Is it possible for the Global South to combat Western exploitation through economic means, with support from China?

by | Apr 2, 2024 | Inflation Hedge | 12 comments

The world economy is structured in an unjust way in which the West drains the wealth of the Global South. Ben Norton discusses the economics of imperialism – and how China has partially reversed it.

China is now the ‘world’s sole manufacturing superpower’. How did it develop so fast?:

0:00 Global inequality
1:45 The China exception
3:01 World-systems analysis
4:37 Prebisch-Singer thesis
6:55 Dependency theory & commodity supercycles
8:27 Unequal exchange
11:01 Haiti & Honduras: Wage suppression in the periphery
13:57 New International Economic Order
15:22 China & the Asian Tigers
19:27 The Global South rebels
22:41 South Africa’s President Ramaphosa on industrialization
25:13 Indonesia’s economic development
26:34 (Neo)colonialism in Indonesia
29:29 Indonesia bans raw mineral exports
32:18 Protectionism (for the West, not for the rest)
37:38 China helps Indonesia industrialize
42:04 The myth of Chinese “imperialism”
43:04 India’s economy vs. Indonesia’s
46:41 China’s South-South integration
49:33 Outro

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Imperialism has long been a central theme in global economics, with powerful countries expanding their influence and control over less developed regions for economic gain. The history of colonialism and imperialism is rife with exploitation, oppression, and the extraction of resources from the Global South to benefit Western powers.

Today, this trend continues with the economic dominance of Western countries and the exploitation of countries in the Global South. The unequal exchange of goods, services, and resources that disproportionately benefit Western economies has created a system of economic dependency and inequality that is difficult to break.

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Can the Global South resist Western exploitation? This question is a complex one, as the power dynamics between Western powers and less developed countries are deeply entrenched. However, there are examples of countries in the Global South that have successfully resisted Western exploitation and asserted their sovereignty. Countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia have implemented policies that prioritize the well-being of their citizens and resist neoliberal economic policies imposed by Western powers.

China’s rising influence in the Global South has also played a significant role in challenging Western imperialism. Through its Belt and Road Initiative, China has provided infrastructure investments, loans, and aid to countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. While some critics argue that China is engaging in its own form of economic imperialism, others see China as a counterbalance to Western domination and a source of much-needed investment for developing countries.

China’s economic rise has also provided an alternative model of development that challenges Western neoliberalism. The Chinese government’s emphasis on state-led development, industrial policy, and strategic investments in key sectors has shown that there are alternative paths to economic growth that do not rely on Western exploitation.

However, China’s role in the Global South is not without its criticisms. Some argue that China’s investments come with strings attached, leading to debt trap diplomacy and the erosion of sovereignty in recipient countries. Additionally, China’s own economic interests and quest for resources have led to environmental degradation and labor abuses in some countries.

In conclusion, the economics of imperialism continue to shape the global economy, with Western powers exerting their influence and exploiting countries in the Global South. While resistance to Western exploitation is possible, it requires a concerted effort by countries in the Global South to assert their sovereignty and pursue alternative paths to development. China’s role in the Global South offers both opportunities and challenges, highlighting the complex dynamics of economic power and exploitation in the modern world.

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  1. @longyou8254

    Thx for the update

  2. @Spiderman-ji7rh

    Be alert! Chinese loans can be a debt trap

  3. @tiberio1352

    BEN NORTON, congratulations. Among the many videos you have done. This one it's OUTSTANDING. Listen, am3riKans and Europeans couldn't care less. This has to be translated into Spanish and Portuguese, IMMEDIATELY. Can you put it with S/P subtitles???? Thank you !!!!!!

  4. @jacintochua6885

    Actually many western countries continued to recolonize their former colonies through mi,Italy occupation and exploitative arrangements with local dictator bought and bribed by thr west.
    Colonial rules haven't ended in spite of most Global South countries being independent.

  5. @jacintochua6885

    Many in the weet continued to live comfortable and even luxurious lives by exploiting g their col8nial,colonial, a n their colnies all over the b world. Literally all over the world. Most westerners never learn these historical facts and presume they were more superior and thus had a better standard of living .
    They never bother to learn the truth. They believe they were ahead because they have always been superior .

  6. @gabbrielliberty8771

    Stop calling them colonial power, instead call them colonial thieves.

  7. @Dennis-nc3vw

    If 5 billion people are getting poorer, why has every statistic on average human well-being (infant mortality rate, life expectancy, literacy, etc.) improved in the last 30 years? No greater lie has ever been thrust upon mankind than ‘the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer’. Only the first part is true.

  8. @Dennis-nc3vw

    The two countries who’ve been ‘exploited’ most by the West, China and India, saw explosive economic growth over the last three decades.

  9. @papi5377

    Zachód przestał się rozwijać dekady temu –

  10. @Hiptoys

    It can resist and must resist! Enough is enough!

  11. @geohhoeg8630

    When most of your commenters are Chinese bot accounts…

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