Inflation-proof investing: Legendary investor Jarislowsky stands by non-cyclical sectors

by | Jan 5, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 10 comments

Inflation-proof investing: Legendary investor Jarislowsky stands by non-cyclical sectors

Stephen Jarislowsky, founder and former chairman of Jarislowsky Fraser, explains why he doesn’t expect inflation to last and why he doesn’t see a meaningful increase in rates any time soon. He also talks about sectors he says will help protect against inflation, why he’s cautious about tech and high-growth stocks, but watching this area for a pullback.

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  1. asdf

    Can someone please explain the Montreal housing price example he gave? Did he just make a mis-speak on the units? 2.4M house with 400K down = 2M mortgage. +220K taxes, 20K tax. This turned into 240M? Is he just saying that taxes would basically erase the down payment? Or something much bigger than that?

  2. Augustus Caesar

    Yangarra resources YGR on the Toronto Stock exchange. You guys should do a interview with the CEO James Evaskevich. They are an oil companies that to survived the crash.

  3. Manuj Aggarwal

    Inflation is a considerable issue that most people don’t fully understand. While accounting for the effects of inflation can be used on a macroeconomic scale, individuals also need to understand its affect on their investments.

    If you are looking to invest, you should first learn how to identify and deal with inflation, because it makes a big difference from your investment portfolio.

    Inflation is a major concern when it comes to investment. Many people save money specifically for investing.

    Thanks for sharing this amazing post.

  4. Rob P

    Everyone is legendary…

  5. Lisa Jenny

    Investment is a stepping stones for success. Waiting for the government to provide is total waste of time

  6. Mi M

    The coming, increased inflation will make cash worthless. The banksters’ “Federal” Reserve (which is deceptively named bank cartel that uses the word “Federal” in its name to deceive the public but is owned by the ultra-rich owners of the private banks that in turn own its “Fed” district banks) does not like anyone to mention its corruption.
    I just read that the reporter that disclosed the ultra rich and bankster frauds as to the Panama Papers, “coincidentally” got blown up by a car bomb in The Guardian. See “”Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist” in The Guardian. Please do NOT mention how the “Federal” Reserve keeps bailing out the ultra rich owners of its banks (the “banksters”) by purchasing their garbage, uncollectible, mortgage-backed securities (“MBS) at $40 BILLION a month after GIFTING them $2 TRILLION starting in 2019 by buying at HUGELY inflated prices that much in MBS.

    Thus, the banksters effectively turned the entity authorized to print US legal tender (the “Federal” Reserve) into a “bad” bank that gave them the face amount of their GROSSLY depreciated MBS and holds their sewer discharged MBS, so the “Fed” ALONE will bear the losses and cover them by printing US legal tender, NOT THE BANKSTERS. See “The Fed Should Get Out of the Mortgage Market” in the opinion section of the billionaire owned “Bloomberg.”

    In other words, our cash will swiftly become WORTHLESS. We will all suffer from MASSIVE INFLATION to bail out the most corrupt members of our society. Since the US dollar is the word’s reserve currency, that includes THE WHOLE WORLD who must trade with more and more inflated, US dollars due to the banksters’ massive corruption.

    That must remain unreported, because of the major banks are closely linked to the organized crime members whose money they have laundered for decades, or they are actually owned by organized crime members. Inquiring minds wonder which is true. See freethoughsblogsd o t c o m’s “Big banks as organized crime organizations.” See “Are Big Banks a Bunch of Organized Criminal Conspiracies?” in alternetd o t c o m. See in DW “FinCEN Files: Tracing the flow of dirty money” and note that DW has a huge series of reports and videos on organized crime’s close links to the banks. See “FinCEN Files: A swirl of revelations about banks and money laundering” in veracashblogd o t c o m.
    After the banksters spent so much money buying most of our politicians, we must respect their right to privacy to engage in massive crimes and tax frauds in privacy. See Simon Johnson’s “The Quiet Coup” in the Atlantic Magazine. They will need more secret, trillion dollar bailouts soon, so secrecy is crucial. See “Secrets and Lies of the Bailout” in Rolling Stone. See “What Was the Bank Bailout Bill?” in the balanced o t c o m. See “The Size of the Bank Bailout: $29 Trillion” in cnbc. See “The Big Bank Bailout” in Forbes Magazine. See “The Fed Just Pulled Off Another Backdoor Bailout of Wall Street” in wallstreetonparade. See “Fed secretly handed out $8 trillion” to the financiers in RT.

    RT is so naughty to disclose that secret! Clearly, Putin must be very annoyed at the US financiers, so he is telling so many uncomfortable truths via RT.

  7. Julian Schmahl

    Is he Dutch? That accent sounds Dutch

  8. jooky87

    This old guy summarized everything quite well

  9. Don M

    If you MF'rs ain't holding gold yet, you'll soon see why the old timers did. Lol.

  10. Jun Zhang

    Diversify your investment

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