Jim Cramer gives his take on the Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS and Science Act

by | Nov 2, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 38 comments

Jim Cramer gives his take on the Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS and Science Act

The “Mad Money” host explained why he believes why the two bills could hurt the U.S. economy on Wednesday’s episode of the show. Sign up and learn more about the CNBC Investing Club with Jim Cramer

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  1. jeff strong

    IRA will not lower inflation because real problem is supply chain from China. China export about $500 billion to the US and not all are finished products. It effects about $2 trillion to the US economy a year using Chinese supplier. Now IRA is starting trade war with S Korea. Government involvement to inefficient companies will fail like in the past with the US shipping industry in 1980s unless US tax payers are willing to pay for their loss every year. US can't be efficient producing everything and that's why global trade is very important. US haven't had high inflation since China joined WTO and exporting cheap Chinese supplies to the US even during Internet bubble and Subprime mess time with FOMC printing more money. Now China is raising price to the world with pandemic shut down and trade war with the US.

  2. Heyhey Yoyo

    Is this guy really simping for the Fed?

  3. RobertLee

    The Inflation Reduction Act Scam wont reduce inflation but it will increase inflation and create 87,000 new arm IRS thugs to rob the middle class.

  4. Gokul Khatiwoda

    He is liar he’s not making money for people he is there making for him self , very greedy man

  5. x 1

    Educated immigrants is where we get the engineers for the CHIPS act

  6. Jonathan Allen

    Jim Cramer’s rant put him on the map in 2007; almost 14 years later, it would be his Middle East colleague Hadley Gamble’s turn when she asked Vladimir Putin, “Has Russia been using energy as a weapon?”

  7. Papa Woody

    Taking financial advice from Cramer is like asking Casey Anthony for parenting tips.

  8. Corvaire Wind

    You can thank the lack of qualified educated workers on your Corporatist overlords who would rather yank fundage from public education and funnel it towards Private Schools, many of those run by Tax-Free churches that indoctrinate and groom future religious zealots that deny higher education. Greed is forcing our nation towards a contastrophy of ignorant masses. :O/-

  9. Corvaire Wind

    Over half of it will go to Intel in Israel. Yet again, we gift them for human rights violations. :O/-


    HomeOwners Assocoations (HOAs) are criminals who embezzle people's money and enrich themselves. They need the attention of IRS Agents.

  11. Space Wizard

    So the bills that will make America the production center for the future of high and green technology over the next decade is a waste of money? The world is going to buy their future tech from the USA, and this sets the framework and provides the incentives for that future. It also provides the American taxpayer the means to get the technology for themselves at a good price.

  12. Tong Kim

    they RAID trump as distraction so biden's controllers can pass the "inflation reduction act" is "get trump supporters act" hire n arm IRS $80 billion/yr bribe the republicans with 21% pay increase so they can attack trump supporters with the army of weaponized IRS just pure evil, while homeless are starving to death in tents. only cost Dubai $80 billion to build we can end homeless give them jobs n homes. evil people. trump supporters they are coming for u protect yourself.

  13. Scott Jorgensen

    My mission is simple, to loose you money!

  14. Harold Loz

    Jim. Another good call. Congress don't know nothing about economy. We will pay the prices inflated.

  15. Mongo_Congo

    Any member of Congress, from either party, that votes in favor of the "Bidens Inflation Reduction Act" needs to be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE in November!

    This act calls for the hiring of 87,000 more IRS AGENTS/AUDITORS in an already bloated Federal Government!

    Rest assured that these agents will NOT BE going after the real crooks… The Joe Biden Crime Family, Hunter, or the corrupt Clinton Global initiative, Politicians, Wealthy Donors, or the Politically connected.

    These Agents will be going after the hard-working taxpaying citizens, the middle class, and the poor.

    America needs to start taking action against the "THUGS" doing their best to destroy our country!

    Subpoenas and Arrests are warranted towards the slime in the Government representing the deep state!

  16. KD

    Even the Prez doesn't know what is in it…This is the best bill ever! Don't you think?


  17. Lloyd Bernard

    A crash and bullish market provides equal high-yield potential, it's all about information and strategy application, I've seen folks make huge 7figure profit in a crashing market and pull it off much easily in a bull market , Unequivocally the crash is getting somebody somewhere rich

  18. Ray Arjomand

    The higher taxes will slow down the economy, just like rate hikes do. So that part of the bill is anti-inflationary. Also employment will go up in Green industries only which is a good thing assuming we don't want to live in a red hot uninhabitable planet.

  19. jon hart

    Ya HHH boynoo boo who cares

  20. jon hart

    Warren Buffett John Malone jimmy junior James Cramer craigslist here $$$

  21. Donna Luna

    Nice throwback. The Fed is data driven looking backwards. While the stock market looks 6-9 months forward. Congress looks at now, very reactionary. Good for corporations, stimulus for the already wealthy; use those funds well.

  22. Greg

    You put fires out with more fuel right?

  23. dennmillsch

    I tuned into Cramer for a few laughs at his nonsense. Was shocked to see that he actually correctly points out that Congress is blowing money like a drunken sailor. He's often wrong about a lot of things, but this one he is right.

  24. Steve A

    despacable jim cramer is certinly a mush and coch brothers favorite and a republican. he should be thrown out of cnbc but cnbc seems to be just for republicans

  25. X Y X

    the 2017 Wealthy Welfare Act is $2Trillion. Are those the trillions Wizard Cramer is talking about?

  26. X Y X

    Ohhh, the 2007 crash was because of the Fed… not Behr Sterns, not AIG, not sub-prime mortgage party on Wall Street. Wizard Cramer's crystal ball is a little cloudy?

  27. X Y X

    What was the response of Wizard Cramer to the 2017 Wall Street Social Welfare Act? Did that have affect on inflation? Is Wizard Cramer ok with 55 major corporations paying 0 tax of wayyyy-biggg profits? And what is Wizard Cramers take on 4X profits by XOM? Was he unhappy that XOM sold oil across the pond?

  28. Alhumaidi

    When it come to "democrat on the congress "


    80 billion to the irs? What could go wrong? RIP America

  30. Maverick Jones

    With interest rates low and inflation high I just borrowed the amount I was going save this year at 10.8% in March and just put into my brokerage. Then I put what I was going to save and transfer monthly into my brokerage I instead turned it into monthly payments on the loan. Guess I contributed to inflation as money loaned from the fractional reserve banking system creates new money also.

  31. Josue Sanchez

    Creamer was literally bullish on the housing market DAYS before the housing crash blame capitalism not the government this guy is a joke

  32. Jon Kayl

    Wow, very very American. Central banks creating money via QE have anything to do with all this inflation? Fed created 4.8 Trillion USD in 2020 and 21.

  33. Jay M

    Inflation Reduction Act is great but it can't match Congress' best Act, the creation of the FED to guarantee inflation.

  34. Missouri Valley Arms

    We have the lowest job participation rate in USA in 40 years. When the government doesn't have taxpayers, they steal money from middle and low income Americans through inflation and taxation- EXACTLY what's going on now. They will hire 80,000 new IRS agents who will be weaponized against conservatives and small businesses. This is why the founders put the second amendment in the constitution. Vote conservative in November to stop this madness.

  35. Anonymous

    Yeah because destroying competition and taxing people more always helps the economy

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