ITK with Cathie Wood: Big Ideas for 2024

by | Feb 17, 2024 | Invest During Inflation | 9 comments

ITK with Cathie Wood: Big Ideas for 2024

On episode LII of “In the Know,” (February 2, 2024) ARK CEO/CIO, Cathie Wood, is joined by ARK Chief Futurist, Brett Winton. Together, they discuss technological convergence, artificial intelligence, and give a sneak peak into this year’s Big Ideas Report, which you can download here:

This month we’re again responding to a few requests by supplementing this episode with charts and data to help illustrate ARK’s perspective on and outlook for the global economy.

As always, Cathie discusses fiscal policy, monetary policy, market signals, economic indicators, and innovation. We hope you find this monthly series useful, especially during periods of heightened volatility. Stay Healthy. Stay Innovative.

00:00:00 – Intro
00:00:47 – Cathie Intro
00:12:13 – Brett Intro
00:15:09 – Converging Technologies Are Generating A Historic Technological Wave
00:16:43 – AI Serves As The Central Technology Catalyst
00:17:37 – AI Is Accelerating Faster Than Forecasters Anticipated
00:20:29 – Discontinuous Changes In Macroeconomic Growth Are The Norm, Thanks To Technology
00:25:49 – Technological Innovation Could Be Disruptive Enough To Dominate Global Equity Market Capitalizations
00:34:43 – The Cost Of Authoring The Written Word Has Collapsed
00:41:25 – Monetary Policy
00:41:32 – M2 Money Supply vs. CPI: Year-over-Year
00:43:07 – Federal Funds Rate vs. YoY Headline CPI
00:44:01 – Real Federal Funds Target Rate
00:46:05 – Yield Curve 10 Year Treasury Yield Minus 2 Year
00:46:44 – New Tenant Rent Index
00:48:51 – WCI Composite Container Freight Benchmark Rate
00:49:46 – Global Supply Chain Pressure Index (GSCPI)
00:50:08 – Bloomberg Commodity Index
00:52:07 – Metals/Gold Ratio vs. US 10 Year Treasury
00:53:52 – Bitcoin To Gold Ratio (Log)
00:56:01 – Investment Grade and High Yield Index Credit Default Swaps

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Big Ideas 2024 | ITK with Cathie Wood

In the world of investing and finance, Cathie Wood is a name that has gained significant prominence in recent years. As the founder and CEO of ARK Investment Management, Wood has made a name for herself by focusing on disruptive innovation and investing in companies that are at the forefront of technological advancements. Her vision and bold approach to investing have earned her a loyal following and made her a sought-after figure in the world of finance.

One of the ways in which Wood communicates her vision for the future of investing is through her annual “Big Ideas” report. The report outlines the key technological and industrial trends that Wood and her team at ARK Investment Management believe will shape the future and present significant investment opportunities. It provides a roadmap for investors to understand and capitalize on these trends, positioning themselves for long-term success.

Looking ahead to 2024, the “Big Ideas” report highlights several key themes that Wood believes will be crucial for investors to consider. One of the most prominent themes is the concept of “Innovation is on the Move,” which focuses on the transformation of traditional industries through technological innovation. Wood believes that advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, automation, and robotics will revolutionize industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and transportation, presenting significant investment opportunities for forward-thinking investors.

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Another key theme in the report is “Convergence.” Wood believes that the integration of technologies such as artificial intelligence, genetic sequencing, and blockchain will drive innovation and disruption across multiple industries. The report suggests that companies that are positioned at the intersection of these technologies will be poised for exponential growth and present attractive investment opportunities for those who can identify and capitalize on these trends.

Additionally, the report emphasizes the importance of “The New Space Race.” Wood believes that the space industry is on the verge of transformation, driven by advancements in satellite technology, space exploration, and the potential for space-based manufacturing and resource extraction. This theme presents opportunities for investors to capitalize on the growing commercialization of space and the potential for significant advancements in areas such as telecommunications, Earth observation, and space tourism.

Overall, the “Big Ideas 2024 | ITK” report serves as a comprehensive guide for investors to understand and position themselves for the future of technological innovation and disruption. Cathie Wood’s forward-thinking approach and dedication to identifying and capitalizing on these trends have solidified her reputation as a leading figure in the world of finance, and her insights are highly valued by investors seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern investment landscape. As the world continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the “Big Ideas” report serves as a valuable resource for investors looking to stay ahead of the curve and position themselves for long-term success in the ever-changing world of finance.

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  1. @ryanbaileyboxing

    My favorite finance channels besides this one:
    Mondays: Earn your leisure market Mondays
    Tuesdays: Wallstreet looks like us now network, Reppond Investments
    Wednesday: Reppond investments
    Also, melanin money podcast and peter Schiff show, Palisades gold, the RO Show wealthion, Joseph Carlson
    For crypto: Ivan on tech, crypto banter, cryptosrus
    Make my week complete!

  2. @OurTeslaFuture

    Cathy Wood, you always bring the best analysis every month. So many analysts are focused on the past for their uninformed bias and you keep looking at data and trends and the future, and you’re quite good at it. Glad to see you accumulate more TSLA while they are down and before the humanoid robot business becomes the base of an entirely new industrial revolutionary defining the future of labor world wide and beyond this single planet. Tesla’s megapactories building tractor trailer sized battery packs that every town world wide needs is such a huge TAM far exceeding the vehicle business. Keep educating people and trust your instincts but better than that, trust the data showing exponential growth in every business Tesla is leading and driving innovation world wide. True American success story not celebrated or acknowledged by the current administration and their 1980s mind set. Elon is not the Japanese invasion of the 1980s but is being treated as such. Sad.

  3. @goraygorgulu4773

    AI hype is stretched too far at this point. No denying It will play a major role in the coming decades, not just as fast as the cheerleaders want you to believe. Solar – battery – EV trio will run the show as they develop in synergy in the coming decade. Semi conductors with them.

  4. @janetcourtney1512

    I heavily invested in ARK and am terribly underwater- appreciate the reports but my ARK portfolio is not recovered. I have been waiting 3 years now…

  5. @arndt3203

    happy 2024 to all investors

  6. @adambrooks8306

    Their broad data is cool. She just puts on those thick glasses, and boldly touts crazy futures to pump up couch potato retailers to buy hard…. then she always dumps for a "wtf", like a cruel pimp
    I mean, ark stinks. She gone git in trouble sum point

  7. @ShJalilian68

    ARK lost $14 billion in investor wealth over the past decade even during a generally bullish market, Morningstar said.

  8. @DayTradeEssentials

    The sooner you realize that this lady is the worst thing to happen to young very-online investors in the last half decade, the faster you can move on to building sustainable wealth.

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