuff like window washing /cleaning company/ gardner does cost alot for insurance Maybe $40_$90 per month. Business cards are like $10 at a big online company.

    No money needed to start aWindow washing biz. It's just soap water and a squeegee. Same with a cleaning company.
    You gotta put skin in the game.

  4. Robby Rob

    Lol Forget about the market. The only people who make money in the stock market are only the Wall Street insiders. You wind up spending money like a rich man on a poor man’s budget, become even poorer.

  5. sam mills

    Gold Sovereigns, direct from royal mint or your local coin dealer, no capital gains on these!

  6. Moon Bull

    WOW I actually comprehend what you're saying. Sometimes I question if people purposefully use a bunch of financial jargon to sound smart

  7. Randucci

    Informative and straight to the point, thanks.

  8. Amir K.

    Are index funds a good shield to inflation?

  9. Clifford Ishii

    Barter to fight inflation.

  10. Rs123

    gold and silver.

  11. Tommy /

    If you buy anything like stocks, crypto, or real estate while inflation is high, you’re making a mistake. Your purchasing power is awful. Right now is the best time to sell your assets and wait for the inevitable rising of interest rates (which starts to deflate the economy) and therefore your dollar is worth more. This is the best time to buy assets. If you have no assets, hold cash or buy inflation indexed bonds and wait.

  12. Dota Allstars

    Great video! Thanks for the insight. Any chance you can find another sponsor that is not robinhood? It makes you look like a sell out, I love this channel because of the transparency. This makes me a little suspicious that you might have conflicts of interest.

  13. Alex St. Pierre

    Hey Humphrey, I am curious, are you are planning on putting out a video on the Coinbase IPO?

  14. Sophia C. Bristow

    What are your thoughts about starting to invest now with the potential market adjustment / crash looming?

  15. Cristian Romo

    Sometimes when you clap I get scared haha. I'm listening to your videos while driving and I thought I was getting pelted by rocks from the highway. Great content though as usual!

  16. Successful Money Investor

    Do you buy Bitcoin? I'm avoiding it because of uncertainty. Not to mention if governments come together to work against it!

  17. Nigel L.

    Awesome video. I learned some things.

  18. Murano Luke

    What was your major in Uni? I'm just blown by your intellect. Luke from Nairobi-Kenya

  19. drjoei

    Great video

  20. Masi Ahmad

    Another awesome video from great Humphrey, thank you!

  21. Themadous

    You gotta love the recommendation of investing into Bitcoin to hedge against inflation. No way we would have heard that a year ago!

  22. ThreeTwentyTech

    How to beat inflation? Invest. Invest in the right commodities that increase or hold value over time since cash itself is depreciating.

  23. Lawrence Berg

    Missed opportunity for an "I am inevitable." Thanos joke Humphrey! Great video.

  24. kpop trash

    Thanks for making videos like these, they're really helpful 🙂

  25. Digital Asset News

    In few months or no time, people would be definitely be kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptos.

  26. Blee

    Thanks daddy

  27. Bangpaulxu

    You deserve 200k subs with this great content Humphrey, I was one of those people just putting all my savings in a bank… now using my savings to make money for myself…let’s go financial independence. Appreciate you and your vids a lot.

  28. ashbob88

    Hey Humphrey, I have a $1000 saved for my 3 year old daughter. What would be the best way for that to grow until she’s an adult? Thank you

  29. KCarch25 Unkown

    I appreciate how you explain stuff thoroughly yet easy to understand.

  30. daddyland

    Okay that's it, I'm going to bite the bullet and just pay off my car loans now so I can get rid of a big interest/debt especially since inflation is making my savings worth less based on your great simple/great explanation! I've been debating ever since I've watched your previous videos on debts and etc but this one really hits home!

  31. Damian Morningstar

    Love when my favorite finance people upload same day

  32. Ashiley Lee

    Love the way you explain concepts and really appreciate how you give us real, tangible action items to help combat inflation!

    The way you structure your channel is PHENOMENAL! Love how your description provides useful info (the time stamps, the written summary, helpful links) instead of just being a laundry-list of extraneous, copy & pasted stuff. And it gets me to actually watch through everything to see how you explain it.

    I’ve gotten into the personal finance rabbit hole these past couple of weeks and you’ve been instrumental in giving me the knowledge and action steps to really get started at 23.

    Thank you so much and keep up the good work! The time and effort you put into these videos are very very much appreciated!

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