Investing in 2023: NS Partners’ Investment Philosophy and Process for International Investors

by | Jun 6, 2023 | Invest During Inflation

Investing in 2023: NS Partners’ Investment Philosophy and Process for International Investors

Michael Mortimore, Principal at NS Partners Ltd, discusses how his firm uses macro, country and liquidity analysis alongside an Economic Value Added approach and Behavioural Psychology in managing the Nedgroup Investments Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund.

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As the global economy continues to evolve and expand, international investors have become a significant force in the investment world. These investors come from various countries and bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge that can benefit many different types of investors.

One such example is NS Partners, a London-based investment management firm that specializes in emerging markets. NS Partners’ investment philosophy centers on the belief that the most successful investment strategies are those that are based on fundamental analysis and a long-term perspective.

This approach involves taking a deep dive into companies and markets, evaluating the fundamentals and underlying factors that drive their growth and sustainability. This analysis can help NS Partners to identify investment opportunities that may be overlooked by others, as well as to mitigate risks through a thorough understanding of potential threats.

NS Partners also puts a significant emphasis on sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in its investment decision-making process. This allows the firm to identify companies with strong long-term growth prospects that are aligned with the values of its investors.

Looking ahead to 2023, NS Partners plans to continue to focus on emerging markets, where it believes there are significant growth opportunities. This focus will be supported by its core investment philosophy of fundamental analysis and a long-term perspective, as well as its commitment to sustainability and ESG factors.

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To achieve these goals, NS Partners will stay up-to-date on industry trends, economic indicators, geopolitical developments, and other factors that can impact the investments. The firm will also continue to monitor and adjust its investment strategies as needed to ensure that they remain aligned with the needs and goals of its investors.

In conclusion, international investors like NS Partners play an important role in the investment world, bringing diverse perspectives and expertise to the table. By adhering to a solid investment philosophy centered on fundamental analysis, long-term perspective, and ESG considerations, they can identify opportunities and mitigate risks for their clients. Looking ahead to 2023, NS Partners plans to stay the course, focusing on emerging markets and offering the high-quality investment management services that its clients have come to expect.

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