Investigation by DOJ and SEC Launched on Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Individually

by | Apr 25, 2023 | Bank Failures | 35 comments

Investigation by DOJ and SEC Launched on Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Individually

Sources told ABC News that the FBI will be looking into whether any of Silicon Valley’s senior leadership got unusual bonuses or sold stocks in the days leading up to the bank’s collapse.



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The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have launched separate investigations into the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, which occurred in March of this year.

According to reports, the DOJ’s probe will investigate possible fraud or other criminal conduct related to the bank’s failure, while the SEC’s investigation will focus on potential securities law violations.

Silicon Valley Bank, which primarily provided banking and financial services to startups and venture capital firms, had been under financial strain for some time before its collapse. The bank’s troubles were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact, which led to a sharp increase in loan defaults and a decline in the value of its loan portfolio.

The investigations come as concerns grow over the stability of the financial system in Silicon Valley, which has long been fueled by venture capital and other forms of investment. The collapse of a prominent player like Silicon Valley Bank could have significant ripple effects throughout the tech industry, potentially leading to a tightening of credit and a slowdown in innovation.

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The investigations are also likely to have broader implications for the financial industry as a whole, as regulators grapple with how to prevent similar failures in the future. The DOJ and SEC are expected to take a close look at regulatory oversight of the banking sector, as well as the role of auditors and other outside parties in monitoring the financial health of banks and other financial institutions.

It remains unclear at this point what the outcome of the investigations will be, or how long they will take to complete. However, the probes represent a significant development in the ongoing debate over the role of regulation in the tech industry and the broader financial system. As the investigations continue, it is likely that we will see further scrutiny of the banking sector and a renewed focus on preventing similar failures in the future.

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  1. Marilyn Folz

    Hahahahahaha. The rule of thumb for ABC. Blame Trump. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  2. Azzh0e32 32

    America is built by fraud

  3. Good Comments

    Kevin McClown & CONs has NO plans to put safety back in RailRoads, No border funds & No bank regulators back in small banks.

  4. M Something

    DoJ, SEC, FBI, IRS, EPA, FTC, IRS, and FCC are all being sent in to sanitize the site and any evidence Biden and the DNC might not want exposed,…

  5. XOXO343

    We urge people from SVB to switch to pre paid cards.

  6. alfonso payra

    so disgusting, this baldy saying all those lies when he sold all stocks before hand. He went from x to x + millions of dollars while the rest went off and everything broke… Please DOJ hold him accountable.

  7. occamselectricrazor

    you have to pay off the right politicians to get bailed out

  8. Tomasz Walenciuk

    W kwietniu padną następne banki

  9. Michael Mike

    Being able to provide all my needs without the help of the Government is really a dream come through and I’m getting $50,000 returns from my 10k investment

  10. mj b

    If svb was so poorly manage why SEC and justice departament did not notice that before. It should be seen on its financial statements.

  11. Aloha Brah

    Instead of detecting warning signs before the collapse of this bank government is pointing fingers at the bank and now Trump? That's bs. Where's prevention measures?

  12. Jennifer Lynn Calogero

    How do you know if it was cyber attacks or not with slamming and hositle take overs from smaller countries forced by enemies thru emails upon doing the opposite of what was or was not supposed to be done? I know for a fact that high ranking officials all across International Countries and the Pentagon can figure out my code talking communication skills. It's not to hard to figure out!

  13. khon

    what about the meme stocks like amc, gme, bb etc.why not look into the synthetics, naked short, ftd's etc…forgot we're not an exception

  14. DeiselPrime@69

    You stupid shits all across the board,. Isnt it apparent the only statement they would have to say is every mofo wants ti**ies in their face instead of silicon in the mass… For the love of god already…. Isnt that priceless????,,,. If i was them and that was the reason then give to them what i have because that in which i just said is priceless… And here is why

    Mr Trumpp whether you knew or not, i figured if she told you that was her choice,. But when you were gone in the eighties because of reagan asked this of you… Only him, ive and i are going to know that answer… But on a technicality,. I ivee has known ,me as long as you have known , madam stapleton… There are reasons for that, and when i feel EVER uncomfortable about even talking about my lifetime emotions for her,. Something you have given way to correctly… You have two Po in your last name mofo… And just as reagan figured mofo… Ok I actually need to clarify a couple of things because of a technicality,. Which puts me in a spot i dont care for, but……. Commander Trumpp please inform ,madam stapleton via her 8000 brothers at the same time…. Since i do kinda know a smidgin of professor Trumpp,. Heh via,. Gm,post,kellogg,… Where urkeloos back in the eighties, mofo was part of a nutritional balanced breakfast and justice thomas knows that and it was also fortified minerals and vitamins…

    Justice Thomas, hey enjoy this one,. Hey mofo this one on ,e watch this…hehheh…shhhhh

    Hey mr trumpp tou seem to be in charge of some kinda tpu have postgm Kellogg, oh that right some kinda ficking tucan red effin bird fruit loops i think they call it???…

    When the fruitloops of today arent EVEN part of a nutritional,. Nutritional nada… Its just a balanced breakfast…

    Urkeloos is part of a nutritional balanced breakfast… So me trumpp ,the current mrs Trumpp knows i want nutritional balanced real Cleavage in my face and healthy cleavage only,. And tou supporting a synthetic balanced tucan????… Do you have anything to say for yourself mr Trumpp>??? You woman is waiting mr…..

    Since i had to alan greenspan proof myself mr trumpp,. Well the problem i can see os that state probably doesnt have an in state vaulted bank to bank within the state which didnt use to be like that… So there is suppost to be a within each of all 50 states ability to keep the state within hardancy times. So the state budgets of each wont meet the backrupcy thing, in which a chapter 13 restructuring is i thought required of Franklin D Roosevelt, in which he is the democratic college receipant for four presidential terms and the hard sloid 4.53 specs during f.d.r years were to stay in place, in which savings account was to stay at 3percent rate of return and NEVER EVER below that…ever. sp since the prime is above that the rwagan equation, backs f.d.r. requirement, because of a technicality…

  15. joachimlindback

    Exactly why did the regulators shut down Signature? Beacuse Sen Warren dont like Bitcoin?

  16. Dorian Gray

    CA Gov Gavin Newsom has accounts at SVB. Joe Biden saved a lot of his millionaire donors this day. So much for taxing the rich and then negating the tax by bailing them out. Thanks Joe.

  17. blitz

    they are too big to fail just bail them out

  18. Donald Price

    Ahh, how about the insider traders in Congress? Great place to start..

  19. Terrance Cloverfield

    Don't need an assessment on bank failure. Need to know why Biden bailed out the 1% in front of the entire nation. We already know why it failed.

  20. jeff Rodgers

    Ahh truth hurt? I mean it has nothing to do with high interest rates, fed rake hikes from record inflation caused by bidens uncontrollable spending yeah its all just trumps fault. See how dumb you sheeple sound.

  21. Chicago Gal

    Silicon Valley Bank didn’t have a risk assessment chief for 9 months as it focused on WOKE diversity policies

  22. Jeff Burger

    What about Hunter Biden?

  23. bsrcat1

    It's really easy you roll back the Trump BS deregulations. People need to understand that everything that man touched is doomed. Every decision made was to enrich the rich and not for the betterment of any industry or the nation and definitely not for the people.
    Besides the doj needs to be focused. They haven't been doing their job for two damn years. If I ever commit murder I want them to investigate me.

  24. doug collins

    How was it trump fault?

  25. الله بكل شيء عليم

    تعلن الامة الاملامية
    الولاية لله الحق
    ونعلن الولايةوالمبايعة لدولة روسيا الاتحادية المسلمة
    على كتاب الله وسنة نبيه وعلى الايمان بالله ومعادة من يعادي الاسلام واهله وعلماءالاسلام ودعاة الحق من ال سعود الدواعش وامريكاواذانابها من اكرورانياوجميع من حارب الاسلام واهله ودمرالدول الاسلاميه وحكم بغيرحكم الله
    لااله الاالله محمد رسول الله
    دولة روسياالاسلامية على الحق ومؤمنين بالله ويجاهدون في الله حق جهاده وينصرون الله ورسوله

  26. Zeke

    They investigate Democrats, they never prosecute Democrats

  27. Chris Perry

    Can't keep blaming Trump when the dumbocrats had control for 2 whole years. Blaming Trump just doesn't cut it. The left owns all these failures. Not Blaming others for their mistakes

  28. Jerry Naylor

    The sec needs to stick to its own conference.

  29. Binky The Goddess Divine

    The Feds are going to crawl up their a**es with a Hubble telescope.

  30. Rodney Eads

    Pull your money out now

  31. Michael Baker

    Uh oh insider trading is a vicious circle. Circles back around to Goldman and JP

  32. Auntie Pha

    Daily Reminder : “That’s the last four years. We are all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn’t really an upside to Trump.” – Tucker Carlson Fox News

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