Is the Inflation Data Bull****? What’s Your Opinion?

by | May 18, 2024 | Inflation Hedge | 32 comments

Is the Inflation Data Bull****? What’s Your Opinion?

With inflation rates on the rise and the cost of living skyrocketing, traditional retirement strategies may no longer suffice. Taylor Kenney challenges the narrative of financial security through avenues like 401(K), shedding light on hidden pitfalls, advocating for diversification and tangible assets like gold and silver. Join us as we navigate the complexities of safeguarding wealth in an uncertain world.


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For more than 28 years, Phoenix-based ITM Trading has been a nationally recognized organization for trusted, data-backed research and investor education in the precious metals industry. They strategically assist clients nationwide, specializing in the different functions that physical gold and silver products provide in a diverse portfolio. ITM Trading’s mission is to give investors the knowledge, analysis, and lifetime strategies they require to confidently navigate the intricate monetary policies that restrict economic freedoms. They help build each client a custom portfolio designed to protect and grow their wealth and assets during economic downturns, hyperinflation, and currency resets.

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INFLATION DATA BS: What do you think?

Inflation is a key economic indicator that affects every aspect of our lives, from the cost of groceries to the price of gas. It is used by policymakers to make decisions about monetary policy and is closely monitored by economists and investors alike.

But recently, there has been growing skepticism about the accuracy of inflation data. Critics argue that the data published by governments may not reflect the true extent of inflation, leading to potentially misleading conclusions about the state of the economy.

One of the main criticisms leveled against official inflation data is that it fails to capture the true cost of living for the average person. Critics argue that the basket of goods and services used to calculate inflation does not accurately reflect the spending habits of most people, leading to an understatement of the true rate of inflation.

For example, the rising cost of healthcare, housing, and education – some of the biggest expenses for most families – may not be adequately reflected in the official inflation figures. This means that while the government may report low inflation rates, many people are feeling the pinch of higher prices in these key areas.

Another criticism of inflation data is that it may be manipulated for political purposes. Governments have a vested interest in presenting a rosy picture of the economy, and understating inflation can make it appear that the economy is doing better than it actually is. This can have real-world consequences, such as influencing decisions about interest rates and government spending.

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So what can be done to address these concerns? One solution is to use alternative sources of data to supplement official inflation figures. For example, websites like provide alternative measures of inflation that take into account factors like the cost of housing and healthcare.

Another solution is to advocate for greater transparency and accountability in the way that inflation data is collected and reported. By holding governments accountable for the accuracy of their data, we can ensure that policymakers are making decisions based on a true picture of economic conditions.

In conclusion, inflation data is a crucial tool for understanding the state of the economy. However, it is important to approach this data with a critical eye and consider the limitations and potential biases that may exist. By questioning the accuracy of inflation data and advocating for greater transparency, we can ensure that we are making informed decisions about our economic future.

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  1. @qasimcheema8953

    Americans mad about 3.4% inflation, here in Pakistan it's 30%.
    Equitable world will be better for all

  2. @BrittScholler

    Wow…. I am blown away by this presentation. I was an insecure 59 year old, in January 2018 when I started buying Bitcoin/crypto. Everyone though I was irrational. Most still do. I put my income and savings and watched the value drop each month but for some reason really believed in Bitcoin and alt coins/blockchain even though I don't totally understand. Finally, the crypto market started turning around and I am astonished at the value of my crypto currency portfolio today. I engaged in active trading and managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3Bitcoin to a decent 24Bitcoin….At the heart of this evolution is Francine Duguay, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. Her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

  3. @JacklynHerrera-wj7zm

    It's undeniable that this year is shaping up to be more challenging. Reflecting on the past year, my investment choices proved to be costly, driven by my excessive worry about my portfolio. I struggled to weigh the decision between investing further or pursuing homeownership. Ultimately, I opted to sell my investments, only to find that the house I purchased required more renovations than expected. It's becoming increasingly uncertain how much longer I can navigate these circumstances

  4. @ryankarus1465

    Things took a big turn for me to pay attention in 2022. I wish I would have started stacking years ago to get more prepared.

  5. @wjcabaniss

    I'm 60 & if i could go back & do it differently l'd only contribute the min to 401k to take advantage of the company match. No more. Then take the rest & buy physical gold & silver. Our money inside these brokerage accounts is being weaponized against us. aka Blackrock & Vanguard. F them & FJB & all of the crooks in DC. They are working against us every day!!!

  6. @PistolPete1984

    Taylor’s wise beyond her years, take heed

  7. @brettmann6677

    Number one rule….don't save for retirement… invest for retirement in real assets…not paper Assets

  8. @michaelbaker4770

    What has change is the dtcc has been allowed to fail to deliver on meme stock trades. That action is responsible for building a 7 quadrillian dollar derivatives chain. Regulators are missing and the worlds economies have been endangered from catastrophic criminal activity in Wall Street and the stock lending of the Big Banks.

  9. @sergeyanglinov9722

    If you love bitcoin, you will like litecoin, the digital precious metal. The scarcity of litecoin (LTC) is a key feature of its technology. Litecoin the digital silver is the second oldest coin on the market, and since its inception in 2011 it has been never so far compromised or hacked, and like bitcoin, litecoin has a finite supply of 84 million coins, cannot be debased, frozen, or seized, and as a store of value and a true decentralized digital commodity, LTC possesses innovative Mimblewimble (MW) protocol that enhances transactional privacy and scalability, and Proof-of-Work consensus (PoW) as well, unlike e.g. ethereum and other cryptos which became centralised unregistered securities when they transitioned from PoW to PoS.

  10. @SuccessIsYourDestiny

    The Lie, is that retirement plans are a replacement for the importance of Family and Church.

  11. @atanumandal3586

    Global South has been living with an Inflation Rate of over 4% over several decades!
    Americans will also get used to it…
    The 4% Retirement Rule will still apply! So don't worry.

  12. @johnwilmann921

    Taylor. I’m 63. Been stacking Au & Ag for not long enough. By the way. Your hot.

  13. @HA-rp9dz

    Taylor, I love your info & honesty however……. This is NOT just an inflationary event that’s transpiring, we’re ALSO in the process of a currency/reserve currency collapse. The US is NO longer the reserve currency of the world. The federal reserve “note” is dead & people MUST protect themselves with precision metals NOW. Forget retirement, this will be/IS a matter of actual survival…. Thanks again.

  14. @markphillips9822

    A 401K is another theft vehicle. End of story

  15. @petitemmanuel3199

    I Deeply Salutes All The ITM Teams Woww!! Let Make Our UNIVERSE BETTER FOR ALL.. BLESSINGS..

  16. @shaneduffy2240

    Frustrating talking to individuals asleep.?

  17. @GFYM_Finance

    My entry-level salary as a teacher in 2004 was $48,600. Loved that job (still do)

    If I was going to go back into that field, I'd need to negotiate an $80,000 salary just to have the same purchasing power that $48,600 gave me, 20 years ago.

    We are being stolen from, with guns. I even did two videos to explain how they rob us:

  18. @jaytee1086

    Investing for retirement in america doesnt work. As every 20 years the Hedge Funds find a way to wipe out our retirement accounts. The only true path is to maximize on your occupational talents to earn closest to what youre worth. Accuire appreciable assets and inflation hedging stores of wealth. Develope passive incomes. Then pray Social Security returns the promise we were sold.

  19. @user-nb4ex5zk3w

    I had a savings fund when I lived in South Africa. Each time I went back after the old regime ended, I spent as much as I could each time. Over about ten years prices rose 200% or more…..but nobody ever discussed it. There are still a few thousand rands there, but not worth going back for.

  20. @mrwolf750

    The Government won't bail out your retirement, but they are always happy to bail out the banks!

  21. @paulodonnell2820

    Great points Taylor. I live in Scotland which is subject to rules from London when it comes to Pensions. I’m a fairly long way from retirement but once you start paying into your private pension here your locked in and can’t get it back out even though it’s your money. I could have some form of personal financial crisis and can’t touch it until I’m 57 at the earliest and even then there’s rules on that. There’s an enforced state pension through tax which I seriously doubt will exist if I’m lucky enough to live to that age. You cannot simply rely on any of this now, that time is coming to an end you have to have a plan B.

  22. @jimsmopars1614

    This is what happens when the Government injects way to much Liquidity into the makert and they're not
    Done yet cause it's an election year and they need to look good.

  23. @theoldguy9329

    I am a 71 year old pension actuary. I doubt any one who lived through and understood the 70s should be surprised, although social programs supposedly were put in place. Some programs like government pension provided funds for greedy politicians, but the pay-as-you go programs as in the US are running out of easy money. Private plans generally invest, and by now people should recognize that neither you or the plans actually own anything in them – both from the government threatening only government bonds in them to what was explained in The Great Taking. Taxes will clean you out. In Canada the GDP per capital is decreasing (and the US will follow due to "immigration") wiping out the middle class (and moving to impoverish GenX). The CPI is a lie and purposefully understated to avoid paying real cost of living under government CPI linked programs. We need to follow the money to the dark forces behind it all.

  24. @SatSingh-mm4gg

    Chill out. The Reset is in line with national interests?

  25. @Causeiamafisherman

    The dollar is going to zero. Buy assets with your worthless dollars and hodl

  26. @karlroberts1562

    The numbers to calculate inflation do not include anything necessary for surviving. Housing, food,fuel all excluded.

  27. @skblack5050

    Unrealized losses is another word for inflation rate.

  28. @aaronsullivan1628

    If you trusted in “the system”… then you are a sucker. You are getting older every day, the clock is ticking down, and your health will decline also. What will you do? Let me answer that. S U F F E R

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