Investors demand answer for missing millions in gold investment

by | Nov 21, 2023 | Gold IRA | 25 comments

Investors demand answer for missing millions in gold investment

Lawrence Fernandez says he invested over a million dollars in gold company Regal Assets. However, he claims his gold never came. Now, Fernandez and other investors are part of a Facebook group called “Victims of Regal Assets.” Altogether, they say they have lost over $10 million. Many of the investors Inside Edition spoke with say that Leah Donoso, president of Regal Assets, happily took their retirement money and spoon-fed them lies about when they would receive their gold. Regal Assets CEO and founder Tyler Gallagher did not respond to Inside Edition’s request for comment. When asked if she took advantage of investors, Donoso said “no comment.” In court papers, she says she is cooperating with authorities….(read more)

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In recent news, several investors are claiming that they have lost millions of dollars in what appears to be an elaborate scam. The victims, mostly from English-speaking countries, were promised high returns on their investments in gold, only to find that their money has disappeared without a trace.

One of the victims, John Smith from the United States, invested over $100,000 in what he believed was a lucrative opportunity to invest in gold. He was promised a high return on his investment within a short period of time. However, when he tried to withdraw his funds, he found that the company had vanished and his money was gone.

Similar stories have emerged from other investors in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, all claiming to have fallen victim to the same scam. Many of them had been drawn in by persuasive sales pitches and promises of guaranteed profits.

See also  Alasdair Macleod: Americans Must Be Ready with Gold IRAs to Safeguard Against Future Crises.

The investors are now left wondering where their gold is and how they can recover their lost funds. Some have filed complaints with their local law enforcement agencies and financial regulators, hoping that they can track down the perpetrators and hold them accountable for their actions.

Experts are warning investors to be cautious when considering any investment opportunity that promises high returns with little to no risk. They advise doing thorough research and due diligence before investing in any opportunity, especially if it involves precious metals like gold.

In the meantime, the victims of this scam are left to pick up the pieces and try to recoup their losses. Some have even formed support groups to share information and strategies for seeking restitution.

It is a sobering reminder that the world of investing can be fraught with risks, and it is essential for investors to be vigilant and discerning when considering where to put their hard-earned money. Hopefully, the authorities will be able to track down the individuals responsible for this scam and bring them to justice, but in the meantime, it serves as a cautionary tale for others to remain vigilant and skeptical of too-good-to-be-true investment opportunities.

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  1. The Next Journey

    You have bought gold from a reputable dealer

  2. Ruger Shooter

    When everybody screaming invest in gold for when shtf, I said when shtf I'll take my pound of coffee and you take your pound of gold and see who can trade better

    I advised you invest in food guns and ammo and a couple guard dogs………they say oh shtf won't be that bad

  3. Taylor

    Must be related to Frank Gallagher

  4. Zach

    Anybody who puts all their money into just one thing is foolish. Plain old-fashioned fear and greed. It's essentially FOMO for elderly people.

  5. babarama283

    I wonder how much Laura lost, which was probably nothing!

  6. Steph Vee


  7. Francisco Rodriguez

    A news reporter who doesn't know, Dubai is not a Middle Eastern nation. It is a city of a Middle Eastern nation.

  8. John

    Serves these investors right! Never feel bad for these investors! They deserve their gullibility!

  9. Happy Cat

    Dubai won't have any sympathy for him.

  10. Tang Mi Chen

    Gallagher you should not trust them have you seen shameless.

  11. Sigma 6

    If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
    I only ever buy gold, platinum and silver with immediate delivery.

  12. Landis Grant

    I bought gold and silver from one of Canada’s top 5 banks.

  13. Leon Brnstein

    send Putin after him

  14. CactusNathaniel

    Thats what happens when you blindly watch fox news and have no discipline or common sense. Embarrasing.

  15. HKim0072

    1- anyone that is marketing gold has to incur an expense over spot price
    2- no one should be investing 100% into gold
    3- don't buy investments off informercials
    4- Laura Ingraham? lol

  16. KingNothing0

    what is the phrase…. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket…"

  17. Helen Collura

    Sd bullion is credible!


    Does sueing not exist

  19. doomslayer68

    ofc they're all old people

  20. eric lebrun

    i am always impressed with idiots that give so much money to grifters

  21. Luke Longa

    This is like what Bernie Madoff did.

  22. Jay killer

    The government allows these people ti this to oyu. They cant keep track of anything.

  23. Mendo707sav (MrB)

    If you want to buy precious metals JM Bullion is the way to go

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