JPM’s Bob Michele Predicts US Recession and Expected Fed Cut by Year End

by | Sep 17, 2023 | Recession News | 24 comments

JPM’s Bob Michele Predicts US Recession and Expected Fed Cut by Year End

Bob Michele, CIO and global head of fixed income and commodities at JPMorgan Asset Management, says the Federal Reserve is signaling that it is willing to “make the economy a casualty” by prioritizing inflation-over-growth. Michele explains why he still expects a Fed rate cut by the end of the year on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”
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In a recent statement, JPMorgan Asset Management’s Chief Investment Officer, Bob Michele, has predicted an imminent US recession. Michele suggests that the Federal Reserve will be compelled to lower interest rates by the end of this year to mitigate the effects of the recession. This announcement has sent shockwaves through financial markets, causing investors to re-evaluate their strategies and consider the potential consequences of a downturn.

Experts have been debating the possibility of a recession in the United States for some time now. Economic indicators such as slow GDP growth, declining manufacturing activity, and weakening global trade have been causing concern. Furthermore, the ongoing trade war between the US and China has not only created uncertainty but has also impacted business investments and consumer spending.

Bob Michele’s prediction has lent credibility to the arguments of those who believe that a US recession is on the horizon. As the head of one of the largest and most influential investment firms, his words carry weight in the financial community. Michele suggests that the Federal Reserve will be left with no choice but to cut interest rates in an attempt to stimulate economic growth and mitigate the impact of the recession.

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A rate cut by the Federal Reserve can have several implications. Lower interest rates typically encourage borrowing and investing, which in turn stimulates economic activity. This can help to combat a recession by encouraging businesses and consumers to spend and invest more, thus boosting overall economic growth.

However, there is a limit to how much the Federal Reserve can do to counteract an economic downturn, particularly one as significant as a recession. With interest rates already at relatively low levels, there is less room for maneuvering. Some experts argue that fiscal measures, such as increased government spending or tax cuts, may be required to effectively address a recession.

The possibility of a US recession and a Fed rate cut have also raised concerns about the global economy. The United States is the largest economy in the world, and a recession in the country would undoubtedly impact other nations. Since many emerging economies rely on the US for trade and investment, a downturn in the US could trigger a domino effect on a global scale.

It is important to note that predictions and forecasts are not guarantees of what will happen in the future. The global economy is complex and subject to various uncertainties and variables that can influence outcomes. While Bob Michele’s expertise and reputation add weight to his prediction, it is essential to consider multiple perspectives and evaluate various indicators before drawing conclusions.

In conclusion, Bob Michele’s forecast of a US recession and a forthcoming Fed rate cut has brought the possibility of an economic downturn to the forefront of discussions in the financial industry. As investors assess the potential consequences of a recession, it is crucial to be vigilant and consider multiple factors that could impact the global economy. Only time will tell whether these predictions come to fruition, but for now, it is clear that caution and preparedness are warranted.

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  1. jiekejienai777

    very dangerous, what he said is exactly what JPM hope for……lol

  2. John Zhu

    wrong fool

  3. Thomas Shelby

    We need rate cuts instantly

  4. Gone GoneGone

    /Shrinkflation is mind blowing

  5. alper

    Come back next year

  6. h m

    Yes men..,

  7. B Nice

    What a dink. I'm no economist but this sounds like a guy who has no clue what's going on in the world.

  8. Larry Kelly

    So wrong on inflation being transitory and now wrong on inflation not being transitory? Does that mean they were right with their first assessment?

    Love these fellows who are quick to call out errors. Does everyone remember what this guy said in January and then the stock market did the opposite?

    Maybe Powell should do an interview talking about these bankers and economists being wrong.

    It’s likely not going to turn out the way any of these fellows say, with all their incredible confidence. Will be interesting to see….

  9. Chris Choir

    This guy is delusional

  10. Kirk Jopowicz

    Why does Bloomberg have this guy on? How does he keep his real job? Unsubscribing next time he’s on. He’s y’all’s bs Dr. Doom.

  11. Brandon

    JP Morgan really really needs yields to drop to shore up their balance sheet, so pretty much company line to predict lower interest rates…

  12. Moose and Squirrel

    He also said the recession was coming in January 2023 and the 10 year would fall to 2.8%

  13. George Maximus

    Markets banned together to fight the fed. It’s a good strategy. Inflation hurts the poor and middle class, cause more crime and homelessness across the country but who cares about the poor right? Typical market mentality

  14. Jason Edwads

    Wait, did we find the dumbest person in the world? Yea, this is the guy

  15. Charles

    A duh. Credit cards been maxed. 2+ years of home refinancing cash outs, spent. Yeah pain train is pulling into station plus food +75%!!!! Yeah not 10%.

  16. Jane Patrick

    I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you ROCH DUNGCA-SCHREIBER .

  17. Sonic D

    This guy is a joke

  18. Kunal N

    Whoever thinks Fed will increase rates even further and will cause a major recession first needs to remember that gold and silver would have been touching the sky for months now if that was the case. Sorry to say but its a soft landing and we will see rate cuts beginning next year.

  19. R

    This is the worst prediction ever. I never trust the so called experts anymore. We were supposed to have a recession by now (according to them)

  20. DiewConklan

    Has this bloke ever been right on anything?

  21. David Ngan

    they can't cut rate the government is out of money again they will start the printing machine!

  22. free88

    These guys have been calling for rate cuts since before they even started, and have been 100% wrong on every single prediction they have made since. We are about to get the second succesive increase in headline CPI and he thinks the Fed will cut rates based on this information? I don't think so.

  23. wannaknowbad

    He's wrong…. they will increase one more time this year. He's betting with his heart, not his head.

  24. Gianni Dc

    He predicted peaked 10Y in January.. no idea what he is saying

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