Inflation & Our Immoral Money System Require a Bitter Pill

by | Feb 3, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 20 comments

Inflation & Our Immoral Money System Require a Bitter Pill

Record inflation is hurting millions of American families. But despite these recent symptoms, inflation is the result of a longstanding and immoral money system that benefits the powerful at the expense of everyone else. In this episode, Paul interviews Executive Senior Editor of The New American magazine Steve Bonta, who discusses the difficult but doable path to restoring our wretched money system. Bonta makes clear that the remedy is a bitter pill. But it’s nothing compared to what lies ahead if Americans don’t wake and address our corrupt money system. Don’t miss this episode!

Read Bonta’s story “Destroying the Money” in The Great Reset & Transhumanism collector’s edition bookazine @

Learn about the Federal Reserve’s role in inflation @

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#Inflation, #FiatMoney, #SteveBonta,…(read more)

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Inflation is an economic condition in which the prices of goods and services rise over time, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of money. This means that a person’s money can buy less and less over time, as prices increase. The causes of inflation are varied and can range from an increase in the money supply, to an increase in demand for goods and services, to government policies such as taxation and tariffs.

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Inflation is often seen as a necessary evil, as it can help to stimulate economic growth. However, it can also have a negative impact on people’s lives, as it can lead to higher prices and wages, which can erode the purchasing power of people’s money. This can lead to an increase in poverty and inequality, as those with less money are unable to keep up with the rising cost of living.

The current system of money in the world is often seen as immoral. Money is created out of thin air by central banks, and used to bail out failing banks and corporations. This means that the money supply is constantly being inflated, leading to higher prices and wages. This system of money is seen as unfair, as those with more money are able to take advantage of the inflationary environment, while those with less money are left behind.

The solution to this problem is to introduce a new system of money that is not based on inflation. This could be a form of digital currency, or a form of gold-backed currency. This would allow people to have a more stable form of money, which would not be subject to the whims of the central banks. This would also help to reduce poverty and inequality, as people would have a more reliable form of money to rely on.

However, this solution is not without its own problems. Introducing a new system of money would require a significant amount of work, as well as a great deal of political will. It would also require a significant amount of trust in the new system, as people would need to be convinced that it was a better alternative to the current system.

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In conclusion, inflation and our current money system are both immoral, and require a bitter pill to be taken in order to address the problem. A new system of money is needed, one that is not based on inflation and is more stable. This would help to reduce poverty and inequality, and would result in a more equitable economic system. However, such a solution would require a significant amount of work, as well as a great deal of trust, in order to be successful.

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  1. JK Low

    You said all the money was backed in gold (long ago).

    The average Chinese in China will ask you:
    “Thats what you claim..(backed by gold). How the fxxk do i know the gold really exist? Im just a normal guy who’ll never be allowed to go into the vault to see the REAL physical gold. Just bcos you gave me a story, why must i be a fool just like most whitemen, to automatically believe you?”.

    In reality, thers is no difference whether our money is backed by gold or golf balls.

    Think about it.
    The value of money is totally decided by a bunch of elderly, sneaky white garbage who COLLUDE to fix EVERYTHING thats expressed by numbers and percentages.

    The weekly “interest rate” is determined by whom?
    God in the sky? Or Allah?
    No….all figures and percentages are created by the big bunch of greediest men (yes, they are mostly men).

    And its also mostly men who created cults called “religion” to make you obedient, compliant, loyal and always paying money to the cult you belong to.

    Thats why, the Chinese are LAUGHING at you white garbage who end fxxking yourselves.

  2. Lepanto Slim

    This was great

  3. Thomas Bentele

    I recommended instead of the "Money Tree" to carefully read "The Wizard Of Oz" and watch the videos online, 
    that show the link between gold and recession/depression.

    The same evil system with other means, the boom bust recession/depression machine of unrestrained central banks
    that refuse to put in place an adequate credit guidance 
    had to be mentioned too.

  4. Thomas Bentele

    The uncomfortable things (for the middle-class) that happen with long time recessions and deflation is,
    that a big chunk of wealth leaves middle class and make their way upwards
    to the masters of the universe with crony access to central bank money.

  5. Thomas Bentele

    "Argentina fought price inflation by a long period of recession". 
    Recommendation to suffer the same pain as the cure, to change to the gold-paradise?

    At tis point of the video, I miss very hard, that better alternatives, as presented by Richard Werner arent discussed here.
    Not to speak of the imagination, he could be interviewed here, to complete the bitter pill story here.

  6. Thomas Bentele

    The implications of the dedollarisation, incl. to robb the german/European industries, 
    like Blinken recommends to do, whilst Europe suffers the US imposed sanctions much more than the US,
    need very much to to be exposed.

  7. Thomas Bentele

    Sadly, Paul accepted the statement, that the money supply doesn't need inflation.
    Yes, for itself money supply doesn't need to increase,
    but to allow the economy to grow, the money supply has to grow in the same pace.

    Otherwise, you end up in recession and deflation.
    The super gold economies always profited from an increase in gold/money supply,
    sometimes the gold of the Inkas/Mayas, the gold of China or the gold of the Klondike and so on,
    gold that came into the hands of many not only the commonly suspected.
    Im looking forward to get answers on this problem.

  8. JD W

    We the preppers are slowly returning to the Gold standard with Silver as the minor standard!

  9. Thomas Bentele

    Wow, Paul asked, if an eventual solution transition makes primarily the gold owner rich? 
    Most important question, I think.

  10. EriksR

    CN and RU still using $ isn't inertia, it's because they trust each other's currencies even less that $. It's actually quite amusing.

  11. ThePlummer Speaks:

    The speaker here, understands the issues, but is ill informed to the REAL solution… That being a ERC 20 crypto currency, created by 'Richard Heart', called HEX.

    Inflation occurs with all money/currencies. The trick is, who gets first crack at the inflation? With HEX, it's YOU, the one who believes in the currency, and chooses to 'stake' it (basically, a bank CD, where you get paid the inflation). Currently, the inflation is averaging 38% APY. That means your coins double in less than 2 years, irregardless of the current 'price' (in USD) that it's trading for.

    I hope the speaker as well as JBS head honchos will take a look at HEX, for it's impossible to solve a problem created by government, with more government.

    The fundamentals of HEX are so brilliant, it can be the "Peoples Money", if enough adopt the acceptance and use of this revolutionary currency… And the heck with the government all together.

    Politicians won't ever reform the money system, because they understand that having control over the amount of currency created, then they can basically buy votes by promising 'gimmedats'. We have to take the power out of their hands, and HEX/Pulsechain is a mechanism to accomplish said feat.

  12. Lan Le

    There is a good number of things we can do, that can soften the blow. Even putting people in certain areas where they’ll hardly feel anything.
    We have to start scaling down, while making life for efficient.
    We can experiment by certain States trying one thing and another State trying another; and individuals or towns trying something else.

    I.e stop trying to put everyone in one way of life & one mode of surviving.

  13. David Nord

    Well when it's run by the beast who's going to fix it ……lmfao. ..yes I found out who you people really are that run this channel……Jesuit……hint hint……and I will never watch this channel again.
    ..perinda ac cadaver……..

  14. テェぺシュヴラッド

    What about a dollar designed and distributed by each state, backed by labor (production and services) performed for building social and community infrastructure, along with an inability to be inflated because it cannot be placed onto the stock exchange?

  15. Dave Smith

    Central banks very in authority and function, but they do not create money. Governments "create money" in the form of increasing debt, authorizing more money. Blaming central banks, citing the idiot Marx as an authority, is just impossibly shallow weak thought.



    There is no IRS Code requiring employees to pay "income taxes" from their pay wages.  There is no United States law requiring employees to pay "income taxes" !

    I have not been paying "income taxes" for over 2 years.  If you don't know how to stop paying income tax ask me. There are only 4 easy steps.

    So many employees volunteer to pay "income taxes" because they are willfully ignorant and mentally lazy… therefore they will remain slaves.

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