Jeremy Grantham predicts that the upcoming economic downturn will be more severe than a recession.

by | Jan 25, 2024 | Recession News | 21 comments

Jeremy Grantham predicts that the upcoming economic downturn will be more severe than a recession.

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Jeremy Grantham: What’s Coming is WORSE than a Recession

Renowned investor and co-founder of Grantham, Mayo, & van Otterloo (GMO) Jeremy Grantham has made dire predictions about the future of the economy, stating that what’s coming is worse than a recession. Grantham’s sobering outlook has garnered attention from both the financial and general public, sparking discussions about the state of the global economy and what lies ahead.

Grantham’s warnings about the future are rooted in his extensive experience and track record as an investor. Throughout his career, Grantham has become known for accurately predicting market bubbles and downturns, such as the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s and the housing market crash in 2008. His ability to foresee economic turmoil has earned him a reputation as a knowledgeable and credible voice in the world of finance.

In a recent interview, Grantham expressed concerns about the unsustainable nature of the current economic system, citing factors such as rising debt levels, income inequality, and environmental degradation. Grantham believes that these issues, along with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, have created a perfect storm that will lead to a severe downturn in the global economy.

According to Grantham, the economic downturn to come will be more than just a recession – it will be a “full-fledged crash.” He anticipates widespread bankruptcies, a collapse in asset prices, and a sharp decline in consumer spending. Grantham also warns that the impacts of this downturn will be felt for years to come, with long-lasting effects on both the economy and society as a whole.

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Grantham’s grim outlook has prompted many to take his warnings seriously and consider the implications for their own financial well-being. Investors, in particular, are reevaluating their portfolios and considering strategies to protect their assets in the face of impending economic turmoil.

Despite the sobering nature of Grantham’s predictions, he also offers a glimmer of hope. He emphasizes the importance of proactive measures to address the root causes of the impending crisis, such as promoting sustainable economic growth and addressing social and environmental challenges. Grantham’s call to action has resonated with many who see the current state of the world as a wake-up call for change.

In conclusion, Jeremy Grantham’s warning that what’s coming is worse than a recession serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of the global economy. His insights are a call to action for individuals, businesses, and policymakers to take steps to mitigate the impending crisis and work towards a more sustainable and equitable economic future. As the world grapples with the challenges ahead, Grantham’s expertise and guidance will continue to be valuable in navigating the uncertain times ahead.

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  1. @TheGregWallace

    The S&P Shiller PE Ratio as of 1-25-24 is 32.94 we are way over priced.

  2. @TheGregWallace

    We are for sure headed for a RUG PULL!

  3. @computerscience6579

    dont listen to this stupid youtube channels. Find a few with a good history and follow those. Limit to few. People suck at predicting the market. Some are just lucky and randomly predicted a recession. Dont panic.

  4. @JackRiley-ct1ye

    Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months.
    Started with 14k in last month 2023..

  5. @Greggsberdard

    My original retirement plan was to retire at 62, work part-time, and save money. However, high prices for everything have severely affected my plan. I'm concerned if people who went through the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time than I am having now. The stock market is worrying me as my income has decreased, and I fear I won't have enough savings for retirement since I can't contribute as much as before.

  6. @dimitristripakis7364

    Translation: "I lost some trains and want back in on the ride. Sell your stocks cheap to me."

  7. @anomaly2990

    I lik yor drawings

  8. @lot2196

    Is every comment on here spam?

  9. @Riggsnic_co

    Several of the biggest market experts have been voicing their opinions on exactly how awful they think the next downturn would be, and how far equities may have to go, as recession draws closer and inflation continues.. well above the Fed's 2% objective. I'm trying to build a portfolio of at least $850k by the time I'm 60. I need suggestions on what investments to make..

  10. @jackofallglass165

    were in a housing bubble. but stocks and bitcoin are gonna explode over the next year while housing prises crash. true economic recession will happen after the 2024 election. robbery of the american middle and lower class on a scale never before seen

  11. @ROBSwank-pm1vd

    Vote your conscience to Remove this administration! Americans do NOT have faith in its own country let alone rest of the world !! We need a solid leader !! It will not correct everything over night… but prices will come down a bit n things stabilize !! Focus on Solid firms that have recession proof products and those paying solid dividends for years ….with a Few technology firms you like !! It's not easy for any of us !! Best of luck n God Bless !!

  12. @leonardgibney2997

    I've been thinking Wall St. will have to reset drastically many times in recent years but it just keeps going up. Unlike Threadneedle St. which has been sclerotic for a long time.

  13. @jmrodas9

    As far as I have read elsewhere, money shall lose its value. The Bible says "men shall throw away the papers they saved and took care so much of, as they are worthless and these papers are the currency bills.. The only thing that shall keep is worth is land. Even gold shall be worthless.

  14. @Infedeon

    How was it calculated or what is the formula for calculation on minute 4:55?

  15. @jose2212-

    How can I grow my portfolio to outpace downturns and maintain a successful long-term strategy? I have been reading of investors making about $250k profit within a month during downturns, and I need ideas on how to achieve similar profits.

  16. @eaoryan639

    Not tech bubble. Woman bubble.

  17. @heinzbucksandcastle2053

    On a macro level Grantham is correct. What is different now is the engineering that does not allow for a crash, it would be a catastrophe for world markets.

  18. @jamesdonald7485

    When Woodrow Wilson signed the empowering legislation for the US Fed, he is reputed to have said "what have I done?" And just look at the Fed's record since then.

  19. @jamescahill8595

    Grantham is far more often wrong than right.

  20. @hans9550

    Heard this many times before, always a reason not to invest. And in the end you miss rallys. Go for the big companies they get bigger and bigger. Get your divident/yield. And if the markets go down you get them cheaper. Buy at the low, sell at the top? Nobody can do that. I have seen a lot of crashes but always rallied again

  21. @syedsaqib9079

    This dooms day "Oracle" has been babbling for 3 years now that there is a crash coming but it has not come yet. Do NOT listen to such self proclaimed pundits. They do not know when bubble will burst or when recession will start but they make their living on people's fears. I consider such people "useless" and of no value. A recession will definitely come some day, and Mr. Grantham will surely take credit "Oh I told you so". That's his game. Just listen to really great investors such as Warren Buffett and tune out these "pundits" and just invest in good companies that you understand, have some competitive advantage and are available at some discount to their true intrinsic value. That's all you need, not this useless garbage, "Crash is coming, coming, coming"!!
    Full Disclosure: I am a professional investor who has done well in boom and bust markets for the last 25 years.

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