Is America Following in Rome’s Footsteps? – Predicting a Recession, WW3, Trump, China & Joe Rogan | Analysis by Patrick Bet David

by | Apr 13, 2024 | Recession News | 26 comments

Is America Following in Rome’s Footsteps? – Predicting a Recession, WW3, Trump, China & Joe Rogan | Analysis by Patrick Bet David

In recent years, there has been a growing concern that America may be on a path towards collapse, much like the Roman Empire. With a combination of economic challenges, political turmoil, and global tensions, many experts fear that the United States could be heading towards a downward spiral.

One of the primary concerns facing America is the looming threat of an upcoming recession. With growing levels of debt and a volatile stock market, many economists predict that a recession is inevitable. A recession could have devastating effects on the American economy, leading to widespread job losses, decreased consumer spending, and a decline in overall living standards.

Adding to the economic uncertainty is the ongoing trade war with China. The Trump administration’s aggressive approach to trade negotiations has led to retaliatory tariffs and heightened tensions between the two countries. If the trade war continues to escalate, it could have severe repercussions for American businesses and consumers.

In addition to economic concerns, there are also fears of a potential World War 3. With growing conflicts in the Middle East, tensions with Russia, and the rise of authoritarian regimes around the world, the possibility of a global conflict is becoming increasingly real. A world war would have catastrophic consequences for all countries involved, including the United States.

The political landscape in America is also causing alarm among many observers. The Trump administration has been plagued by controversy, with ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election and allegations of obstruction of justice. The upcoming 2020 presidential election is also shaping up to be highly contentious, with a divided electorate and a wide field of candidates.

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One of the more surprising voices commenting on the state of America is Joe Rogan, a popular podcaster and comedian. Rogan has been vocal about his concerns regarding the future of the country, highlighting issues such as income inequality, climate change, and political polarization. His commentary has resonated with many Americans who feel disillusioned with the current state of affairs.

Overall, the parallels between America and Rome are striking. Like the Roman Empire, America is facing economic challenges, political turmoil, and global threats. While it remains to be seen whether America will ultimately collapse like Rome, it is clear that the country is at a critical juncture. Only time will tell whether America can overcome its challenges and emerge stronger than ever, or whether it will succumb to the same fate as the once-great Roman Empire.

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  1. @denizen9268

    America is not collapsing, the lack of America is causing this country to collapse. If we went back to American values, it wouldn't collapse.

  2. @michaelkim2147

    idiots are TRYING to take over.

  3. @enriqueruiz66

    Very interesting as always.
    I like to comment that money is created exclusively from debt and central bank authorize banks to multiply the original debt to gain interest.
    Money printing and its multiplication, even QE is not the problem. The problem is when the money do not go to production and brakes the equilibrium, and even this has its natural evolution in normal cycles with low impacts.
    If the equilibrium and the cycles are not respect, then the big opportunity goes for wealth liquid capitals in detriment of people, then gets estable again and start a new cycle.
    It become a game of timing and opportunities, following the laws of evolution (technologies) and adapt, especially for people that are informed and do not think as employees.

  4. @gooe9561

    People can't fix the problems that people create because people are the problem.

  5. @sunminerenergyco4609

    Patrick recruiting hard for the tax cut. Dont think america needs a tax cut with 34 trillion debt.

  6. @mickcrovo5238

    My primary goal is fairness. I am willing to fight for it.

  7. @rebeccawesteren9851

    It is so unfortunate how $ imprints and impresses so many cultures to be, to behave, in a manner, as which competes with the growth and expansion in the next cycle of spiritual growth.

  8. @arielbender6173

    The lack of empathy and ignoring the consiquence on poeples lives and standards of living of decisions made by the ruling class tells me artifical intelligance is now calling the shots and all it see is the numbers

  9. @casino130

    When crime, corporations, and governments merged to form a machine to propel economic growth to create the greatest inequity even seen in history, the result will of course be the greatest chaos ever seen in history, it's simply an unsustainable imbalance between rich and poor. banks laundering money for drug lords and human traffic with real estate globally then no honest person hasn't been front run by crime and corruption, this cannot stand as a mechanism for growth long term, it's a run for an exit in a world dictated by covet means and currency monopolies that have private armies of agencies and contractors to carry out hidden crimes to make them even richer, it's so grossly obvious the housing boom sustained over decades is not born of natural mechanisms, it's a by product of war where crimes go unnoticed more than ever during times of heightened distraction, the case with all wars, and we've been at war since 2002. war is the greatest crime of all, yet somehow it's a legal enterprise worldwide. if you take the drugs, weapons, slavery, endless atrocities, all of these out of the economy, then your left with some teacups, linens, and baskets of bread and fruit, the economy would shudder at losses of up to 80%, and that's what has to happen before we can begin to normalize, the sad thing is the criminal will as usual get to keep all the wealth they stole while everyone else suffers and dies. cultures will be lost, even for the wealthy it will be a dark time, the darkest ever in history, and they will not rest until they devour even themselves for their god now is money.

  10. @Anthony-qi4yv

    Karma is a rounding round entity.

  11. @UnholyByChoice

    I strongly feel America is on its way to a collapse that is purposely being orchestrated by the current administration, and there is a strong possibility that World War Three may happen. This is why I continue to live a monk hermit type of lifestyle so when it all goes down I won't have anything to lose.

  12. @zerosum1290

    ignorant rant, narrow and fanatical, fo mate.

  13. @dacooksbro

    trump is a cheat and he never used his own money.

  14. @snizzypoosexcellentspooner2468

    11:50 look at the depression of 1920-21. They let the markets do its job instead of printing or putting in price controls in place. It lasted less than a year and we were back on our feet. All this quantitative easing has only prolonged the crash and made it much worse.

  15. @danagovil1469

    No new skill sets being learnt by people

  16. @danagovil1469

    India Taiwan USA ALL GOOD countries

  17. @danagovil1469

    Printing money creates deflation as its value declines. How ridiculous are greedycompanies like Blackrock State Street Vanguard etc. How will you live in a world that is burning – what will all that money do??

  18. @user-ju2su4eo2c

    The Chosen Ones understand what we see happening has to happen – See Matt 24: 12-14; 21,22 Rev 7: 9; Daniel 2: 44; However we don't know the exact time the 7TH DAY will END. 1 Corinthians 15: 24,25 – Rev. 21: 1-4 – (THE ENEMY – Ephesians 6: 12)

  19. @FirstLast-rb5zj

    I also don't think people in the west understand just how bad debt is and how much the government has screwed this up. I find it particularly annoying that people don't understand the difference between revenue and net in or out. If you GDP is roughly ~1trillion per year and your debt is also 1trillion that doesn't mean it takes a year to pay it off.

    If you revenue or income is 1trillion you still need to spend most of that on things like bills. When we're looking at the government budget, they can't tax all revenue or all GDP. They would leave everyone with no money to even afford to feed themselves.

    You're often looking at the government budget taking a third to two thirds of GDP. If the latter then you're already likely overtaxing. Most government budgets at this point have a deficit. That's like having bills to pay that cost more than you're earning.

    This means that if your debt is 100% it's not going to take a year to pay off. It's going to probably take decades, perhaps even a century.

    Countries can get away with this when there is ample potential for growth. You can often also invest in growth. The problem is that we're developed countries close to or approaching growth ceilings. My country, the UK has overshot. We're officially and formally over crowded. There is little to no room for growth.

    When borrowing you're often gambling. If you have growth or success potential, for example, you can open up a new store when you own one and double income then borrowing can be a way to expand more rapidly and grow more quickly.

    What happens if you borrow to open a store but there are no more customers because you've already got enough shops to cater to all of them?

    Borrowing often becomes lethal when the growth potential is no longer there because everything has grown already to fill the space. You no longer have a way to in a sense move faster so to over take interest and pay back the loan as soon as possible.

    If you think immigration is an issue in the USA you should see my country. We have ten times less land per person. The government has taken out loans and now has to import many more people to artificially increase the population to attempt to grow enough to pay it back.

    This is a reckless strategy with diminishing returns. We don't have any spare land or resources. Contention is through the roof and we're unable to feed ourselves at this point. This kind of misspending doesn't end well. We're on a path toward not just financial ruin but a complete collapse as a nation.

  20. @Valanor1

    You can be happy with a garden, books and a family. Dont waste ur life chasing vain and fleeting things like a career and money to the detriment of more important things, as it ultimately wont fulfill you. Put it in its right place.

  21. @Valanor1

    I like how he measures success in different ways. Being rich to me isnt practical and important. Rather just being able to provide and raise my sons well. Being a positive influence on people. I hate obsession with money, it isnt everything. So what you have a bigger house and nicer car. Meh. I find heaps of purpose improving my modest house. Being working class and enjoying your life is just as meritorious as being rich. Also caring about social status is meaningless. Power and money arent necessary to a fulfilled life, you can be a great influence in the community without riches. Also dont feel like you have to be the next Billy Graham or Gandhi to be useful and valuable. Being a simple comitted dad is good.

  22. @jianusheng3851

    As Chinese, I can say the guest learns China from west mainstream media… If you see China as your rival, at least go there and do some factchecks, stop being naive and igorant when facing major challenge from another power! BTW, one-child policy was applied in 1980, when China was poorer than India.

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