Inflation or Deflation? | ITK with Cathie Wood

by | Sep 28, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 23 comments

Inflation or Deflation? | ITK with Cathie Wood

On episode XXIX of “In the Know,” (May 20, 2022) ARK CEO/CIO, Cathie Wood, is joined by Nancy Lazar, Piper Sandler’s Chief Global Economist. Together, Wood and Lazar, weigh in on inflation, deflation, interest rates, inventories, business confidence, bond yields, and more. As always, they also discuss fiscal policy, monetary policy, market signals, economic indicators, and innovation. We hope you find this monthly series useful, especially during periods of heightened volatility. Stay Healthy. Stay Innovative.

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  1. Dikshant Tahilramani

    Classic Cathie. Speaking more than a guest she calls on to share their view.

  2. Lucas Williams

    Recessions are where millionaires are created. I feel for the older generation, but if you are young or middle age, you should do everything possible to double and triple your invest-ments.

  3. Mauro Sellari

    The FED has lost it and the sad fact is, it's pretty obvious we are headed for hyperinflation. I think stores better have tight security because when people can't afford to feed their families, things might get ugly.

  4. Devie Meade

    If anyone has contact with Cathy Wood, please tell her to get rid of the plastic looking plant.


    Do the exact opposite you will do well!

  6. Fredy Dez

    Recessions are where millionaires are created. I feel for the older generation, but if you are young or middle age, you should do everything possible to double and triple your investments.

  7. Michael Rutjens

    One major factor was left out is that we are seeing global inflation . I saw it in the news that most countries are all competing for parts , products , food etc. Even nations that managed their rates better are seeing major issues . The glut of money was an issue sure, but the surging demand from nation that re-opened from covid lockdowns played a larger role . Add to this pandemic-related staffing issues and the intentional global oil supply problems and its a nightmare . I known the intention was to explain inflation but that doesn’t do justice to the current inflation on a global scale……

  8. Marco Polo

    One major factor was left out is that we are seeing global inflation . I saw it in the news that most countries are all competing for parts , products , food etc. Even nations that managed their rates better are seeing major issues . The glut of money was an issue sure, but the surging demand from nation that re-opened from covid lockdowns played a larger role . Add to this pandemic-related staffing issues and the intentional global oil supply problems and its a nightmare . I known the intention was to explain inflation but that doesn’t do justice to the current inflation on a global scale……

  9. Artur

    So she does not question any data coming from the government lol.

  10. No Name

    Hi investment mom!

  11. Unkowntheunkown Satoshi

    Defation will not happen well it will but it will bring everything down everything will be so cheap and inflation will be stronger then ever and pay will remain same because of who its set up
    .i willl own everything i alteady do.

  12. Randy Castillo

    This grandma cathie wood needs a nursing home…she keeps talking deflation since 2021 and it’s 2022 and inflation is out of control. Cathie please return to the actual universe you live in. Thank you

  13. Rich

    She promotes hope and excitement for the future allot like Elon. I like to think that way for my sanity.

  14. Daniel Adekoya

    Okay guys, I'm not sure what they're talking about. I'm simply a beginning trader looking for nice stocks to invest in on YouTube. Is Amazon a good or terrible company?

  15. Gary Threadgill

    When you invest you're buying a day you don't have to work

  16. Bert Wright

    How can inventories be so high with the selfs so empty.

  17. Cookie L

    I thought she said Tesla will go through $5000

  18. D. S.

    Growth companies are now Value companies.
    So what I'm gathering is a rally thru July in the Nasdaq as occurs every year!

  19. D. S.

    I work at a Wal-Mart D.C. and we are extremely slow! I work the weekend night shift where supply issues show up first because if they could, our shift would be the first to get eliminated.
    I am suppose to work 30 hours over a weekend and I started in December. I have yet to get 30 hours in and the most hours I got were in January but lately I'm lucky if I get 20 hours in.
    Friday and Saturday are our highest inventory days and I worked 7 hours both days and now on Sunday I'll be lucky to get in 6.
    I Love it because we own Real Estate and I still get my benefits but my coworkers are suffering though they have been great about allowing workers to make up their hours.

  20. DGG

    Propaganda to keep you invested in ARk. Maybe she should run fed?…into ground like ark

  21. Rick Gerson

    Trump’s China trade war now Biden’s actions along with global manufactured supply chain bottle necks as well as continuing sporadic Covid issues (also I believe manufactured) are what makes me think there is a push by the banks for lower consumption and possibly intentional stagflation to further reduce consumption is my theory.

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