Inflation Protection, Max Fischer

by | Sep 12, 2022 | Inflation Hedge | 1 comment

Inflation Protection, Max Fischer

Recorded 7/8/22

Please find full Crescat Gets Activist on Gold #83 including a macro portion by Portfolio Manager, Tavi Costa, and junior miner insight from Geologic and Technical Director, Quinton Hennigh, here:

We have been hard at work negotiating deals in select gold and silver exploration companies. In our hedge funds, we have been investing in private placements in public companies, often at significant discounts with warrants. We are building activist positions in some the best properties around the globe at highly attractive valuations after a decade long bear market. We are following the economic and technical advice of renowned exploration geologist, Quinton Hennigh, PhD. Based on his extensive experience and many past successes, we have asked Quinton to serve as Crescat’s geologic and technical advisor. He has identified many of the best next generation mining assets on the planet that are still in hands of junior exploration companies today. We are bringing necessary capital to advance these projects in return for significant stakes.

Quinton has 30 years of exploration experience, starting with Homestake, Newcrest, and Newmont then branching off from there. He is now Chairman and President of Novo Resources, one of Crescat’s largest positions. At Novo, Quinton made a massive nonconventional and potentially highly profitable gold discovery in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Quinton is credited with the 5 million ounce discovery of the Springpole alkaline gold deposit near Red Lake, Ontario. He was instrumental in recognizing the potential for Fosterville mine in Eastern Australia and advocating for Kirkland Lake to acquire it, which it did in 2016. It was Quinton’s expertise and enthusiasm that made the allocation of capital happen to develop what was arguably the single most economically successful high-grade gold mine of the last decade.

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At Crescat, we are striving to recreate that same kind of value again capitalizing on Quinton’s knack for identifying junior companies with high quality assets today that have the potential to be some of the most profitable mines of the next decade. We are bringing friendly activist capital to these exciting new deposits. They are not the same old picked-over carcasses of the last mining cycle. We are investing in a new generation of mining deposits all over the world. Each company is unique and each one has a great story tell. Crescat will be broadcasting a series of live videos with Quinton in the coming days and weeks on Youtube profiling our strategy and the investment thesis behind each of these companies. Each one controls potentially rich underground gold and silver deposits in viable jurisdictions that should propel them to substantially larger valuations in today’s macro environment.

Capitalizing on a new bull market in precious metals is one of our most important themes today. Crescat is infusing important growth capital into carefully vetted companies. In some cases, we are also bringing in new expertise to the board and technical team. Most importantly, and with Quinton’s guidance, we are making sure that our capital is spent on the key technical work needed to validate and expand what are some of the worlds most promising discoveries.

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1 Comment

  1. prygler

    1.700 USD gold price is a higher low? What are you smoking?

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