Jim Bianco Predicts Recession Unlikely to Commence Until Mid-2024

by | Jul 8, 2023 | Recession News | 8 comments

Jim Bianco Predicts Recession Unlikely to Commence Until Mid-2024

“I’m not so sure that Wall Street has the patience to see that the recession is going to maybe unfold a little bit slower and longer than they think,” Bianco Research founder and CEO Jim Bianco says during an interview with Jonathan Ferro on “Bloomberg The Open.”

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Recession May Not Start Until Mid-2024, Jim Bianco Says

As the global economy continues to recover from the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, economists and analysts are closely monitoring the possibility of an impending recession. However, according to Jim Bianco, a prominent financial expert, the world might not see another economic downturn until mid-2024.

Bianco, the President and Founder of Bianco Research, has made a name for himself by accurately predicting market trends and economic outcomes. His latest analysis suggests that despite lingering concerns over inflation, the chances of a recession occurring in the next few years are relatively low.

One major factor contributing to this optimistic outlook is the record-breaking amounts of monetary and fiscal stimulus implemented by governments worldwide in response to the pandemic. The massive injection of funds has provided a significant boost to various sectors, helping to prop up economies and create resilience against downturns.

Additionally, Bianco argues that while inflation has become a hot topic recently, it is unlikely to reach levels that would trigger a significant economic contraction. While rising prices can be concerning, many central banks have tools at their disposal to manage inflation and prevent it from spiraling out of control.

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Furthermore, the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines globally has brought hope for a strong recovery. As vaccination rates increase and restrictions ease, businesses are gradually reopening, leading to a resurgence in consumer spending. This newfound economic activity is expected to continue supporting growth and further distance us from the risk of a recession.

Bianco’s views are also grounded in historic patterns. He notes that, historically, economic expansions tend to have a natural lifespan of about 10 years. Given that the US emerged from the 2008 financial crisis, this would suggest that another recession might not occur until around 2018 at the earliest.

While Bianco’s expertise and track record offer a reassuring perspective, it’s important to remember that no economic prediction is foolproof. Unforeseen events, policy changes, or other unforeseen factors could affect the global economy, potentially altering the timeline for a future recession.

Nevertheless, Bianco’s analysis offers hope and serves as a reminder that the global economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. The world has weathered numerous crises throughout history, and while challenges remain, there are reasons to be optimistic about the future.

In conclusion, according to Jim Bianco, a well-respected financial expert, the odds of a recession occurring in the near future appear to be relatively low. Bianco’s analysis points to factors such as extensive government stimulus, manageable inflation, the vaccine rollout, and historical economic patterns as reasons to have confidence in continued growth. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant, as unforeseen events can always alter the economic trajectory.

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  1. Vale Tudo

    So basically – nobody knows anything. There are always those who will keep pushing it back and then when it happens they will point to it as proof and validation they are right. Even a broken clock is right twice a day

  2. Happy Days

    Sir, the curve started to invert in July 2021. 18 months later would be Jan 2024 the latest. Past history shows that recession could come any time between 12 to 18 months later.

    But most of all, the market often goes up when everyone is expecting a crash, but has a crash when it is least expected.

  3. C.V. V

    Recession has happened. it has come and one. it happened very fast

  4. hangender

    and in 2024 they will tell us it will be in 2025. Fawking boomers man lol

  5. Tri Nguyen

    Recession in June 2024? 18 months for global supply chains and employment to readjust? It may not happen at all.

  6. David Ngan

    recession isn't real just keep buying stock at high and I sell and buy it again at low price!

  7. David Walters

    Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by to send some positive energy to all of you! These past years been very tough to me. Ive been challenged mentally, emotionally and certainly spiritually. I feel like i’m finally finding myself and who I was once before when I had peace. I am thankful to come across a channel like this one that shows me that we are really all one in the same. We all have these daily struggles that we deal with that can keep us up late at night but just know that you are not alone. Knowing that I can come here and openly express myself and see others doing the same gives me hope that the world will indeed be a better place but it starts with us. We have to set an example for others and I know we can do it. Peace and Love to ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.

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