Insider on Wall Street Predicts When the Recession Will Occur

by | Nov 8, 2023 | Recession News | 16 comments

Insider on Wall Street Predicts When the Recession Will Occur

Darius Dale is the founder & CEO of 42Macro. In this conversation, we talk about global liquidity and its relationship to various asset markets, such as stocks, real estate, & bitcoin. Darius also speaks on the historic relationship between inflation and recessions.

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BREAKING: Recession News


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Wall Street Insider Reveals When Recession Will Hit

In a recent interview with a prominent Wall Street insider, shocking news has been revealed about the impending recession. The insider, who has chosen to remain anonymous, has disclosed that the U.S. economy is on the brink of another major downturn.

According to the insider, several indicators point to the fact that a recession is imminent. One of the most significant warning signs is the inverted yield curve, which occurs when short-term interest rates exceed long-term rates. This has historically been an accurate predictor of economic downturns, and the current inverted yield curve has raised concerns among experts and investors alike.

Additionally, the insider cited global economic instability and trade tensions as contributing factors to the impending recession. The ongoing U.S.-China trade war has already had detrimental effects on both countries’ economies, and the escalating tensions show no signs of abating.

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Furthermore, the insider highlighted the slowing growth of major economies such as China and the Eurozone as a cause for concern. A slowdown in global economic growth often has ripple effects that can negatively impact the U.S. economy.

When asked about the timeline for the recession, the insider revealed that it could hit as soon as within the next 12 to 18 months. This projection has sent shockwaves through the financial industry, as investors scramble to prepare for the potential downturn.

In light of this unsettling news, it is crucial for individuals and businesses to take proactive measures to protect themselves from the impending recession. Financial experts advise diversifying investment portfolios, reducing debt, and increasing savings to weather the storm.

Moreover, policymakers and government officials are urged to take decisive action to mitigate the effects of the impending recession. Implementing measures to stimulate economic growth and stabilize financial markets will be crucial in preventing a severe downturn.

While the prospect of a recession is undoubtedly unsettling, it is important to remain informed and prepared for the potential challenges ahead. By heeding the warnings of Wall Street insiders and taking proactive measures, individuals and businesses can navigate the impending recession with resilience and fortitude.

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  1. Arun P

    Bitcoin will rise long term due to its limited supply and scarcity and more and more mass adoption and truly decentralized network whose value is increasing day by day.

  2. Gordon Watson

    I really liked this interview. I’m glad that I watched it. Great conversation and interesting perspectives.

  3. davidhunternyc

    Starting at 16:50, Darius says that we got profitable companies like Uber and Netflix because of 0% interest rates and an overabundant money supply. Typical of crony-capitalists, there is never a mention about labor suppression. Just now, a labor strike at UPS is imminent. Workers are demanding better pay and working conditions. Workers are asking for $1 billion a year to improve salaries and working conditions, out of UPS's $13 billion a year in earnings. UPS won't budge. Capitalism has, as a feature, the oppression of the working class whom work to make the ruling class rich.

  4. CBLifeHacks

    GOAT – Darius

  5. Parish Parsa

    When does the market drop how long after recession?

  6. Charles Thompson

    LOL .. the more complex terms and acronyms the less they know what is going on .. this was 90% blabber and 10% information

  7. Jonathan Slaughter

    Love Darius. The thing about don’t hear people talking about is if we’re going through an Industrial Revolution (petro to electrons) and we are currently in the phase where productivity is in decline due to new tech coming online at what point will productivity start up ticking as we start replacing old tech. Imo, that is the recession people are spotting and I think new tech is coming online way faster than people think. Ramblings of a mad man here.

  8. ThePredatherion

    Imagine arguing that technological breakthroughs and development are entirely a function of monetary policy and that that is now 'over' lol. This guy is in for an absolutely brutal wake-up call when deflation hits and the fed pivots faster than you can say 'AI'

  9. Fight or Die Boxing

    These guys are great. Anthony always ask the right questions. I’m all about following these two advice. This is not the time to long term invest. Better buying opportunities are coming.

  10. Bill Mc

    All these people here saying that Darius has been wrong, are wrong. If you go back to earlier in the year and and listen to to what he said, he said the first half of the year will be Goldilocks, the 2nd half is when the cracks start to appear.

  11. Drock

    Darius has been wrong all year. He laughed at the idea of assets going up in 2023. Why aren't you holding him accountable Pomp?

  12. otrovavongomas

    Summary : Inflation will outprice consumers, invest in service based products with more than 10 years of existence , buy property or land. This is the long term view… inflation is here to stay, according to them only government will be able to change it (they created it). Buy land in the middle of nowhere OWN something. The value for your money will go to S H I T.

  13. Aslii

    Starting to worry the fed or whoever is aiming the recession for the btc halving trying to make everyone who talks about the 4 year cycle look full of it. Knowing btc shines during times like that but still..

  14. KT

    Lol. We r in recession since 2022. Wtf.

  15. Mr. Q

    Darius is a Top Dog.

  16. Dennis Kwon

    Summary: Late 2023, early 2024

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