Iran's Revolt Intensifies

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 40 comments

Iran's Revolt Intensifies

Iranians continue to revolt as more cities joined the fight by going on strike in December. More than 18,000 protestors have been arrested and two young men have already been executed. Many fear more executions will come.

Image by Middle East Images/Iranwire

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  1. King Nevermore

    Protesters are tеггогists

  2. skeleguns 10,ooo,ooo

    I have considered the possibility of Iran going to Civil War

  3. Hassan J

    You are terrible human beings most of you. You want revolution for Iran.
    But you do not mention to the iranis about, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, yemen.
    Its basicly barbaric society of evil, with no hope or any future.
    You are evil humans beings, ask the Iraqis, egyptians, syrians, lybians, afghans if they regret.
    They all regret. Nothing is perfect but to push for change peacefully is better then destroying the nation.
    Once again most of you are eveil beings, that have a platform trough media. If it wernt no media
    you would be treated as psycho in your communities, and thats what you are.
    So what about those in the countyr who support the regime? its a majority, or it would be in power.
    Have you counted their votes? or they have no say?

  4. SelatanSkateMusic

    Reinstate constitutional monarchy.

    Problem solve

  5. Ezra

    Their Zoroastrian ancestors, who were conquered and colonized by Arab Muslim invaders, are cheering for them. Free Iran.

  6. Smoked Pork Ribs

    Islam was forced on the people of Iran by the Rashidun Caliphate and now they are puking out what was force-fed to them.

  7. CoreyIsTheName

    It's going to be awesome to get Iran back into the global community someday. Hopefully soon. Beautiful, intelligent, historic people are currently trapped under the 800 year old sandal of some theocratic nonsense, but they'll fight their way back into freedom and the beautiful land they call home can once again thrive and determine its own path and future.

  8. The Truth

    the military personal in Iran should coup and revolt against the tyranny of their leaders, and support their brothers citizens. That is the only way to get rid of this controlling Mafia of their leaders, and and in doing so the all nation will enjoy freedom and democracy in to Iran. God bless Iran

  9. MMiqiA

    One wrong will never make the other wrong right . Overhaul of the regime has been a US wish son 79 and I hope it never happens. Although I can never support what is happening and I trust the government will evolve and improve. Current government is messing up the situation.

  10. mmd

    Religion is said to be true to the masses, false to the wise and useful to the rulers. This bunch in charge in Iran are pure ignorant and brutal to extreme. Until there is a serious split in the ignorant idle layer in the Iranian society, i.e. the clergy, there is no way to defeat them. The split within the mullahs camp is needed to act as catalyst for the people revolt to succeed. Power to the people.

  11. impossible

    i live in isfahan.
    sorry if i cant speaking english well
    we need help.
    islamic republic its not iran
    we want freedom. please help us.
    thank you from true information about iran.

  12. Dio Hitora


    Who fucking cares. Know your place.

  13. antonio ramirez

    As a Mexican-American I support the Iranian people with protesting against their government. I have many Iranian friends and I feel and stand by them.
    Much I’ve and support from San Diego, CA.

  14. 翔

    Are women cursed or dead if they show their hair?
    This is ridiculous cult

  15. Sam A

    As an Iranian living in Canada for 30 years, this filthy terrorist government has to go, but governments around the world, even those you may think are sternly against the regime, have more to gain with the Islamic regime in power in that region than removed from power.
    Most people are not aware of the hypocritical secret agendas most global governments and powers that are have which makes them not want to necessarily seek the removal of this regime despite the double-talk/double-speak

  16. massimo cecchi

    Con i girotondi non si vincono le battaglie. Resistenza armata!

  17. massimo cecchi

    Armatevi e cacciate via gli oppressori!

  18. Edgar Reyes

    At this point I'd just go home and call it a day

  19. Esteemed Yams

    Why aren't we getting anymore news of this? What's going on?

  20. Adib

    Thank you for showing the real situation in Iran.

  21. Tanvir Alam

    so finally iran will be another libya,syria,iraq.Foolish people don,t understand what they are doing

  22. TiHAN 65

    Very nice job i support irani army.

  23. Alexa Bella Muerte

    It’s better to die fighting than to live without dignity my ❤is with them

  24. Kurdo

    KURDS are giving the MAXIMUM SACRIFICE and effort for this revolution

  25. V

    In case anyone's in need of some levity, I stared at the screen at 1:23 thinking that was a very unusual Iranian name. Took me way too long to realize

  26. Rudy P

    Hancurkan pemerintahan zalim,,

  27. Angie Sadeghi MD

    Love my brave people in Iran who are fighting for our freedom
    No Islamic Republic. Yes to peace and love

  28. Dominick Destine

    … and now all the terrorists have been executed. Starting an uprising in Iran? lmao. Nice plan, fefs.

  29. Mike

    There are real feminists in Iran.

  30. Roman Baygildin

    Jin, Jîyan, Azadî! Free Iran, Belarus and Russia from dictatorship!

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