Is the American Dream DEAD?!

by | Dec 30, 2022 | Spousal IRA | 22 comments

Is the American Dream DEAD?!

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  1. lamar truth

    Walt Disney was one of your heros??? He was racist as f@ck.

  2. Brian H

    If the American Dream is dead, why do thousands risk so much to come to this country? When the inflow of people into this country reverses to an outflow of people, then the American Dream has died.

  3. Robert Lopez

    Don't marry gentlemen. Its a 50 50 chance of failure. Just ask women who initiate 70 to 90 percent of them. Why? Because they get to keep half your assets and will gladly accept alimony for countless years. Its a failed institution founded on breaking men financially.

  4. R.D.

    Can't afford a house. Can't afford a decent vehicle. Can't afford to send you children to good schools. Can't afford to keep your family fed. Well that's the majority of this countries population. The American Dream is DEAD to most here. Eventually they'll push for socialism.

  5. Jaime Lapolitique

    You are looking at the problem from the wrong end! It is not 'If you break one or more of those three rules, you become poor', it is 'If you are poor, you cannot fulfill all those three criteria' !

  6. Robert Graybeard

    at 19:38 the phrase "buy the farm" meant something in WWII. When a service man died, his insurance beneficiaries got got cash. Most were young so it went to his parents who could pay off the mortgage on the farm. So "he bought the farm" meant he died.

  7. ESQU1RE

    American dream is totally not dead. My parents came to this country with almost nothing amd worked hard to raise me. They paid for my collegeand most of my graduate school where I got straight Cs, because I played a lot of video games before the exams. Then they gave me a couple of six figures to start off after I graduated, which I used as downpayment on a home. They still give me money (what else are they going to do with it), which I invested in the post recession market and now I am a millionaire. American dream achieved.

    I'm being a bit self deprecating here, but the American dream isn't dead for those who have advantages for sure.

  8. dan juhas

    I'm among one of the last- ditch Lucky Americans. zero debt. USPS (will retire in 11 months). Pension. (What the hell is THAT? A "pension"?) House paid. Fantastic returns in my THRIFT. Plus SS. But HELLO: I'm a Dinosaur. I shouldn't be, but I am. THAT'S the problem; that I'm now the American "exception". I Used To be the American Rule. Feudalism.

  9. dan juhas

    Today's America: the (ever continuing) divide between the haves and have- nots. We are juuust about at the point of Revolution. America today is basically Feudalism re- configured. It's an "all- or- nothing" game. (meanwhile: work for eight dollars an hour, or stay home and collect check for $13/ hr from the government. well, Duh. And "nobody wants to go back to work"? No SHTT!)

  10. dan juhas

    I have a million more random, annoying comments to make, but to sum it up: You guys are the best. Love this show. You folks are Top- Shelf. Frankly– (don't tell anybody!)– you give away far too high- value info for what we (you- tubers) pay. You had me at hello.

  11. dan juhas

    Home ownership: And OH the REWARDS of paying off in full! Remember: there is no such thing, as a renter; you will keep paying and paying and paying for air space that somebody else owns. Yes, property taxes are obnoxious and annoying and too high– BUT. I pay about $320/ mo. for a house that would Rent for about $1,300/ mo.

  12. dan juhas

    … (the other rare good financial advice my dad gave me: Automobiles are Losers. Never owe money on a car/ truck/ thing with wheels.) I'm 59. Most I ever owed on a vehicle was the last $1,200 that I just couldn't scrape up– Put on a credit card; paid within 2 months. True story.

  13. dan juhas

    Bo– (as to paying mortgage): Yes, and Yes. Folks. We all have to– one way or another– pay for living space. If at all possible, pay that monthly "rent" To YourSelf! I know there are Rent Defenders out there, but (for the VAST majority of people) Rent is a Loser. Among the Very Few good bits of financial advice my dad gave me was, BUY. Never Rent.

  14. VincentDS

    Education is a major expense for households with children. It is also an inhibiting factor for couples to have more children. The answer is on-line education for people older than 18. Why do people need to pay for an expensive education on campus when they can learn the same thing from their homes?

  15. KTP

    You guys, you're positivity is so uplifting – I love the comment "Despite comments, I actually find marriage to be good" – totally agree!

  16. Anurag Sethi

    I'm an Immigrant from India, I work in Tech sector and I am in my 20's. From the perspective of someone who isn't American you need to know that there are so many people around the world who would give anything to be in United States. Even among all developed countries, It is by far the best society which rewards an individual on their capability and skills.

  17. Mandi Lin

    An amazing session…current, relevant, positive and hopeful. Thank you for inspiring everyone. Keep up with the great work…you and your team are making a difference!

  18. Samuel Kathungu

    I feel like running through walls after that ending. So motivated! So inspired!!!

  19. Dana Rowley

    Hi, I’m a young financial advisor and I love your content! It sounds like you all are always looking to grow your team, how would I go about applying or interviewing to work with you?

  20. dave lewis

    The American Dream is the whole idea that you are free. Free to do what you want to make a living, as a career, free to have a family, free to practice your religion and free from a tyrannical Government. IT's never been about money!!! It's about LIfe, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!!! OUr Government is making it very difficult…they seem to be pushing us into civil war!!!

  21. Harrison Miller

    The purpose of wealth can often be distilled into

    three objectives

    1 protect capital (stay rich),

    2 grow capital (get richer) 3 enjoy capital.

    It is certain that most investors tend to want a combination of these, but in differing proportions.

  22. Linksu

    Thanks for your show you guys provide here, I'm feeling inspired during some rough times and I feel like you guys provide more straight shooting stuff compared to all the 'get rich quick' schemes found on the platform, so I just wanted to give a thanks formally and I look forward to seeing more content in the future

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