Javier Milei’s Ascension in the Spotlight

by | Sep 17, 2023 | Silver IRA | 32 comments

Javier Milei’s Ascension in the Spotlight

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0:00 Video Overview
1:10 What Milei is Proposing
4:15 The Region-Beta Paradox
6:53 Concerns of the Rise of Milei
12:08 Why I Make These Videos

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The Rise of Javier Milei: A Voice for Economic Freedom in Argentina

In an era of political polarization, where extremist voices often dominate public discourse, the rise of Javier Milei in Argentina’s political landscape comes as a breath of fresh air. A staunch advocate for economic freedom, Milei has been able to garner significant support for his ideas, challenging the status quo and offering alternative solutions for his country’s pressing economic issues.

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Milei, an economist by profession, has gained popularity through his unapologetic and straightforward approach to economic policy-making. His fiery speeches, often delivered with passion and zeal, have resonated with a growing segment of the Argentinean society that is tired of failed economic policies and government intervention.

One of the main pillars of Milei’s ideology is a commitment to free markets. He firmly believes that unleashing entrepreneurial spirit and reducing government intervention in the economy are the keys to prosperity. Milei argues that excessive regulations and cumbersome bureaucracy stifle economic growth, leading to high levels of poverty and unemployment. Instead, he proposes a more minimalist approach to government, with reduced taxes and regulations, allowing the private sector to thrive and create employment opportunities.

Another distinctive feature of Milei’s discourse is his strong opposition to populism. He rejects the idea that governments should provide social assistance and subsidies to solve the country’s economic problems, arguing that such policies only exacerbate the issues at hand. He believes that Argentina needs to embrace fiscal responsibility and address its fiscal deficit without resorting to unsustainable government spending.

Milei’s rise to prominence can be attributed, in part, to the emergence of social media platforms. With a strong presence on platforms such as YouTube and Twitter, Milei has been able to reach millions of people, particularly younger generations who are dissatisfied with the traditional political elite. His eloquence and ability to break down complex economic concepts into simple terms have made him a relatable figure, easily understood by the average citizen.

However, Milei’s uncompromising rhetoric and libertarian stance have also drawn criticisms. Some argue that his ideas are too radical and impractical to be implemented in a country like Argentina, which faces unique challenges and structural issues. Critics claim that Milei’s policies would only benefit the wealthy elite, leaving the most vulnerable members of society behind.

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Despite these criticisms, Milei’s popularity continues to grow, attracting a broad spectrum of supporters. His ability to communicate effectively, backed by a strong academic background in economics, has allowed him to challenge the conventional wisdom and propose alternative solutions for Argentina’s economic woes. Whether or not Milei’s ideas will translate into actual policy changes remains to be seen, but his rise in popularity symbolizes the growing demand for fresh voices and innovative approaches within Argentina’s political landscape.

In a climate where populism and interventionism have often prevailed, Milei’s rise represents a departure from the norm. By advocating for economic freedom and minimal government intervention, he offers a new perspective and potential solutions to long-standing problems. Only time will tell if Milei’s rise is a temporary phenomenon or a real force for change, but one thing is certain: his presence has sparked a much-needed debate about the future of Argentina’s economy and the role of the state.

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  1. Cold Life RP

    Milei is by far the best thing that could happen to Argentina.

  2. 1dantown

    Inflation in Argentina is 124% per year. What's the correct answer?

  3. Jeudyl

    He is the best for Argentina

  4. McDonell Miller

    It's insane to see people worldwide talking about a politician from my country, feels like I'm in a dream. Long live freedom!!!!

  5. Leandro Correa

    Vote Trump 2024, and beat the crazy Biden, that's all I ask of you, greetings from Buenos Aires

  6. Agabus

    this was a great video on Milei. Argentina is in deep trouble and dont have a lot of options. Is Argentina El Salvador 2.0?

  7. 1dering

    will be the first libertarian president in the history of the world.

  8. nicolas benson

    I must say you are an inspiration because I started up investing and trading as a scared investor who doesn’t want to lose money, glad to say I’m very profitable now and bought my first house through it

  9. WarsOfate

    As dysfunctional as argentina is, the thing with switching to foreign currency also means that it gives foreign state more power than your own state. It could become like ecuador nowadays where the government can't maintain safety because it doesn't have enough usd to pay for troops/police whereas foreign entities and/or local gangs may seize the momentum of power and jeopardize the safety just because they have usd. These entities may do illicit acts (like paying some criminals to kill some politicians that they dislike). Combines that with the possibility of many foreign powers that have their own interest trying to infiltrate with their own currencies & the whole state could be a ground for new conflict zones.

  10. Mind of Mark

    This guy is turbo-based, we need an American clone of him.

  11. Dj Diemonte

    Let me correct a couple things. Im from Argentina. He does not want to mess with gun laws or baby organs… He was talking about them in terms of philosophical thoughts and intellectual debate. Yes, he always said he was an Anarcho capitalist in philosophy, but not in real life, as he has to operate with the tools of democracy. Yes, he wants to dollarize to end inflation, which is running at 120%. NO he does not deny any crimes of the past. It was a war between the left and the right and just stated a fact and corrected the numbers of deaths. It was not 30,000 it was 8,000.

  12. Norris Heckwine

    Imagine rich and free Argentina that could show the world the "new" old way of freedom.

  13. Russell Sacks

    2 miles in 30 seconds is 240 miles per hour. Nice car!

  14. Riedo Denise

    fully agree…. swiss lic.oec.

  15. pat villars

    I noticed Argentina's inflation problem was not mentioned. I hope folks will notice that the dollar is used in Argentina although its currency is the peso. I point this out because I have come to believe that the use of a money that competes with the sovereign currency causes inflation to go crazy. I would suggest that Argentina digitize their own currency and stay away from borrowing dollars. Give the people the direct choice through their purchases as to what they actually want and need. Be Argentina. Digitize your own currency. Income distribution will change everything for the benefit of all the people.

  16. David Raimundo

    Whenever our media is against anything, I am for it.

  17. Faceless Vaper

    It would be interesting to see if it would actually lift the poorest and make them wealthier. I doubt it.✌

  18. Henlo Fren

    Pro-Israel? Into the trash it goes.

  19. Josh You A

    I like the fact that your content is so broad but also always financial. From micro to macro to global. It's always an interesting perspective.

  20. LDdrums20

    The dude has been educating the people for almost a decade. Most of us learned what he explained. It's obvious now that I see it. That explains the results in the election. The dude has been fighting for it for a looooong time. In my book he is a true hero.

  21. Tessian Rusu

    If a totalitarian socialist government is on the extreme left and totalitarian national-socialist government is on the extreme right, where is anarcho-capitalism situated on this axis? Does this axis make any sense outside of being an excuse to put as much distance between socialists and fascists?

  22. Ray Lopez

    Argentina was in the turn of the last century one of the richest countries in the world… time for a change indeed.

  23. Diane Finlay

    I could never stop watching you mid-video. Your wisdom and observation is priceless. Thank you.

  24. Kevin

    No politician can be trusted

  25. Ivan Gaeta

    Love this info!

  26. Pendamonium Paladin

    So you're saying he's the Oliver Anthony of Argentina lol….

  27. Hojung Jeong

    We should destroy the current world to open a new one. The fun is coming.

  28. bhop332

    Joe, i'm a long time subscriber from Argentina, really glad Tucker Carlson and you commented on this topic. Theres a few things Id like to point out that I think your followers REALLY need to know for context. Left wing media has excessive coverage here, due to it being heavily subsidized, so you will see inaccurate rumors being spread such as him wanting legal gun carry or selling human organs. These ideas are heavily taken out of context from 20 second clips on interviews were he debates his theorical stance on todays social issues (not part of his political campaing/speech). The source you used on the video really made an effort for him to seem like hes some crazy anarchocapitalst with deranged ideas. Secondly, you forgot to mention theres no alternative for him in the upcoming elections, the two other big significant parties are 1) a socialdemocrat center-left pseudo-opposition which devaluated our currency by 2 digits in 2015 and took a huge amount of debt to make the state bigger, and 2) the past election winner, the socialist party that currently runs our country with a 3 digit inflation and its attempting a re election, acting like the country isnt wrecked (funny thing: the actual economics minister is leading the party as presidential candidate, because socialist's party ex-leader has corruption charges). Final point, from an economics perspective, Milei wants to get rid of the central bank since its one of the few central banks that dosent use a "Targeted monetary policy" (ie: setting inflation to range from 1-3% yearly) nor follows the counter-cyclical Taylor's rule. Just like Venezuela and other African countries, politicians print money as they please. Lastly, great video overall, thank you for exposing your public to the millions of lives that entered poverty thanks to corrupt politicians thinking the people will stand for it cuz "we socialists are the the people".

  29. Frank Clark


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