Insider at JP Morgan Makes Startling Claims About Economic Downturn

by | Nov 25, 2023 | Recession News | 28 comments

Insider at JP Morgan Makes Startling Claims About Economic Downturn

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BREAKING: Recession News


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A top executive at JP Morgan has made some shocking claims about the possibility of a recession in the near future. The insider has warned that the global economy is heading for a major downturn, and investors should start preparing for the worst.

Marko Kolanovic, the global head of quantitative and derivatives strategy at JP Morgan, has been known for his accurate predictions in the past. He is well-respected in the financial industry for his insights into market trends and economic indicators. According to Kolanovic, several key factors are aligning to create the perfect storm for a global recession.

One of the primary concerns raised by Kolanovic is the ongoing trade war between the United States and China. The escalating tensions between the world’s two largest economies have already had a significant impact on global markets, and the situation shows no signs of improving. Kolanovic warned that if the trade war continues to escalate, it could trigger a widespread economic slowdown.

In addition to the trade war, Kolanovic also pointed to other concerning factors, such as the weakening manufacturing sector, slowing corporate profits, and the inverted yield curve – a reliable predictor of recessions. He emphasized that the combination of these factors is creating a high level of uncertainty in the global economy.

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Kolanovic’s warning has sent shockwaves through the financial community, with many investors beginning to reassess their strategies in light of the potential for a recession. The news has also had an impact on global markets, leading to increased volatility and a sell-off in stocks.

While Kolanovic’s claims are certainly alarming, it’s important to note that they are not the first warning signs of a potential recession. Economists and analysts have been speculating about the possibility of an economic downturn for some time, and recent indicators have only added to the concerns.

As the global economy enters a period of heightened uncertainty, it’s crucial for investors to carefully consider their strategies and be prepared for potential volatility in the markets. While the possibility of a recession is certainly concerning, it’s also important to remember that these predictions are not set in stone. The situation could change depending on a variety of factors, including potential policy changes and international developments.

In the meantime, it’s essential for investors to stay informed and to seek professional advice from financial experts. With the right approach and a careful consideration of the current economic landscape, it’s possible to navigate through challenging times and emerge in a strong position. The warnings from Kolanovic and other financial experts should be taken seriously, but they should also serve as a catalyst for proactive action and strategic planning.

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  1. Darrin Harvey

    Pretzel Logic, great Steely Dan album!

  2. Rochelle Trembly

    In light of the impending recession and the fact that inflation is still far higher than the Fed's 3% target, several of the most prominent market analysts have been expressing their views on how terrible they believe the next downturn will be and how far stocks may have to fall. I need advice on what investments to make because I'm attempting to create a portfolio for my children that will at least be $850k in value.

  3. Luke Strecker

    Looking forward to stocks taking deep dives into the red possibly. Saving cash, buy up some in the trough.

  4. Transcend It All

    Benefit of a doubt: Basis Trade


    I hate to say it but it’s true this time is not like anything you compare to. We never had such idiotic policies. In 2008 we just papered over the problem then zero rates 13 years. You used up all the Ammo now we are in something that’s like the matrix

    I agree but the yields are 50 to 100 % too low at 4.89 they need to be 7-10% just to slow things down. You may see a 8% mortgage soon


    Please put together a video of them all saying the same thing. Using the same narrative as if its a script.

  7. Sk4nd4l

    their actual goal is to enslave everybody. the phillips curve is just there so they can claim plausible deniability

  8. allen everhart

    Can you trust a guy that doesn't know what day it is!? And his mini-me got it wrong too!.

  9. Mark Eaton

    Labor Day

  10. Sooth Sayer

    Love your channel but whenever you mention stories regarding China, you seem to parrot, mimic, copy the mainstream media narrative which we all know is highly Sus….it would be far more wise to take whatever the MSM states about China and dial it back 80% to 90% the opposite direction….iir to be safe just completely flip it 100%, which most likely is closer to the truth.

  11. email sender

    Labor Day morons

  12. J Van

    Shocking whahaha really….if your head was up your arse for the last decade or more..

  13. George Falconer

    So that’s why I lost those two jobs!

  14. Ryan Griffioen

    "pretzel logic" has been added to the arsenal lol

  15. Robin Wells

    I believe that it’s called colloquially whistling in the dark. To an extent, it’s not a thing until enough people believe it is a thing. Recession is a self fulfilling prophecy when the people finally acknowledge the elephant in the room. That’s when the point of criticality is reached.

  16. Jacob Evans

    Down vote for not knowing the difference between Memorial Day and Labor Day… Shame on you.

  17. Cyruschadrezzar

    drop the drama face photos or you're just a Youtube automaton!

  18. mortez

    What if the Fed is the driver directly in the bond market? They have unlimited resources

  19. SCOTT

    Did people lock in low rates for purchases they haven't made yet? Or does no one need to buy any big ticket items anymore? This trader is a TOOL!

  20. Robert Doell

    Their Bonuses are too important to them to tell the truth.

  21. xavier102772

    They aren't saying what they do to keep their jobs. They're saying what they do because they need to mislead retail into always being their exit liquidity.

  22. Bill McGonigle

    Wait, is Fed targeting unemployment to historical without factoring discouraged worker numbers? That's how you get a Great Depression.

  23. Christopher Herb

    George, I think they do believe it, or convince themselves of it. He’s bought into MMT and the group think of whatever the experts and their cronies think. In their mind they justify it and will try to make sense of it, because it’s in line with the narrative. They trust the narrative. Remember ‘inflation is transitory’. How many analysts and economists were regurgitating that obvious lie? We’ll it turns out most of them didn’t know it was a lie. They blindly accepted and repeated what they heard from their group, even though it contradicted logic and reason. The same group think is happening now.

  24. Gina Daniel

    Labor Day, not Memorial Day

  25. Edward Dodson

    The best explanation of what is happening with the U.S. (and world economy) I have read came from an economics professor at the University of California named Mason Gaffney. A few years before his death in 2021 he wrote a critique of macroeconomics as taught in most colleges and universities. And, back in 1994 he was a co-author of the book: "The Corruption of Economics". Gaffney explained clearly in language we can all understand why we experience cycles of boom and bust and how to make changes in law that will lead to full employment without inflation.

  26. 7210usmc

    Is there a good yield curve video somewhere? I don't think I understand all the details to what it truly means.

  27. 7210usmc

    Thanks for translating what Cembalest said George. I'm not there yet with the vernacular and financial language translation AND your support in getting me educated is extremely appreciated.

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