Is There Enough?

by | May 11, 2024 | Spousal IRA | 1 comment

Is There Enough?

Four ways you can run a self-check on your DIY Retirement to see if you have enough!

I go through the 4% Rule, the 25 x expenses, the Funded Ratio, and Monte Carlo simulations.

Here are some links for background:

Remember, I don’t have a Ph.D. after my name. I’m not a professional financial planner. So take these as entertaining ideas from one educated consumer to another. Always do your own due diligence, and seek out a professional, if you need one….(read more)




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In today’s fast-paced society, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant pursuit of more. More money, more possessions, more success. But amidst all this desire for more, it’s important to take a step back and ask ourselves, “Do I have enough?”

Having enough is a concept that is often overlooked in a society that values material wealth and status above all else. But the truth is, having enough is a state of mind that can bring peace and contentment in a world that is constantly striving for more.

So how do you know if you have enough? It’s not just about having a certain amount of money in the bank or a certain number of possessions. It’s about feeling satisfied and content with what you have, and not constantly feeling the need for more.

Having enough means being grateful for the things you already have in your life. It means appreciating the people who love and support you, the roof over your head, the food on your table. It means recognizing that true happiness doesn’t come from material possessions, but from within.

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In a society that constantly bombards us with messages that we need to have more in order to be happy, it can be difficult to tune out the noise and focus on what truly matters. But taking the time to reflect on what you already have and finding contentment in that can be a truly liberating experience.

Having enough doesn’t mean settling for less or giving up on your goals and aspirations. It simply means recognizing that you have everything you need to lead a happy and fulfilling life right now. It means shifting your focus from the pursuit of more to the appreciation of what you already have.

So take a moment to ask yourself, “Do I have enough?” and see where your thoughts take you. You may be surprised to find that you already have everything you need to live a rich and fulfilling life.

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1 Comment

  1. @billl1127

    Have you looked at Craig Israelsen's 7Twelve portfolio? He's created a plan that fine tunes the 60/40 4% withdrawal.
    I recently heard of his approach and plan on vetting his system.

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