Joe Terranova of Virtus claims that the stocks have already factored in the economic recession.

by | Apr 7, 2023 | Recession News | 29 comments

Joe Terranova of Virtus claims that the stocks have already factored in the economic recession.

Joe Terranova, Virtus Investment Partners, joins ‘Closing Bell: Overtime’ to discuss Microsoft and Texas Instruments earnings reports and the broader market….(read more)

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Virtus’ Joe Terranova, along with many other financial experts, has recently asserted that the economic recession has already been factored into stock prices. This means that most of the negative effects of the recession have already been taken into account by market investors, and that stock prices reflect this reality. Terranova argues that although the pandemic has caused significant damage to the economy, investors have largely anticipated the impact and reflected it in the value of their investments.

The pandemic and resulting economic shutdowns have had an injurious effect on companies across a variety of industries. Many businesses have been forced to close for good, while others have experienced significant losses in revenue. As a result, it is not surprising that stock prices have taken a hit. However, Terranova argues that the stock market is forward-looking and that investors are always trying to anticipate the future. By this logic, Terranova believes that investors are already pricing in the effects of the recession and looking beyond it to future growth.

While some may be concerned that a second wave of infections could cause the market to plummet again, Terranova is confident that it will not come to that. Terranova believes that the market has already built in the possibility of further economic disruption and that it can continue to rise. He points to the positive economic indicators that have been recently reported, such as rising consumer confidence and strong job growth, as evidence that the market is on the right track.

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The idea that the market reflects the impact of an economic recession is not a new one. In fact, it is a well-established principle in finance that prices reflect all available information. This means that, in theory, the market should always reflect the most recent and up-to-date information on any given company or industry. When it comes to the economic recession, this means that stock prices should already reflect the widespread effects that the pandemic has had on businesses.

In summary, the view that the economic recession has already been priced into the stock market is a widely held one. Terranova’s expertise and experience lend weight to this perspective, as does the larger body of economic research. Despite the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic, investors seem to be looking toward future growth and betting on the resilience of the market. As always, however, market predictions can be subject to change, and investors should always keep a close eye on the latest economic indicators.

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  1. dave howos

    This guy straight up gave you bad financial advice. No way recession can be priced in, given you cant even tell how long it will last….. priced in is actually a stupid lazy of saying im willing to ignore this and that….

  2. Bergtte Clady

    Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..

  3. Deborah Judson

    Just do something that will earn you money while you sleep, no matter how little. A pandemic is the perfect way to open your eyes to really see what life could be like without your usual income stream and everyone had to stay home. Well I never felt it because I invested in a trading company where I earn 4 digits per week. The best thing you can do for yourself is invest more and spend less.

  4. Dennis Cox

    As an elder millennial, one of the few advantages is having lived through the Great Recession. My advice. Reduce unnecessary expenses, increase your savings by investing in financial markets and do not sell. One thing I know for sure is that diversifying your income can help insulate you from much of the craziness going on in the world.

  5. Samuel 22

    Mrs Alice is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

  6. EndLessRPM

    The market priced a recession while sitting at 4000 spy? Who is he trying to convince?

  7. Noah Michael

    To my understanding this just proves how much we need an edged as an investors because playing the market like everyone else just isn’t good enough. I’ve been quite ensured about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it’s the best time to get started on the market,what are your thoughts?!

  8. George chris

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today

  9. Robert mary

    <<^^I'm so opportuned that irrespective of the current dip in cryptocurrency, economy crisis and financial conditions i am still able to earn $19,500 returns from my initial $6,500 every 10 days. Crypto investment is really profitable..>>

  10. joesph cu

    I used to think everybody went broke during the Great Depression and other major crashes but they didn’t… Some made millions, I also thought everybody went out of business during these times but they didn’t, some went into business, there's always depression/recession for some people and there's always a good time for others, it's all about perspective.

  11. Bill

    The way I see it this recession most likely has an external cause. The United States is losing influence as a federal currency for the first time in decades. They don't have any more economies to utilize to control their inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than previously. They all lend credence to the hypothesis that a new multilateral world order may be in the works.

  12. Windarti

    _I must share my experience: Last January I used to walk in the hills of Southern California daily, imagining I was in Maryland where our daughter had begun working (in DC actually), where she had prayed to buy her first home. Well, this morning, in early November 2022, it dawned on me as I was taking my early morning walk in the hills of our new beautiful Maryland suburb while listening to this video; Neville's method of imagining from the wish fulfilled definitely works. We moved here this past June–through many miraculous occurrences. All this was possible because I adopted the habit of investing a long time ago, I had the believe it would pay off soon I had bad days on investing where I lost a couple large funds on just holding assets and all that stopped when i found out about Mr Rodger M. Karl….

  13. raj lippy

    markets don't have a p/e of 17 going into a recession…keep dreaming dude!

  14. David longman

    Good content and you have a lot of knowledge on this topic. Diversifying your portfolio is the best way to stay afloat in this current economic mishap. I advice my friend and colleagues to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency as it have been profitable for me in the past and present you just have to work with the right coach, Is it a good time to invest in bitcoin? I believe it is. Bitcoin means investment. It means opportunity. It means prosperity. It means financial independence. Trading with my mentor and professional trader Thomas Fuller have earned me over 11 BTC in profits, highly recommended to new investors. Historically, fortune favored the ones who invest in thought moments.

  15. 888strummer

    Only a mild recession is priced in, so if we have a bad recession; we'll see the Dow, Nasdaq and S & P drop another 15 or 20% or more

  16. Jason Edwads

    DOW almost at all time highs… yea we have priced in a recession…. bahhahahahhahhahaha

  17. tdub18914

    C'mon Joe, wake up.

  18. Steven Hayden

    Normally, during this time of year, we see certain stocks rise in the market, but that is quite improbable this season due to the recession and overall economic situation. The problem is that I've been holding a lot of stocks in the hopes of selling for a profit this month, but I'm not sure whether to maintain holding or sell-off, as I've been running at a loss since Q2 2022 and 2023 is not looking promising for investors.

  19. Francisco Jiménez

    HAAAAA!!!! Joe Terranova going ape saying that recession risks are in stocks. What a joke!

  20. Deesus

    He guided lower to “beat” expectations.

  21. Tony Stone Cold Country

    Disagree that economic recession has been priced in the market. The severity of recession is down the road. Make no mistake it is coming.

  22. MetalJam

    Whoops, guess you were wrong! Wayyyyyyy wrong! These guys are full of BS. MS at $231 this morning.

  23. Roland Ray

    I’m confident the current market has an equal possibility of making high-value gains or losses, so I'm cautious with my selections; but, I heard that a trader made over $250k in this recession influenced market, and I could really need ideas on how to achieve similar profits.

  24. Chris Millson

    As recession fears mount on Wall Street and inflation remains well above the Fed's 2% target, some of the top commentators in markets, business, and economics have been sounding off on just how bad they think the next downturn might be — and how far stocks may have to fall. I need ideas and advice on what investments to make to set myself up for retirement, my goal is to have a portfolio of at least $850k at the age of 60.

  25. Stephen Kowalski

    JP Morgan Marco said at beginning of 2022 the market sell off was overdone, now he says it's too high…lol. This guy ain't there to help you

  26. Stephen Kowalski

    Iisten to kovaks because he was wrong wrong wrong before, so he will be right now

  27. Max B

    Max was here

  28. Edmund Frost

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today

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