Is it Advisable to Sell Your 401K or Cash Out Retirement Funds Prior to the Impending Real Estate & Stock Market Crash?

by | Sep 26, 2023 | 401k | 46 comments

Is it Advisable to Sell Your 401K or Cash Out Retirement Funds Prior to the Impending Real Estate & Stock Market Crash?

Should You Sell Your 401K Or Cash Out Retirement Funds Before The Real Estate & Stock Market Crash. None of this is financial advice. this is a discussion for entertainment reasons.

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Should You Sell Your 401(k) or Cash Out Retirement Funds Before the Real Estate & Stock Market Crash?

The financial landscape can be uncertain, with the possibility of market crashes ever looming. As retirement approaches, many individuals wonder if it would be wise to sell their 401(k) or cash out their retirement funds before a potential real estate and stock market crash. While it is tempting to safeguard one’s finances, making such a decision without careful consideration can have long-term consequences. It is crucial to thoroughly understand the potential risks and implications before taking any drastic actions.

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Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that predicting market crashes accurately is nearly impossible. Even the most experienced economists and financial experts seldom get it right. Attempting to time the market is a high-risk strategy that often leads to missed opportunities and lost potential gains. Selling or cashing out retirement funds with the hope of avoiding market crashes can prove to be more detrimental than beneficial.

Retirement accounts, such as a 401(k), are typically designed as long-term investments. The funds they hold are often diversified across multiple asset classes, including stocks, bonds, and real estate. These diversified portfolios are designed to withstand market fluctuations and provide growth over an extended period. Removing funds from these accounts prematurely may mean missing out on potential gains when the market eventually recovers.

Another significant drawback of selling or cashing out retirement funds before a market crash is the tax implications. Generally, early withdrawals from retirement accounts incur penalties and taxes. For instance, cashing out a 401(k) before the age of 59 ½ attracts a 10% early withdrawal penalty and is subject to income tax. Taking such a financial hit should only be considered as a last resort when faced with unforeseen emergencies.

Instead of trying to time the market, a wiser approach is to focus on a long-term investment strategy that factors in market volatility. Diversification and periodic review of investment allocations are key to weathering market downturns. Diversifying a retirement portfolio across different asset classes and international markets can help minimize risks associated with market crashes.

Additionally, maintaining a well-diversified portfolio during turbulent market times allows investors to maximize the potential opportunity for growth during recovery periods. History has shown that markets tend to rebound from downturns, and over time, tend to generate positive returns. Remaining invested throughout these cycles offers the potential for long-term growth and wealth accumulation.

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Moreover, it is crucial to consult with a financial advisor or planner before making any significant financial decisions. They can help provide guidance based on an individual’s specific circumstances and financial goals. An advisor can ensure that a well-defined investment strategy is in place, aligned with the individual’s timeline to retirement, risk tolerance, and long-term aspirations.

In conclusion, both the real estate and stock markets are subject to fluctuations and market crashes. However, attempting to time these events and sell 401(k) or retirement funds before a crash can lead to missed opportunities and potential long-term drawbacks. Instead, a better approach is to adopt a well-diversified investment strategy and maintain a long-term perspective. Seek advice from a financial professional to create a robust plan that can weather market downturns while maximizing potential growth opportunities.

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  1. Deborah Clark

    We experienced the peak of our era, and now it is gone. Recession is tanking everything including 401K. My retirement equities portfolio of $750K is in the reds. I keep losing because of inflation. This world will fall to the corrupt rulers in the same way that Rome did. I'm sorry if you're thinking about retiring and you're worried that your pension won't be enough to meet the rising cost of living. Horrible foreign policies everywhere, bad regulatory policy, bad fiscal policy, and bad energy policy.


    Nobody can become financially successful over night. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals.

  3. Eddie P

    Fast forward a year later…

    Approaching the debt ceiling deadline in less than 2 weeks.

    Anyone near retirement and cashed out their 401k?

  4. StealthyNomadica

    People want someone to tell them what to do because they want certainty and reassurance. I know because I want the same thing. But if someone tells you what to do and it goes badly, you don’t have to be responsible for your own decisions. I would much rather make a bad decision on my own than to have to kick someone else’s ass for making a bad call that I decided to follow. There are lazy followers (sheep) and there are people who do the hard work for themselves and learn how to make good decisions. Also, I feel sad for people who don’t believe in God. THERE is where the deepest wisdom comes from!

  5. Hafez Bd

    Another reason it's less likely to happen that way is that there is already too much demand waiting to absorb that regardless of how everyone is panicking and calling the crash. Nobody was making this prediction in 2008, at least not the general public, as I indicated below. In the other comment, it was mentioned that the ownership rate peaked in 2004. As of today, we are at the median level, having previously peaked in the second quarter of 2020. It decreased by 3% over 4 years, from 2008 to 2012, going from 68 to 65 in the second quarter of 2020.

  6. Raul Caballero

    I had to reinvent my business after 08. One of many contractors watching the grass grow during GFC.

    Iit was a crash course in economics for sure… Pun intended…

  7. Alice Plays Roblox

    I don't trust the professional in the suit I trust the ninja


    I have a state pension fund. I'm 52. I don't think I'm old enough to cash out or I would.

  9. Jeanne Kinland

    It's my understanding that if you do a self directed IRA you lose your tax benefits the minute you take possession of the physical gold. I think the ads are misleading people.

  10. Jeanne Kinland

    I would love to see a video about all the tips and tricks to getting the best deal on buying gold and silver and other precious metals.

  11. RockyTopYoullAlwaysBe

    If you have $100k in your 401k – Can you take out the max $50k 401k loan out and protect it from a market crash? or does your portfolio continue to crash regardless of having it on loan.

  12. N. Grubbs

    I should have cashed out 10 months ago. I’ve lost $30K

  13. Chino Bang 4X known as thugboi chino

    Ok I’m looking for good advice I have 401k in stocks and it’s starting to drop right now should I take it out now or shoot I not this is my first time I’m just starting

  14. S. White III

    Those people were misleading on purpose. they knew the truth though.

  15. Kimi Fia Minor

    Lehman brothers owning Wachovia stolen our house in 2010. No recourse. Dirty dogs

  16. Zachery Hughes

    Lmao, the hair comments made my day

  17. Jeffery's fishing

    I get it, invest in safe heaven assets cos profit level usually drops in these times, but I cant help but read up and watch articles of people that were still able to pull up heavy profit of up to $480k within a few weeks and I'd like to know how they did it.

  18. Free Man

    Wall Street is a club and we are not in it… I love when these billionaires tell us somethings coming

  19. Thomas Devine

    Follow you for the hair!

  20. DMP

    Pulled my annuity before it pissed itself to nothing for another 10-15 years

  21. Ortwein International

    FYI, I JUST got the alert for this video today. 4/22/2022 at 7:32am EST. WTH is Youtube doing?

  22. Rene Rivera

    Man I've lost my ass in real estate investing on the 1sr 2 investments. However, I looked back at the mistakes I made n never made them ever again …I'm not in real estate any more but made some good deals after I lost my ass…right now it's about metals n the mines n soon other emerging markets…but mistakes is part of learning you do not get one without the other's the process of this life…so anyone that has lost ..shake it off , learn from it n keep going forward n never look back… because looking back is not an option.

  23. atc210

    My Ex Wife is getting my 401k, so things can only go up from here. Lol

  24. pdxeddie1111

    well lemme look into my crystal ball so I can divine the future and know when to buy and sell. I'd buy a lambo and deliver pizzas with it, put the company logo on it. Call it Exotic Pizzaria

  25. P Right

    Awesome video!

  26. Ronnie B

    The so-called Experts like Cramer and Ramsey most likely talk up their bets so they can dump them to make profits off the unsuspecting masses. What they are talking about im usually buying other stuff that I've done my own research on. I've had 25 to 50% returns on stocks and crypto on my strategy. I only use their recommendations to find other good investments that support their bets and profit before they figure it out months in advance

  27. C.K

    To manage your money and achieve financial freedom. Start Investing, that’s the only true way to multiply your income and stay rich always. I spent my 30’s and 40’s investing in stocks and real estate. That’s the best thing I did for myself. Recently discovered ¢rypto now and life feels more easier.

  28. AnonAMouse

    The brohawk looks awesome today. Like a cresting wave.

  29. T Anthony Thomas

    We cashed out a few months ago

  30. Elwis

    The amount of mockery people get for driving a basic car is sad. I love my yaris, doesnt owe me anything, spent less than $1,000 in repairs in 120,000kms.
    I'd rather spend money on precious metals instead of a car payment.

  31. Smithsnmoz


  32. Elizabeth Green

    Fellow entrepreneurs here, the best way to create wealth off stocks and cryto is by lnvesting in IDOs Launchpad Projects. I got this idea from a financial advisor; you can search and get more info about her operations.

  33. Herbert Bradford

    I agree totally, people listen to this man


    ..ya gotta learn from the mistakes of others ~ ya dont live long enuf to make em all yourself 😉

  35. Trucker Lynn

    Over the last 2 years, cashed out. Decided I rather pay off my home, a solid asset, rather than a maybe in the 401k. Especially, since I took a big hit in 2008.

  36. Mark Haseley

    Let's see… zero worth in a closed door bank/401k ruin vs cash in hand or even better gold & silver in hand. If, and I do say "if" shtf, then anything in hand beats 100% anything not in hand. Happy prepping. cheers.

  37. John Gifford

    Ditched my 401k when I saw the president of this country say on national television that they may require us to "contribute" our 401k's to bail out Social Security. I haven't seen anything to suggest this country has turned from that social trend.

    Dollars are going to be worthless. You can't just print trillions of them without some kind of consequence. Good luck everyone.

  38. So.Cal. King

    I'll be taking a loan from my 401k. And will be paying it back over time 4% threw my pay check. Why let the government take your money that you worked so hard for. Gold silver and other assets on deck. Be well people because no one is looking out for you but you.

  39. Brian Austin

    Forgive my father for I have sinned…. I put money in cpop

  40. Mystery Buyer

    Used the covid 401k rules for a way out. No early penalty but taxed. Gold and silver bought, Best move.

  41. Umpteen Expression

    You always have the choice of the birthday suit.

  42. Tom Ace

    First house I bought was a disaster. I bought it from a guy that bought it at auction. I paid too much and the tenant was a nightmare. Thankfully a wise investor told me some great advice. He said you didn’t go to college for this but you will pay the tuition. I didn’t get rich off that property but it taught me a ton and I made money after that

  43. Buffalo Richard

    The decision I made was to rollover my company 401K to a Solo 401K or you can do a checkbook IRA. The difference is that I am not limited to the choices of mutual funds to company choose for me. Now I am the administrator of the 401k, and I can make the decision on what type of assets I want to invest in such as: stocks, precious metals, real estate, etc… Granted, my 401k is now 100% on me. Good or Bad. For me, I spent my nights researching and talking to professionals before I made this colossal decision.

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