IRS “Legally Avoid Paying Taxes Forever”

by | Feb 27, 2024 | Spousal IRA | 32 comments

IRS “Legally Avoid Paying Taxes Forever”

File your taxes for FREE with FreeTaxUSA here:

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Some legal stuff or whateva

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REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA

Are you tired of paying taxes every year and feeling like you never get ahead financially? Well, there may be a solution for you – the IRS “You’ll NEVER Need to Pay Taxes Again… Legally” program.

This program, offered by the IRS, allows individuals to legally reduce or eliminate their tax obligations through a variety of strategies and techniques. While it may sound too good to be true, it is important to understand that these strategies are completely legal and approved by the IRS.

One of the key aspects of the program is understanding and taking advantage of all the tax credits and deductions available to you. This includes things like education credits, child care expenses, and charitable donations. By maximizing these deductions, you can significantly reduce your tax liability.

Another important strategy is to invest in tax-deferred accounts, such as retirement accounts or health savings accounts. By putting money into these accounts, you can lower your taxable income and pay less in taxes.

Additionally, the program teaches individuals how to structure their business or investments in a way that minimizes taxes. This could involve setting up a corporation or partnership, taking advantage of tax breaks for certain industries, or investing in tax-exempt bonds.

While the IRS “You’ll NEVER Need to Pay Taxes Again… Legally” program may sound like a dream come true, it is important to note that it requires careful planning and adherence to tax laws. It is not a quick fix or a loophole to avoid paying taxes altogether. Instead, it is a systematic approach to reducing your tax burden over time.

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If you are interested in learning more about the program, you can contact the IRS or a tax professional for guidance. Remember, paying taxes is a necessary part of being a responsible citizen, but it doesn’t have to be a financial burden. With the right strategies and guidance, you can take control of your tax situation and potentially reduce or eliminate your tax obligations legally.

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  1. @ryanpetree6475

    So taxes are to keep us poor ppl from getting any assets and getting out of paying taxes, got it!

  2. @user-vb1ee4fz8t

    I don't mind paying taxes, but if you can't afford to pay taxes it's like being stabbed in the back for working honest labor and reporting it. I literally have no respect for the feds having been promised a free education and path to a good life with my enlistment into the Army, which turned out to be false, and only got abusive experiences from my time in. And to have to pay a 1k or 5k tax bill when you're just getting by on poverty wages, under 25k a year, while a billionaire just sits around and flies to paradise islands on private jets on tax dollar money, it's like to me, the feds are working for the best interests of Satan.

  3. @PassionPodcasts

    like u or i but im not a peasant

  4. @PassionPodcasts

    the government is corrupt, not the rich (per se, in this regard)

  5. @hardychip3736

    With all your reading & research, where did you find that you legally have to pay these taxes?

  6. @XtoriezNovel

    Land Patents:

    “Government is guilty of stealing homes by red tagging houses and the surrounding properties. One home found an innovative way to bring water into their home and was quickly red tagged. Another wanted to build an addition to the south side of their home and got the approval from the junior county inspector and began construction, until the senior county inspector arrived and told them they could only build to the north. The problem was, they lived on the edge of a hill. Now they have two bedrooms that are ten feet wide with twenty-five foot ceilings. This could have all been avoided with Land Patents!

    In 1871, the Congress of the United States of America passed the Land Patent Act. This allows citizens to have complete sovereignty over their land. Complete Sovereignty! This is an absolute title to your land!

    Land Patents are already in place for you. All you have to do is declare publicly that the land is yours. First, you apply for a certificate from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for a couple of dollars. Next, you write a short, detailed description of your land (trees, dirt, hills, etc.) including a brief description of your house and belongings (which must be declared as ‘Homestead’). In other words, a Land Patent is for the land and a Homestead is for the house. After the descriptions have been written, you must run them, along with your certificate number, in the local newspaper three times consecutively. This ad will give anyone time to challenge your claim to the land. If no one does, you get a signed statement from the newspaper and file your claim with the city or county recorder in your area— and the land is yours! However, be very cautious about allowing such things as an easement, or the like, to the government because this could call into question your rights to the land and void the Land Patent.

    What does all of this mean? It means that you can build a house shaped like an ice cream cone if you so desire without government harassing you with building codes or zoning ordinances. Currently, when you pay property tax you are “renting” from the government and allowing them to become your landlord. They can dictate how you live!”

    –We also need to repeal the 16th Amendment. It is unconstitutional. The Constitution is designed to restrict the government and give power to the people. The 16th Amendment concerning income tax does neither!

  7. @peterpokemon9777

    How can property depreciate and go up at the same time?

  8. @Sudas80

    Yeah I'll tell you how they are getting around it. It's called the CONSTITUTION… specifically Article I, Section 9.
    The feds should NOT be taxing income. They are only allowed to tax commodities. To tax your income directly violates Article I, Section 9 of the US Constitution. The real question is who are the small group of UNELECTED people that originally wrote up the Federal Reserve Act (which is NOT Federally controlled, they are as Federal as FedEx)? This small group of bank owners, CEO's have been running America every since and for some reason only the rich and famous are allowed to fight back.

  9. @elliottharris9015

    Why do we have pay taxes when the government can print money, via federal reserve?!

  10. @tbunny6305

    Evil people created capitalism and communism and they shit on you each way

  11. @JaredaSohn

    Perhaps I am mistaken, but as I remember it you have State Taxes (for most states) that don't make a distinction between capital gains (Long or Short-term) and income. In other words: Whereas federally if you make under the ~$44,000 threshold on Long-term you'll pay the federal government 0%, on the individual state level you will still be required to pay whatever % of tax is required by your state for their individual "income" tax (again most don't make a distinction between capital gains [Long or Short-term] and other income). So for tip number 4 it is important to remember that whereas federally you may not be taxed for Long-term capital gains under ~$44,000, your state tax will likely be different.

  12. @Negative_Discharge

    Ive been told by a tax professional that you cant write off your work from home office anymore?

  13. @ReasonNLogic

    So…step 1, start your own business. Wow, thought this video was for anyone.

  14. @Iamtheman325

    "If you buy things for your business you'll pay less taxes" it works the same way when vloggers blog there meals out ect……

  15. @TroyCenter

    Nobody can afford these options right now.

  16. @TurboLoveTrain

    Fantastic video but some observations:
    When you work a job the "usual tax process" goes like this:
    Your employer withholds your taxes and pays them on your behalf–you get the rest. You never see your "pre tax" paycheck–you only ever see your post tax paycheck… this is 100% done to prevent tax revolts (and it worked).

    Also: Fiat currency is debt based. There is no such thing as "real money"–it's all debt. Your bank account is debt. That dollar bill is a debt voucher. The entire system is debt based and Rich people know this.

  17. @dextercochran4916

    The tax system punishes honest workers.

    Do you want to get up in the morning, go to a job, and get paid for your labor at the end of the day? TAXES. Do you want to get paid in assets, borrow against assets, and tell everyone that your assets are getting older so you should be taxed less for it all so you can say that you were never paid to begin with? NO TAXES.

  18. @ODMSmoke

    I have no phone number and STAY isn’t give me a phone number so I can’t pay taxes

  19. @user-qr4jf4tv2x

    the world is built for the rich

  20. @dredjirbusiness7206

    All the added sound effects made this impossible to watch, fam. Highly annoying and distracting

  21. @noahlobene5384

    where did you find the tax code to download??

  22. @BradleySmith1985

    6:00 With the new lawn packs, it's illegal for any company to charge you to file.. The US government has made that a promise that all e-filing is supposed to be free. So your sponsors lying to you. and as being deceptive, just like all the others..

  23. @ViceCoin

    No income. No taxes.

  24. @ryshask

    step 2, you pay taxes on the income used to pay off the loan, plus the loan interest…

  25. @franceskeith4934

    show us a law that says we have to pay in the first place its all a fraud

  26. @johnja9017

    If I don't have income, I don't pay income taxes. Is this really that complicated to understand?

  27. @malomarsh1990

    Not saving $9000, but saving $9000 in taxable income.

  28. @wozal335

    without even watching 1 minute of this , TAX is Voluntary. .

  29. @jakoshin4702

    I’d like to know how you compare someone who works and earns $40,000 and pays $8000 in takes versus someone with an investment portfolio large enough to withdraw $40,000 from each year without working.

  30. @brienmcchesney3548

    Nobody likes taxes. Everyone benefits from government programs. It’s messed up that billionaires can use these loopholes to not pay any taxes.

  31. @user-vw3ci6ig2b


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