Joe Biden Warns Black College Students of White Supremacy as America’s Biggest Terrorist Threat

by | May 20, 2023 | Rollover IRA | 28 comments

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Conservative Twitter users ripped President Joe Biden for claiming that White supremacy is the “most dangerous terrorist threat” in America during a commencement address at Howard University this weekend.

Critics accused Biden of using the opportunity to inflame racial tension in the United States.

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Former Vice President Joe Biden made headlines recently when he spoke to a group of black college students and warned them about the dangers of white supremacy in the United States. According to Biden, white supremacists are the biggest terrorist threat to America today.

Biden’s remarks came during a virtual town hall meeting with students from Florida A&M University. He was responding to a question from a student who asked how he planned to address the rise of white nationalism and hate crimes in America. Biden responded by saying that white supremacists “are a genuine threat to our country.”

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He went on to say that he would prioritize combating white supremacy as part of his plan to address systemic racism in America. He also said that he would work to improve police training and make sure that federal law enforcement agencies are equipped to deal with hate crimes and domestic terrorism.

Biden’s comments were greeted with applause and praise from many people, including civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton. Sharpton commended Biden for taking a strong stance against white supremacy and for recognizing that it is a real and growing problem in America.

However, Biden’s comments were also criticized by some conservative commentators. Some accused him of playing the “race card” and of demonizing white people. Others accused him of ignoring the threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism.

But for many Americans, especially those who have been victimized by hate crimes or who have lost loved ones to domestic terrorism, Biden’s words were both necessary and welcome. They see white supremacy as a real and immediate threat to their safety and to the well-being of their communities.

For these Americans, Biden’s comments are a sign that he takes their concerns seriously and that he is committed to addressing the root causes of racism and violence in America. They hope that his words will be followed by action and that he will take concrete steps to make America a safer and more just place for all people.

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  1. Black Conservative Perspective

    What are y'all's thoughts on Joe Biden telling black college students that white supremacy is the biggest domestic terrorist threat to this country?!

  2. Ariel Irb


  3. MorbidJedi

    Says the guy whom said a known kkk member was his mentor and friend.

  4. RodOfSteel666

    Wearing that costume bring him back to his grand wizard days.

  5. Rick Meyer

    By white supremacists, he must mean the DOJ and FBI.

  6. Buffet Barbie

    Biden is one of the biggest racists out there.

  7. WanderleiSilva29

    Isn't this the same dude who said "if you don't vote for me, then you ain't black"?….. Pretty sure this is also the same guy who was friends with Robert Byrd (former chief officer of the KKK) and cried at his funeral….. He is playing you all for fools and telling you what you want to hear to secure your vote….. You voters falling for this crap should be disgusted with yourselves for being so naiive and misinformed….. As a white American, let me help you be able to identify a true white racist….. Here is a solid indicator. Whenever you have a white person, male or female (yes, there are only 2 genders), crying white supremacy and/or standing up for other races, joining BLM protests, etc. THAT is the real racist!….. When you see a white person doing this crap, it is a ploy or a con….. 90% of those people are just trying to solidify something they can fall back on in the event they are ever called a racist so they can say to that person "See! I can't be a racist because I did/said this!"….. 8% of them are people who just feel guilty that they cant see past color and are trying to sympathize and pander to feel better about themselves (all those 8% are truly doing though is taking pity on you. You should never be ok with someone pitying you)…. Only the remaining 2% are not racist and typically have a black spouse and/or bi-racial child….. REAL racism and white supremacy discussions take place behind closed doors. It's not publicly voiced….. It's your sweet old English teacher with the MLK pin on her dress or your friendly neighborhood mailman with the BLM sticker on the bumper of his Chevy…. They come with smiles and go out of their way to help you. Their true feelings come out in the privacy of their home…. It's very rare that you get a racist actually have the balls to say it aloud and/or act violently because of skin color, which is why it goes viral whenever it is captured on film…. The normal every day white folks you see walking around, not advocating, are NOT racist (well, let's say an overwhelming majority aren't)….. They are just people living their lives who aren't thinking twice about what color you are or whether they think they are better than you or not. But the media and D party cannot allow you to know that. They NEED races divided in order to secure your vote so they can remain in power – because power and money is all that matters to them – not you….. Think of it this way; There are 330 million people in this country. Only 40 million of them are black, while 230 million are white. If the majority of white people were racists, like youv'e been led to believe, Obama never would have been voted into office (or any other black politician for that matter), the civil rights movement would have failed, black people would still not be allowed to vote or sit on the bus, and slavery would still be a thing. Systemic racism does not exist in the US. Stop buying into this crap and vote this clown out of office.

  8. CytosGhost

    This is a blatant lie. I just graduated from college last week and received a similar speech at the ceremony. Everybody loves to blame white supremacy when the truth is that nobody kills more blacks than blacks. Hell, my grandmother and I talk about how bad the black on black violence in Philly is all the freaking time.

  9. Tallon Teel

    The federal bureau of investigations says a different story. The greatest threat to black people is their own kind. You can literally look it up

  10. Mabhelande

    I don't feel sorry for black Americans, this is exactly what they vote for: to be disrespected by the Democrats & be used as some token.

  11. Obed Mtz

    His against rich old white people…. Yea, his that stupid

  12. Living My Life

    Why aren’t the Republicans saying this loud and clear?

  13. Living My Life

    He talks about how evil white supremacy while being an old white man with connections to kkk. I don’t understand how people don’t see this hypocrisy.

  14. O. Onti

    Joe Biden.. the divider and thief .

  15. rebelray84

    It's just amazing the outrage over 500 illegals in their area. NEVER gave a crap about the 10,000s invading the southern border.

  16. jay

    For every 1 black person killed by a white person in America there are 21 whites killed by blacks. …but….WHITE SUPREMACY….FUCK OUT OF HERE

  17. Just_Josh!

    Biden is the biggest threat to America

  18. Yetzchaq Eaton

    Biden is such a demagogue!!!

  19. Norbert Evans

    Funny how so many millions of black and brown people are flocking to the USA yet the USA's biggest threat is white supremacist ruling over us. But They are only republicans? Magically I guess.

  20. MobyDickHead

    You said word for word what I was going to type after Joe's speech

  21. The Green Baron

    The greatest terrorist threat is joe biden

  22. Jon Landon

    Dig it, this white man who holds the supreme position of power tacitly and ironically acknowledges that he is the single greatest threat to this country.

  23. Jon Landon

    The single greatest threat to "the homeland" is this guy. This country is FUBAR because of this clown. I thought the Cheney/Bush years were bad, sheesh. This regime is a descent into hell. You would need several blackboards to outline the crimes, lies, and corruption that this regime has engaged in on so many different fronts, and we're only a little more than half way through it.

  24. Delores Pfeil

    Imagine a president so blatently lying and spreading racism to the young generation about to go out into the world! The great uniter at work!

  25. Nataly D

    On another note, in this day and age, there is absolutely no reason or purpose for an HBC, and this is a black woman writing this. I had the opportunity to go to one and refused, opting to attend an accredited well known ACC school. My future is more important than our past. My parents always taught me education is the great equalizer. Education does not see ethnicity, color or gender. Unfortunately, the bar is set low at these institutions. Why hinder yourself? Why become prey to racist panderers like the president?

  26. Silvus Sol

    Considering Biden spoke at the funeral of a KKK Grand Master, proposed several anti-black policies, and has said numerous racist things; I guess that means that HE is part of that great threat then.

    This is classic projection and misdirection, and at a graduation ceremony no less. I sincerely hope that some of those kids saw through this act of divisive pandering.

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