Is this your last opportunity to add to your State Pension before the criteria changes?

by | Mar 31, 2023 | Retirement Pension

Watch our webinar as James Mitchell, Financial Advisor at Holborn Assets, will share his insights regarding the UK state pension benefits, entitlements, voluntary and back dated contributions.

Whether you are looking to retire abroad or in the UK, your National Insurance contributions will impact if and how much State Pension you receive.

Although the UK State Pension probably is not enough on its own to support you financially through retirement, from as little as £3.15 per week, it is an incredibly cost-effective way of topping up your retirement income.

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If you’re looking to top up your State Pension, the time to act is now. The rules for making voluntary National Insurance contributions are changing on 6 April 2023, which means that anyone who wants to boost their State Pension is running out of time to do so before the new rules come into effect.

Under the current system, you can make voluntary contributions to your National Insurance record for any years in which you have gaps. These contributions can help you increase your entitlement to the State Pension, which is based on the number of qualifying years you have accrued.

However, from 6 April 2023, the rules are changing. Instead of being able to make voluntary contributions for any gaps in your National Insurance record, you will only be able to do so for gaps in the last six years. This means that if you want to top up your State Pension for any years prior to 2016-17, you will need to act quickly.

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For many people, this presents a final opportunity to fill in any gaps in their National Insurance record and boost their State Pension entitlement. Those who are nearing retirement age may find that they have gaps dating back several decades, and may wish to take advantage of the current rules before they change.

Of course, it’s not just those who are close to retirement who could benefit from making voluntary contributions. Anyone who has gaps in their National Insurance record can potentially improve their pension entitlement by making additional contributions.

Before making voluntary contributions, it’s important to consider whether it will be beneficial in your particular circumstances. You may want to speak to a financial adviser or pension specialist to help you make an informed decision.

It’s also worth noting that there are different types of voluntary contributions available, including Class 2 and Class 3 contributions. Class 2 contributions are generally only available to those who are self-employed, while Class 3 contributions are open to anyone who wants to fill gaps in their National Insurance record.

If you want to top up your State Pension before the rules change, you’ll need to act fast. The deadline for making voluntary contributions for the 2019-20 tax year is 5 April 2020, so time is running out. If you miss this deadline, you’ll have to wait until the next tax year to make any contributions.

Making voluntary contributions to your National Insurance record may not be an option for everyone, but for those who can afford to do so, it could be a valuable way to increase their State Pension entitlement. With the rules changing in 2023, now is the time to act if you want to take advantage of the current system.

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