Is Your Gold at Risk of Confiscation by the Government?

by | Dec 26, 2023 | Gold IRA | 27 comments

Is Your Gold at Risk of Confiscation by the Government?

In this video I talk about gold confiscation and the possibility of the government trying to take your gold. The gold confiscation act of 1933 proves that the US Government can take your gold but will they do that again? The classic gold confiscation documentary shows different countries which have confiscated gold bullion before and some of these include Australia and Great Britain. A few different gold confiscation kitco interviews talk about why the government would confiscate gold again. The gold silver confiscation that happens in the future might not look like any that have happened in the past. Gold confiscation 1933 can not happen for the same reasons today. If the government tries a gold confiscation soon I believe it would be for a gold backed CBDC. In this video I talk about a gold mining company and here is their info:


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This video was conducted on behalf of Starr Peak Mining LTD, and was funded by Gold Standard Media LLC and/or affiliates. For our full disclaimer, please visit

Topics I cover in this video: gold confiscation, gold confiscation documentary, gold confiscation kitco, gold confiscation act 1933, gold confiscation in 1933, gold confiscation 1933, gold silver confiscation, silver confiscation, confiscation golf, confiscation of golf, will the government confiscate my gold, will the government confiscate gold, is a gold confiscation possible, future gold confiscation, gold confiscation possibility, gold confiscation of gold bullion, gold bullion, gold, gold bullion confiscation

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Gold Confiscation – Will The Government Confiscate YOUR GOLD?

In times of economic uncertainty, many investors turn to gold as a safe haven investment. The shiny metal has long been considered a hedge against inflation and a store of value, making it an attractive option for those looking to protect their wealth. However, there is always a fear that governments may resort to gold confiscation in dire financial situations. But just how likely is it that the government will confiscate your gold?

The last time the United States government confiscated gold was in 1933, during the Great Depression. President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102, which made it illegal for U.S. citizens to own gold coins and bullion. The government required citizens to sell their gold to the Federal Reserve at the prevailing price, effectively confiscating their gold holdings.

The justification for the gold confiscation was to stabilize the economy and prevent hoarding of the precious metal during a period of financial crisis. However, many argue that the real reason was to prop up the U.S. dollar and help fund government programs. Regardless of the true motives, the fact remains that gold owners were forced to surrender their holdings to the government.

Given this historical precedent, it’s natural for investors to be concerned about the possibility of gold confiscation in the future. However, many experts believe that the likelihood of a repeat of 1933’s gold confiscation is quite low. The world has changed significantly since then, and there are several factors that make a repeat of history unlikely.

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First, the global economy is much more interconnected today, and any attempt at gold confiscation by a single government would likely result in widespread backlash and economic instability. Additionally, there are now numerous avenues for individuals to purchase and store gold outside the jurisdiction of their home country, making it more difficult for governments to seize their gold holdings.

Furthermore, gold confiscation would likely undermine confidence in the government and its ability to protect private property rights. In today’s digital age, it would be much harder to enforce a gold confiscation without facing significant resistance from the public.

That being said, it’s always wise to stay informed and be prepared for any eventuality. If you are concerned about the possibility of gold confiscation, there are several steps you can take to protect your investment. Diversifying your gold holdings across various jurisdictions, owning physical gold in the form of coins and bars, and storing your gold in secure offshore vaults are all strategies that can help safeguard your gold from potential confiscation.

Ultimately, while the likelihood of gold confiscation may be low, it’s important to remain vigilant and stay informed about the political and economic climate in your region. By taking proactive steps to protect your gold holdings, you can ensure that your wealth remains secure, regardless of the circumstances.

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  1. @carldefoe4673

    It would be impractical today to confiscate gold – who's gonna do the confiscating, and how could they be trusted not to take some 'commission'? The gov might forbid TRADING of gold, so your LCS, auction houses, ebay, Facebook etc. would have to ban it, but apart from being very unpopular, a lot of high net worth individuals would be against it. Big Club members, like the CEOs of major precious metals traders would never support it, and without the support of Big Club members, they aint got a prayer.

  2. @mrcapitalist2285

    Lmk exactly how the US government could possibly confiscate gold , I want one person to tell me how they this would be done ??

  3. @TerryCheever

    I'm going to have to say that is like them coming for my guns, and I pity those they send.

  4. @danieladamik2580

    Can we PLEASE have an EMP detonated over the U.S.A. to destroy their ability to release any CBDC’s. Can we please get a new U.S. Administration that will focus ALL its efforts to mine for gold to increase our reserves to back a currency and that will also allow and expand our strategic oil reserves and lower the price of gas while providing incentives to those CHOOSE to incorporate green energy in their lives.

  5. @fat-bald-guy

    They can't take what they don't know about….

  6. @Christus-Veritas

    The PRIMARY reason the government would take your gold is not to prop up the dollar but to take away your financial INDEPENDANCE and make you reliable on the state. Propping up the dollar has nothing to do with it just as the governments desire to take away guns has nothing to do with stopping gun crime but to take away you ability for self defense against a tyrannical GOVERNMENT!


    Silver Dragons ? The last time the government confiscated gold, did they ever, give it back to the rightful owners, or did they steal it ?

  8. @DMS20231

    I sort of agree with many commenters who say there is no reason for the government to seize gold since our currency isn’t back by it but…

    If the dollar ever completely collapsed and the government had nothing of value with which to trade with other nations, they’d need a significant supply of something valuable…

  9. @clintonelias171

    The Government doesn't need gold to print money(debt/iou's) and they've been doing it for years and no one said boo about it. Sorry, gold is only good for manufacturing. Gold doesn't back anything. PoP!

  10. @khoirulanam9141

    I moved cities, because I got seasick I went out onto the ferry deck to get some fresh air, because I had quite a lot of gold in my suitcase, I was afraid it would be stolen, so I finally took the suitcase to the boat deck, maybe because I got seasick. accidentally dropping the suitcase into the sea, my heart was broken, i cried all the way on the boat.

  11. @wholewheatkittyfeet9353

    Ah yet another scam video brought to you by some scummy gold operation that will of course "forget " to tell you about how the petrodollar is already failing and how the government is already planning to confiscate crypto currency that's little just thin air that somehow is still thousands of times more valuable than the dollar! Why? Muh terrorism! Muh human trafficking! Wont someone think of the children?! Hahaha they government will steal at gunpoint anything that it can to keep itself in power and gold will fall first since it's super easy to take! My advice? Buy ammo! Every major crisis in the US ammo becomes the most valuable thing and tradeable thing you can own. You can't eat gold. But there will always be criminals and when the cops take off and hide like they always do. You'll need ammo. Not gold. All the crypto will dissappear too cas no power.

  12. @philipargo

    Our Grand Experiment started off noble enough. However, people are people and do what they want when in power. Can they seize your gold or whatever they want? Yes, no matter what law says. Today you can just hope to be the gray man long enough to enjoy what you earn before you die.

  13. @bigjon9596

    Damn boating accidents!

  14. @j.j.l.

    Great video. Taxation seems highly probable. The krypto example supports your argument.

  15. @hydra3666

    I have my 2nd ammendment

  16. @jackjill414

    There won’t be any confiscation. Most of the gold held is by central banks not individuals. The government will get their money through inflation and CBDC (which is coming down the road). Mostly every big government produces gold coins for sale which is another cash cow for each mint. There will be no confiscation.

  17. @pablitoperez9109

    I developed a nasty crack habit and ended up selling all my gold.
    Btw leme hold 5 dollas?!

  18. @brianabanks4165

    The government needs to tread lightly now. This will put us in civil war. The government is there to only help states that need basic help. It’s in the constitution

  19. @detroitmidunkin2138

    They probably will take our gold. They’re slowly taking our freedom of speech away.

  20. @cherokeefit4248

    I always wondered but since it’s a coin as it has a face value,technically it isn’t ours or your coin. I’m not giving mine up. No free lunch outta me haha

  21. @ekanata

    Over my dead body

  22. @danielmclaughlin5546

    In the age of Bitcoin, the motivation for a Government to confiscate Gold is nonexistent.

  23. @TalkingGIJoe

    Government cannot legally or lawfully confiscate anything…

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