It Happened! Military Generals Just Issued a RED ALERT Warning To Americans… It’s Bad!

by | Dec 24, 2022 | Silver IRA | 32 comments

It Happened! Military Generals Just Issued a RED ALERT Warning To Americans… It’s Bad!

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  1. MrTsunami

    My thing is, people only hate the Maga thing because it came from Trump. That just shows you what type of society we live in. What's wrong with making America great again? You don't even have to be a Trump supporter to make America great again.

  2. WithA RebelYell

    No, the military swears an oath ALSO to the president and their officers…”and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

  3. Patty Berryman

    Thank you Lisa for your amazing work.

  4. Susan Strange

    I have not heard of any red alert. Not even just an alert. When will these alerts go on the national channels. ?? The military needs to take over the communist media and give us the truth. I couldn't find the link for John F. Kennedy Jr. IT was said he came out and gave a speech . Also Princess Diana is alive and also gave a speech. Do you know anything about this??

  5. BP Living

    Biden is controlled/blackmailed by CCP, and you already know what the CCP has been trying to do to America and other countries.

  6. Allen Barclay Allen

    And the same with DA CIVILIANS are on call for life .!

  7. Allen Barclay Allen

    Military Generals are Generals for life and can and will assume command control of the military in an insurrection . .!

  8. David Risselada

    Look, everyone knows the nature of the democrat party. They're commies for sure. But the current state of the nation isn't because of Biden. It is because Americans are dumb enough to fall for the propaganda we are fed day in and day out without doing any research of their own. Can't you see that Trump is just playing a role, and aided in creating this perception that they are pushing? That's a more realistic possibility than drain the swamp, maga, and all these other ridiculous slogans meant to trap the naive mind in a useful place for those that control the perceptions of the masses.

  9. : Aaron; : Prince

    United States is not a democracy and get that out of your brainwashed vocabulary. The United States of America is a corporation and when you register to vote you acquiesce your vote and rights. we've been deceived for over 160 years… can we stop perpetuating the lies and stop empowering these monsters that are satanic. Question: do you know who owns the federal, territorial and municipal corporations? Look that up and you'll know who's behind the deception.

  10. OB Krishna

    on top of being smart and hot, i bet she can drink most men under the table. Never quit Lisa, you rock like geology.

  11. Alfred Pambuena

    This current military has an anti American Marxist for a commander in chief and has allowed a unconstitutional political environment against his political rivals and has weaponized the entire government against us…Biden treats illegal aliens and countries that are against us better than he treats the American people and has put Americans against each other…..he goes after law abiding gun owners who obey the law….but allows criminals to ravage cities and attack us…he allows the free flow of fetanyl to be smuggled into the u.s. and has never put our law enforcement to the border to stop it….he allowed over 60 known terrorists into the country instead of deporting them…and has allowed the Mexican drug cartels to control our border with human trafficking and drugs….and then calls Americans terrorist….he purged the military of oits war fighters while forcing crt mandatory instruction that has divided americans…..

  12. ss timeisshort

    Biden just negated the protections you read when he decided to appoint 87,000 armed IRS Agents who must sign papers attesting to their willingness to shoot civilians. This should be stopped, as we do not need an organization based on Hitler’s Brown Shirts in the USA.

  13. Daniel W.

    Let's go Brandon and his followers must be really scared to come up with a speech like they did they're not in control anymore if they were he wouldn't have any need of a speech like that they're Running Scared

  14. Daniel W.

    I think what they're trying to say is the military is not going to act upon any of let's go Brandon's commands that being said the military is going to be the only way to take back our country

  15. Pleiadian1027

    Unfortunately, a piece of paper written hundreds of years ago isn't going to stop them if they really want to continue down this path… They probably want to rewrite the constitution…

  16. Mitch Jolly

    Our military leadership has been replaced by these Luciferians. Biden already stated that YOU are a terrorist if you disagree with his Luciferian regime

  17. Dr. N. F.

    I was a Major in the USAF Nurse Corps. I took the Oath 3 times!

  18. Robert Christiansen

    Absolutely right, all of us who served in the military took that oarh to defend the constitution. I'm ex military, served in Vietnam and voted for Donald Trump and will gladly vote for him again.

  19. Ramona verdinez

    This is a good warning. The civilians and military are as one. But how do we get the military to see the purposeful man made famines and unrest do to inflation, high energy cost due to burdens policies and burdens continued hate and division speeches?

  20. Brad Buckner

    The commander and chief is, Donald John Trump.

  21. Reece Watson

    Sad thing is biden does not care what's legal or illegal. Look at the border, vax mandates, the 2 Marines behind biden.

  22. Noah Wiliams

    I for one took that speech by Biden as a formal declaration of war against half of the American people. MAGA supporters do NOT threaten democracy! MAGA threatens the continuation of the leftist regime currently in power in Washington. MAGA supporters are trying to restore democracy, the rule of law, and election integrity… all things this totalitarian regime stand against. Let’s Go Biden!!

  23. Troy Jones Sr

    One person with boots chooses these Domestic Traitors, it would be a huge mistake..

  24. John Medina

    Doom, doom, doom

  25. Tich

    Um….where is the red alert?

  26. Ken Cox

    Please watch and beware of your environment/safety.
    Events are happening Fast.
    Do not trust any Politician/DemocRat who demands your allegiance to their illegal agenda.

  27. Faith Nevaeh Martinez

    Lisa love the channel always have and for the most part I completely support its purpose of keeping Americans informed! But do you think that you could stop changing words in articles that your reading, And just read them verbatim?

  28. Joan Johnsen

    I heard/learned that MAGA has a negative and maybe a satanic meaning, could you find out for us? Thanks.

  29. gary pease

    I must fully reiterate, it's not "democracy" they are fighting for. It's "democrat-cy" they want to protect! Total domination! Watch closely.

  30. Diana DeShazer

    Military not coming for us my Dear Lisa.
    Military is going After ABC agency's and The Biden Administration and Congress.
    Most of everything your seeing is a show a movie if you will.
    Its coming fast.
    10 Days of Morning during Queens death.
    Remember EBS is 10 Days.
    Be Ready internet will go Black
    The New internet will be QUANTUM internet.
    No Facebook Twitter GOOGLE APPLE YouTube ect…
    MSM will be wipped out.
    If you dought me Research all band and concerts events.
    They all canceled until after 2023.
    just get everything you want to keep off the net now.
    Store up 10 days of food. Roman Noodles if you must.
    Military will have supply's if needed.
    The Military cannot step across the Constitution They know they took an oath.
    Biden breached our Constitution.
    Trump is The President.
    Biden is a MANCHURIAN Candidate.

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