Is the Fed Going to Cause Inflation or Economic Collapse?

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 38 comments

Is the Fed Going to Cause Inflation or Economic Collapse?

Join Ken and Danille as they discuss the current situation with the economy and inflation. The Fed was slow to act and now is breaking the economy to bring down inflation. You don’t want to miss this conversation. Come join the discussion live at 11AM Arizona Time, 11AM PST, and 2PM EST

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The Federal Reserve, also known as The Fed, has been in the spotlight recently as critics argue that its policies are breaking the economy. With inflation on the rise and the economy showing signs of strain, many are questioning what will “pop” first – inflation or the economy?

In the past year, the United States has experienced a surge in inflation, with prices for goods and services skyrocketing at a rapid pace. This has been attributed to a myriad of factors, including supply chain disruptions, increased consumer demand, and rising costs of production. While a certain level of inflation is normal, the current levels are causing concern among economists and policymakers.


The Fed plays a crucial role in managing inflation through its monetary policy, which includes setting interest rates and controlling the money supply. In response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fed implemented an expansionary monetary policy, including lowering interest rates and purchasing government securities, to stimulate economic activity. However, critics argue that these measures have contributed to the current inflationary pressures.

As inflation continues to rise, there are concerns that it could ultimately lead to a collapse of the economy. High inflation erodes the purchasing power of consumers, leading to a decrease in their standard of living. This, in turn, can lead to decreased consumer spending and investment, which are essential components of economic growth. If left unchecked, inflation could potentially spiral out of control, leading to a recession or even a depression.

On the other hand, if the Fed were to tighten its monetary policy in an effort to combat inflation, it could potentially trigger a recession. Raising interest rates and reducing the money supply could slow down economic activity, leading to a decrease in consumer spending and business investment. This could also lead to an increase in unemployment and a downturn in the overall economy.

So, what will “pop” first – inflation or the economy? It’s a complex question with no easy answer. The intersection of these two dynamics creates a delicate balancing act for the Fed as it navigates its monetary policy in the coming months.

Ultimately, the Fed will need to carefully consider how to address the current inflationary pressures while also supporting economic growth. It will be a challenging task to strike the right balance, but it is essential for the stability and health of the economy.

See also  Rachel Reeves, the Shadow Chancellor, responds to news of UK recession.

In the meantime, individuals and businesses should closely monitor the situation and consider how they can protect themselves from the potential impacts of inflation and economic instability. This may include making strategic financial decisions, such as diversifying investments and managing debt, to ensure resilience in the face of uncertain economic conditions.

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  1. d m

    Average retirees are bringing home 30% less in their grocery bags. A retiree said to me- I walked out of the grocery store and my bags felt lighter.

  2. Mike H

    You hear about 15% str ca tax increases? Keep this in mind running your numbers!

  3. Mike H

    Where y'all talking about looking right now? Was this LA with the land lease?

  4. Mike H

    Has Ken ever been bullish?

  5. Joehoops33

    THERE IS TOO MUCH DEBT! Why are we dumbfounded that we have inflation!?? Play weimar games get Weimar outcomes. Debt is so high, we can't have high rates. The fed is still printing money!

  6. A F

    What would happen to the housing market when most investors earning 10% cash on cash return pre 2023 is now only breaking even with all the expenses going up and rent can not be increased as much resulting to not enough funds for repairs & maintenance moving forward? Squeezed from the top and squeezed from the bottom = properties accumulating deferred maintenance makes the already scarce available supply less and less going into the future.

  7. Amy Humphreys

    No one wants to trade with you usa not much in eu the root of the beast,

  8. Daniel Clayton

    I must be getting really old, i never thought 6 to 7 % was high ever. I always ran business an raised an educated my entire family from 1978 til 2015 an never thought to wine about interrest rates. Its more about get off your butt an get in the game.

  9. oopscanada

    I really like when you guys are honest with each other and disagree on investments. Makes the program really real; not fake.

  10. Lorenzo Zuniga

    As always, great info!

  11. Stephen Williams

    I wish I was able to be here for the live video. When Ken said Congratulations for having no debt on your Commercial Property, I wish I was there to type, “Dave Ramsey has entered the chat!” This is his I told you so moment! Lol

  12. Mike Morgan

    Ken, how do we get the price of eggs down?

  13. Sol Manion

    Duration, duration, duration. Rats will stay higher fir longer. The fed has made this clear for a long time. Don't forget the demographic cliff. Daniel dimartino has also made it clear the younger generation cannot afford homes making them less likely to have children. The fed is destroying in order to create. China is already deep into rhia policy and we are next. It is already written. Hang onto your pants.

  14. Charles Kaufman

    The inflation control is simple, Just undo what the Democrats did to cause the problem, Number one Start producing Energy again in this country, quit giving away free money to the people that don't want to work and quit printing the dollars to give to other countries to fund their wars, and in no time we will start to come in balance.

  15. Jen T

    Great video. Thank you! Can you guys give some in depth details on how someone coming from the residential space can get into the commerical (MFH) space and be taken seriously by lenders and brokers? Also, can we get Ken and Danille to be interviewed on another podcast? I know another influencer that really wants to have a dialogue with you guys. I think you'd reach and help even more people that are currently only in the residential space. Thank you!

  16. Christian Tevis

    bigger pockets is a good RE podcase but honestly I prefer Ken and Danille

  17. Sublime

    How do I join?

  18. Kristen Jasinski

    I think you have a typo in your title. Shouldn’t “of” be “or”?

  19. pm Stff

    I’m like Danielle, I’d rather have the investment. I have to admit I’m a little nervous sitting on the cash even with it spread out.

  20. MightyInchWorm

    Excellent commentary guys, as a long term investor I continue to learn so much from your video posts.

    Thank you and keep up the good work.

  21. Justin Igoe

    Please turn up Ken's mic.

  22. Devin Campbell

    No mention of Greedflation?

    Not just me saying this. From the Wall Street Journal:

    There have been good reasons for businesses to raise their prices in recent months. The supply-chain disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the energy, food and raw-material bottlenecks that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have pushed costs higher.
    But there are signs that companies are doing more than covering their costs.
    According to economists at the ECB, businesses have been padding their profits. That, they said, was a bigger factor in fueling inflation during the second half of last year than rising wages were.

    Why Is Inflation So Sticky? It Could Be Corporate Profits
    May 2, 2023

  23. Marius Buciuman

    What % cash back are you guys getting back in a rental? 4-5% on your money?

  24. Sue Benbow

    Hi, can Kens mic be turn up. Love your shows.

  25. Rene Olivas

    Businesses are crumbling in California bc the State wants all businesses to go electric instead of gas even if they just built with gas. California is horrible

  26. Lee  Roach

    Very helpful Thank you

  27. J Brandon Porter

    Thank you for the AirB&B idea! I'm going to be adding those to my leads list.

    I miss catching you guys live. I haven't been able to fit it into my schedule recently. I'll see you at Limitless, though!

  28. William Holman

    Learn the lingo while you are in your real estate education!

  29. Rene Olivas

    Is a HELOC loan something good to get know if I want to buy a cash following asset?

  30. Enki

    Great point. Regarding government not buying commercial office buildings. Too much retrofitting, extreme costs. But knowing how stup!d people in government are u can never be surprised at a move like that.

  31. JC

    Should people sell if they have equity?

  32. DScott

    Haha you can tell Ken is teaching Danille a lesson by the way he looks at her. I give my wife the same look.

  33. Alice G

    Yes Nashville is awesome – I’ve been here 21 years. It was better before everyone started moving here!

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