Is a Major Recession Just 2 Months Away? Insights from Gundlach

by | Aug 5, 2023 | Recession News | 19 comments

Is a Major Recession Just 2 Months Away? Insights from Gundlach

Welcome to the Everything Money video, where we discuss all things related to finance, money, and investing. In this episode, we’ll be talking about a dire warning from renowned investor Jeremy Gundlach. According to Gundlach, we are only two months away from a major recession, and in this video, we’ll explore the reasons why he believes this to be the case.

First, we’ll take a look at the current state of the economy and examine the key indicators that Gundlach is pointing to as evidence of an impending recession. We’ll also discuss the potential impact on jobs, housing, and the stock market, and what this could mean for investors.

Next, we’ll dive into Gundlach’s predictions for the future and his recommendations for how investors should prepare for what’s to come. We’ll explore different strategies and investment options that could help to mitigate the impact of a recession and potentially even generate positive returns in challenging times.

Finally, we’ll wrap up the episode with a discussion of how individuals can stay informed and up-to-date on the latest economic news and trends, and the importance of being proactive in managing your finances and investments.

So, if you’re concerned about the possibility of a major recession and want to learn more about what you can do to protect your financial future, you’re gonna want to watch the reaction video above!

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–Video Editing by Justin Nelson–…(read more)

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“We are 2 months away from a MAJOR RECESSION?!?” – Gundlach

Renowned investor Jeffrey Gundlach’s recent remark about an impending major recession has garnered significant attention in financial circles. As the founder and CEO of DoubleLine Capital, Gundlach is highly regarded for his accurate predictions and bold statements. His latest warning about an upcoming economic downturn has ignited concerns among investors and analysts alike.

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Gundlach’s prediction is based on various economic indicators, including the inverted yield curve, geopolitical tensions, and mounting debt levels. He has often emphasized the yield curve as a powerful predictor of economic recessions. An inverted yield curve occurs when short-term bond yields surpass long-term bond yields, usually indicating investors’ concerns about future economic growth.

One key factor fueling Gundlach’s recession concerns is the current state of the bond market. When investors lose confidence in the economy, they turn to government bonds, driving bond yields lower. Consequently, this leads to an inverted yield curve. Gundlach argues that the current record-low bond yields reflect investors’ worries about a potential downturn.

Furthermore, geopolitical tensions, particularly the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, have created significant uncertainty in global markets. Trade disputes often result in decreased international commerce and disrupted supply chains, potentially causing economic slowdowns worldwide. Gundlach believes that this geopolitical uncertainty adds fuel to the already shaky economic situation.

Another factor adding to Gundlach’s worries is the mounting levels of global debt. Governments, corporations, and individuals have increasingly taken on more debt, making them vulnerable to economic shocks. A sudden economic downturn could render many unable to service their debts, worsening the situation further.

Moreover, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through the global economy. Businesses have faced lockdowns, supply chain disruptions, and changes in consumer behavior. While some regions have started to recover, others are still grappling with the virus, leading to uncertain economic forecasts.

However, it is important to note that not all economists share Gundlach’s pessimistic view. Some argue that the unprecedented levels of government stimulus injected into economies worldwide may be able to mitigate the effects of a recession. These stimulus packages aim to provide relief to individuals, businesses, and markets, potentially boosting demand and economic growth.

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In addition, central banks have implemented measures such as lowering interest rates and providing liquidity to maintain stability. Such actions can provide support during times of economic distress.

As the global economy navigates these uncertain times, it is crucial for investors and individuals to consider the diverse opinions of experts like Gundlach. While his warning of a major recession is worrisome, it is equally important to evaluate the broader economic context in which such predictions are made.

Ultimately, the future remains uncertain, and whether we will see a major recession in the next two months or not is unclear. However, Gundlach’s remarks have sparked a conversation around the current state of the economy and encouraged individuals and businesses to consider their financial strategies in preparation for potential economic headwinds.

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  1. Sam Fitts

    you’re a wanna be jim cramer. compare your track record with his it’s that simple

  2. Norel Farjun

    Only for me the video plays with lags and jumps?

  3. Tada

    Every month it’s 2 months away

  4. KDOT

    No offense to him but he looks like he has an extra chromosome

  5. David –

    Thanks for the vid BUT calling people dumb here and there and saying condescending things like "he looks better here" is not charming – it's quite annoying bullying behavior. To my ears, it doesn't sound professional or "smart" for that matter.

  6. Rodrigo Hernandez

    Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $589k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.

  7. Teacher Russell

    I've thought Clint Howard before, too, but sometimes he looks like Elon Musk spliced with a hobo.

  8. Bob Skarda

    9:07 what do you have to say about the price gouging of eggs? what should the government do about big eggs higher profit margins?

  9. Jatin

    India and China are the coming super power.

  10. Anonymous

    They also increase rates so people go into bond market they need bonds winning the inflation or the house of cars will need to do roll over of the debt forever

  11. Kelvin page

    It's no longer a story that the world is
    experiencing a global economic downturn, I'm so happy that I've been receiving $64,000 from my $15,000 investment every 8 days

  12. Butterfly

    Jeffrey Gundlach is one of the most intelligent people they interview on CNBC. He is known as "The Bond King" because his bond funds in his heyday outperformed the S&P for several years. He is widely respected for his knowledge of the bond market. In case you didn't know Paul the bond market is ten times bigger than the stock market and dictates how the stock market acts. It's quite unbecoming of you to be insulting of such an intelligent and successful individual and makes you look a bit small (figuratively speaking of course). I hope this isn't becoming a trend with you. I do value your opinions, but I think I value Jeffrey's opinion a bit more and the disrespect given to him really turns me off.

  13. Richard and Gloria Sullivan

    I don't understand why the hell you're beating up Gundlach. He's just laying out the future of the economic conditions. You have to read between his comments as to what he's not saying. The man is a fricking genius!
    You don't get it that he's telling us to invest in companies with little to no debt because credit is going to get damn tight and more expensive. C'mon Paul, you're a smart man, expand your thoughts!

  14. Jacob Babinec

    Sounds like the short sellers are getting scared

  15. Rocca Grinn

    Stocks are falling and bond yields are rising, but markets still don’t seem convinced the Federal Reserve will pursue plans to keep increasing interest rates until inflation is under control. I'm still at a crossroad deciding if to liquidate my $138k stock portfolio. What’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

  16. YouTube Sucks

    Jeffrey Gundlach.

    For your title.

  17. Keith Lemm

    Why is everyone an idiot except Pual? really sick of this channel

  18. Edward Gilmartin

    His fund Double line is all bonds no stocks . His returns hinge on interest rate direction

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