Jordan Belfort: I won't live my life in shame

by | Feb 5, 2023 | Pers Retirement | 43 comments

Jordan Belfort says he feels awful about what happened to his victims and that’s why he works daily to right his wrongs. More from CNN at

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Jordan Belfort is an American motivational speaker, author, and former stockbroker. He is best known for his memoir, The Wolf of Wall Street, which was adapted into a major motion picture in 2013.

Belfort was born in 1962 in Queens, New York, and grew up in a middle-class family. He attended American University and graduated in 1986 with a degree in biology and chemistry. He then went on to become a stockbroker.

In the late 1980s, Belfort founded the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont. The firm quickly grew to become one of the most successful and notorious firms on Wall Street. Belfort and his colleagues were known for their aggressive sales tactics and fraudulent investments.

In 1998, Belfort was indicted by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for securities fraud and money laundering. He was sentenced to four years in prison and ordered to pay $110 million in restitution to his victims.

Belfort served 22 months in prison and was released in 2004. After his release, he became a motivational speaker and wrote his memoir, The Wolf of Wall Street. The book was a bestseller and was adapted into a major motion picture in 2013.

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Belfort is now a successful public speaker and author. He has spoken at numerous conferences and events around the world, and his books have been translated into several languages. He has also been featured in numerous television and radio interviews.

Despite his past, Belfort is determined to move forward and make the most of his life. He has stated that he will not live his life in shame and that he is focused on helping others avoid making the same mistakes he did.

Belfort is a living example of how one can turn their life around and make something positive out of a negative situation. He is an inspiration to many and a reminder that it is never too late to start again.

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  1. Zain Sikandar

    I wouldnt even be mad if my money got robbed by jordan lol

  2. Dillon Gritz

    Where’s the full version where Piers berated him and got extremely personal bringing up his parents in order to shame him even more??

  3. James Field

    You have to make amends for your actions.

  4. DB

    He doesn't regret anything

  5. DB

    No soul, pushy person. Still don't trust him as far as I could throw him.

  6. dat one ting

    belfort is still a coward who really does think it can all be solved with money. seek out and apologize to the people who’s life you ruined.

  7. Dave Powell

    I suspect were this guy to face some of the financial victims a bodyguard might be useful in case some blunt force trauma occurred. The debt to society may be paid in his head and the eyes of the law but paying people back with compound interest would be nice.

  8. Brendan

    Hearing Jordan Belfort talk makes me realize how perfect Leo DiCaprio played him lol

  9. timgraysontv

    Biden needs too apologize to every American for inflation costs that's robbing us blind!

  10. Big Sné

    Thanks for the straight line technique amongst others Jordan, but be honest you don't care at all about those people.

  11. Datskat

    1:44 "Action speaks louder than words" a funny sentence comming from someone that 7 years later still hasn't payed his victims 100 mln dollars. This man is pure liar.

  12. Felipe Junkes C.

    vc vê claramente q o cara não demonstra qualquer empatia por ninguém, sempre o mesmo semblante "acho terrível" mas vc vê que ele não liga, é da boca pra fora, um típico narcisista psicopata, como muitos que existem por ai. Certamente se não tivesse sido pego e ficado 4 anos na cadeia continuaria fazendo sem remorso oq fazia, porque, mesmo hoje, como se percebe (e como ele mesmo assume) não se envergonha. Achei o filme até bem feito mas relativizar oq e ele fez, achar "cool" ou romantizar o crime que foi cometido contra pessoas humildes (maior parte de suas vitimas foram pequenos investidores, professores aposentados, etc) é não saber separar ficção da realidade, o cara hoje vai a SP e dá palestras que lotam as salas, sobre "motivação", "sucesso"… sério que as pessoas esqueceram que esse cidadão é um criminoso? ou sabem o que ele é, mas não se importam? me preocupa essa sociedade em que vivemos.

  13. Justice Missy


  14. Jimi the Schmuck

    You should live in shame, felon.

  15. J Drury

    Peirce is simply ridiculous

  16. Prem

    The most toxic comment feed I have seen. People are attacking the interviewer! Ha ha…

  17. Jar Jar Binks

    Jesus I wish piers would actually let him speak for more than 5 seconds at a time. So infuriating to watch.

  18. Muscle Man

    I like how Piers Morgan was arguing when he literally agreed with Jordan

  19. Shariqson In Da House

    Jordan is right about himself doing wrong but he is acting as if 100k is not someones lifes savings in America… now cuz of that, he is a rich snob 0:47 This dude is soo rich atm he doesn't even believe 100k is a lot, he doesn't even believe that is someones life savings, most americans cant even save a quarter of that money in their bank… he is a good person but he is cleary brainwashed by money and cant tell a difference, forget the movie..look at his actual character …Even though he is helping people, he is still making money off them aahah especially after the movie that was based on is lfie, infact he was even in the movie…. he is cleary money hungry..Great guy but money is cleary controlling him

  20. AnimalsAre BeautifulPeople

    You don't have to live your life in shame but you are making great money YOU SHOULD PAY BACK YOUR VICTIMS. you truly are a text book psychopath that can charm most people. But not everyone is fooled

  21. LuneyTune72

    Why does Pierce Morgan still have a job? He could be talking to a serial killer and I'd find more empathy for the killer than Morgan himself, just from having to listen to him talk.

  22. David Oldenburg

    Piers is such a sellout… The wolf has paid people back and served his time.

  23. 46foryounger

    He is a brilliant sales man and is full of shit. He needs to pay those victims back. I see that he has taken his scan game to Australia now. He needs to actually take his talents like Frank Abignale did and use them for good not evil. Criminals can be brilliant too but should not be defended. The fact that he has continued to involve himself in scamming people is very disappointing.

  24. Aidan Riley

    I have so much respect for Mr Belfort. He gets ripped into all the time and he responds so well to it!

  25. Newton Obeng

    All rich people are evil!

  26. mottthehoople684

    This man has sold his soul to the devil he.. has the ability to exterminate people & justify it by saying there still are plenty of people in the world

  27. Jachin Jainarain

    If he was the old Jordan he would of destroyed piers

  28. tritone11

    Piers Morgan should be slapped off of his high horse

  29. Peter Emad

    Belfort is a real sociopath

  30. Grant Campbell

    He's a fucking lying scumbag. If he stole money from me like that is want to cut his heart out. He has no remorse and has paid nothing back and in any other country would have been greatly punished for it. Dirty rat.

  31. Neutral

    piers is such a moron

  32. JoGa Leone

    he pushed back w lot harder with the australian ladies!

  33. jaxsun72

    A douchebag interviews a douchebag.

  34. zero gravity

    What they refuse to show is how many people he helped.

  35. Gabriel Ben

    He doesn’t give 2 fucks about the victims

  36. Terence Nordberg

    It disturbs me how much I don’t dislike this guy.

    Jordan that is.

    Piers is still a twat.

  37. minitebuhzed

    Everyone ya a victim this word has lost meaning because of interviews such as these

  38. Thomas J

    The thing is people will hand over their hard earned money like their is no day tomorrow as soon as they think there is easy money. Those people losing money were just as greedy as Jordan. They blindly handed over huge amounts cause of greed and then they lost it all to a penny stock scam and then they cried after they did zero thinking or research! I get why he got no remorse

  39. Squashy

    Piers lol.

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