Ira Puspadewi: During Peak Season, I Once Stayed Awake for 27 Hours | A Conversation with Liputan6

by | Oct 16, 2023 | SEP IRA | 2 comments

Liputan6- Ira Puspadewi: Saat Peak Season Saya Pernah Tidak Tidur Selama 27 Jam | Bincang Liputan6

Bincang Liputan6 kali ini menghadirkan Direktur Utama ASDP Ira Puspadewi yang menceritakan pengalaman kerjanya dan inovasi yang dilakukannya selama bekerja di perusahaan BUMN ASDP.

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Irna Gustiawati

Suatmaji S


Ratu Annisaa Suryasumirat

Sheila Octarina

Yoppy Renato
Gempur M Surya

Herman Zakharia

Rio Pangkerego
Reza Rinaldi
Raden Asmoro Katon
Moh Hafiz Aldi
Klana Bela

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Liputan 6 SCTV adalah program berita televisi nasional yang berada di bawah naungan Elang Mahkota Teknologi (Emtek) Group. Liputan 6 SCTV juga menyajikan informasi dalam bentuk live report dan breaking news. Tayang siaran langsung, setiap hari di saluran tv SCTV pada program Liputan 6 Pagi, Liputan 6 Siang, Liputan 6 Petang Terkini, dan Liputan 6 Malam.

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Ira Puspadewi: When I Didn’t Sleep for 27 Hours During Peak Season | Liputan6 Interview

Working in the media industry often requires individuals to go above and beyond their limits to deliver news and stories to the public. Ira Puspadewi, a renowned journalist and news anchor, recently shared her experience of not sleeping for 27 hours during the peak season in an exclusive interview with Liputan6.

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As a seasoned professional, Ira has tackled countless challenging situations throughout her career. However, the demands of the peak season proved to be particularly daunting. Juggling multiple assignments, late-night deadlines, and constant pressure to deliver accurate and timely news, Ira found herself sacrificing sleep to meet the demands of her profession.

In the interview, Ira revealed that her lack of sleep during peak season was not a one-time occurrence but rather a common scenario she faced year after year. She explained that the high intensity of the news industry, coupled with the need for constant availability and quick turnarounds, often forced her to prioritize work over rest.

“The peak season is when news events unfold rapidly, and there is a surge in viewership. This puts immense pressure on journalists to cover all the stories while maintaining high standards,” Ira explained. “As a news anchor, I need to stay updated, prepare for live shows, and analyze the news from various perspectives. Sometimes, sleep becomes a luxury that has to be sacrificed.”

While it may seem concerning for someone to operate without proper sleep, Ira assured that she and her colleagues take necessary precautions to manage this demanding lifestyle. She emphasized the importance of self-care and collaboration within the newsroom to ensure the well-being of journalists during peak season.

“I always remind myself and my colleagues about the importance of self-care. We monitor our health closely and support each other during challenging times,” Ira shared. “The newsroom becomes our second home, and we rely on teamwork and a strong support system to get through the demanding periods.”

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Though Ira acknowledged the toll lack of sleep takes on her body and mind, she remains passionate about her profession. Her dedication to journalism and determination to present accurate news to the public are what keep her going, despite the sacrifices she has to make during peak season.

“I love what I do, and this passion and drive surpass any fatigue or exhaustion I may face. Being able to provide news and information to the audience is a responsibility I take seriously,” Ira stated. “Even during peak season, when sleep seems impossible, I am motivated by the impact our work has on society.”

Ira Puspadewi’s experience sheds light on the demanding realities faced by journalists, particularly during peak seasons. Their commitment to delivering news, often at the expense of their well-being, highlights their dedication to keeping the public informed and empowered.

As viewers, it is crucial to recognize and appreciate the efforts of journalists like Ira, who work tirelessly to ensure we are abreast of events and news developments. Behind their passionate delivery lies a world of sacrifices and challenges that often go unnoticed.

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