Keir Starmer criticizes Rishi Sunak on housebuilding objective during PMQs

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 5 comments

Keir Starmer criticizes Rishi Sunak on housebuilding objective during PMQs

Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer clashed over the government’s target to build 300,000 new homes a year during Prime Minister’s Questions.

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In today’s Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs), the Leader of the Opposition, Keir Starmer, launched a scathing attack on the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, over the government’s housebuilding target. Starmer accused the Chancellor of failing to meet the urgent housing needs of the country and failing to address the ever-growing housing crisis.

The central focus of Starmer’s assault was the government’s manifesto promise to deliver 300,000 new homes per year. The Labour leader highlighted the fact that the government has consistently fallen short of this target since coming into power. Pointing to recent statistics, Starmer argued that only 244,000 homes were built in the last year, leaving a significant gap and illustrating the government’s failure. He emphasized that this disappointing figure represents merely 81% of the promised level.

“The urgent need for affordable housing in this country cannot be overstated,” Starmer declared. “Yet, year after year, this government has fallen woefully short, leaving millions of people struggling to find adequate and affordable homes.” The Leader of the Opposition underlined that the housing crisis has consequences on the economy, people’s well-being, and overall social cohesion.

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Starmer pressed Sunak on why the Chancellor has failed to take meaningful action to address this issue. He argued that rather than providing the necessary support to local authorities to meet the housing targets, the government is focused on granting planning permissions for luxury properties, further exacerbating the inequality in the housing market. “It’s time for this government to prioritize people’s needs over the interests of wealthy developers,” Starmer stressed.

In response, Rishi Sunak defended the government’s progress on housing, claiming that they had delivered the highest level of homes in more than a decade. He argued that hitting the exact target each year might not always be achievable due to varying external factors. The Chancellor insisted that the government was committed to taking action and investing in housing for the future.

However, Starmer remained unsatisfied with Sunak’s response, pointing out that the government has consistently fallen short of its own targets despite repeated promises to the contrary. He expressed concerns that the government’s approach is failing to adequately respond to the pressing needs of communities and individuals across the country.

The exchange between Starmer and Sunak highlights the ongoing debate surrounding the government’s commitment to resolving the housing crisis. Critics argue that the chronic shortage of affordable homes is leaving many families in precarious living conditions or forced to pay exorbitant rents. The issue extends beyond mere numbers; it affects the quality of life and well-being of individuals and the economic prospects of the country as a whole.

It remains to be seen whether this confrontation at PMQs will galvanize the government into taking further and more effective action to address the housing crisis. As the demand for affordable housing continues to rise, it is imperative that concrete steps are taken by the government to deliver on their promises and provide a sustainable solution to this pressing problem.

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  1. Stuart Williams

    Look at Labours penrhys project ! Would you live there?

  2. rb

    how many MPs have ever been homeless?

    NIL. talk talk
    is a viper's tongue full
    of evil ( bible) . deceive yrselves but answer to Almighty God Judge of living & dead Revelation 21-22,

  3. Guff

    Starmer loves squalid poverty-stricken tower-blocks . He's from Eastern Europe

  4. rb

    take from rich wealthy
    MPs & PM & give to poor then U may deserve VOTES

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