LA #32: What Strategies Should We Employ to Counter the Sasquatch When They Launch an Attack?

by | Jun 18, 2023 | Gold IRA | 26 comments

LA #32: What Strategies Should We Employ to Counter the Sasquatch When They Launch an Attack?

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How Do We Defeat the Sasquatch When They Make Their Move?

The existence of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Tales of enormous hairy creatures resembling apes have been passed down through generations, sparking curiosity and fear. While the evidence supporting the existence of Sasquatch remains inconclusive, let’s indulge in a hypothetical scenario: What would we do if these elusive beings suddenly made their move?

The prospect of encountering a Sasquatch might seem far-fetched, but in this article, we will explore possible strategies to counter their mysterious actions. Though it is important to note that Sasquatch’s existence is still a matter of speculation, approaching this hypothetical situation provides an interesting thought exercise.

1. Maintain a Scientific Approach:
If we were to face a Sasquatch invasion, it is crucial to approach the situation scientifically. Expert cryptozoologists, anthropologists, and biologists should lead the investigation to gather empirical evidence and dispel any misconceptions. Rigorous scientific methods would help us understand their behavior, habitats, and interactions with the environment.

2. Promote Peaceful Coexistence:
In the event that Sasquatch does exist and poses a threat, resorting to violence may not be the answer. Instead, efforts should be made to promote peaceful coexistence. Encouraging dialogue and learning from their behaviors and customs can foster understanding. Establishing protected areas could ensure the preservation of their habitats, minimizing the chances of hostile encounters.

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3. Develop Non-Harmful Deterrents:
If conflict becomes inevitable, the development of non-harmful deterrents might be crucial. These could include loud noise generators that emit high-frequency sounds to deter or disorientate Sasquatch. Similarly, scent-based deterrents could be employed that mimic the natural predators within Sasquatch’s ecosystem. Non-lethal defensive tactics should be prioritized.

4. Involve Local Communities:
Local communities living near known Sasquatch territories should be actively involved in understanding and protecting these creatures. Indigenous communities or individuals with traditional knowledge could be valuable resources in our quest to peacefully coexist with Sasquatch. Collaborative efforts, sharing experiences, and pooling knowledge would contribute to a better understanding of these elusive beings.

5. Educate and Dispel Myths:
Educating the masses about Sasquatch is vital. Dispelling myths and misinformation helps curb sensationalism. By promoting scientific literacy and critical thinking, we can reduce fear and promote rational discourse. Public education programs might include documentaries, seminars, and museum exhibits, facilitating informed conversations about Sasquatch.

6. Utilize Technological Advancements:
Harnessing cutting-edge technology could prove advantageous in our hypothetical scenario. Thermal cameras and drones could help track Sasquatch movements and gather visual evidence without causing disturbance. DNA analysis and advanced environmental monitoring techniques could provide valuable insights into their biology and behavior.

7. Collaborate with International Experts:
Given the global intrigue surrounding Sasquatch, international cooperation in research would be invaluable. Inviting experts from various countries to exchange findings and collaborate on research projects could yield a more comprehensive understanding of these enigmatic creatures. Combining resources, expertise, and perspectives could result in breakthrough discoveries.

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While the possibility of Sasquatch making their move remains highly speculative, exploring hypothetical strategies for their encounter can spark insightful discussions. Keeping a balanced perspective, respecting their habitats, promoting coexistence, and prioritizing reliable scientific methods would be integral to any potential future exploration. Remember, until clear evidence emerges, Sasquatch remains firmly in the realm of myth and legend.

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  1. Cindy Sim

    None of these beasts will fully come out until after we are raptured.thank you Jesus.

  2. Caroline McGreal

    Thanks LA for sharing, i agree with you on the Sasquatch.

  3. Donna Tarawneh

    On the part about sasquatch, where LA says he believes sasquatch are the beast of the earth, does any one know what he means by " The Beast Of The Earth" or can anyone explain that further?

  4. Krista Rae

    Oh wow! Very interesting take – rejuvenated, His word says all things are possible!

  5. Today's Bible Sue Davies

    I am reading L.A.'s novel, Nephilim Trilogy. It's great! Intrigue, suspense, and UFOs!!

  6. locoemu two

    amen and amen…he is my Lord.


    Guys ! Sarah WAS Abraham's sister. Genesis 20: 2-10

  8. The Truth Channel

    Nope. That isn't a double exposure. Creepy as it looks Im sure this person would love it to be. It isn't though.

  9. The Truth Channel

    4:06 Ya, Ive seen this before. I photographed something identical to this 6 and a half years ago.

  10. The Truth Channel

    Because I don't want to participate in telling 'ghost stories' I'll just point out how hilarious and how freakin' awesome this question is – How Do We Defeat the Sasquatch When They Make Their Move?

  11. Don Baker

    I really don’t know how anyone can question the ability maneuverability ability to create because Jesus created all that is. To doubt this shows me that a person who claims to be a Christian is ye of little faith!

  12. Mark

    “The Sasquatch will make their move”. Ok, you lost all credibility. Might as well be someone in the nursing home getting visits by Peter the rabbit.

  13. emaNyM

    But Sarah WAS Abraham's (half) sister! Yes, Abraham was disingenuous, but technically, he didn't lie.

  14. Mark

    That caption has to be one of the most detached from reality captions I’ve ever seen in general, not just from a Christian site/program.

  15. Ken Sod

    I've seen Bigfoot . many times… Every year. I've seen thier children playing … The big male is about 10 feet tall almost 5 feet wide and a couple feet deep. Huge… The. Female is smaller about 8 feet tall.. Very protective of her children. I turned a corner during a storm she was carrying the baby. We were 3 feet away.. She hit. My Achilles heel and touched my chest in a second i was flat on the ground i could hardly breathe. I watched her turn the baby looking at me over her shoulder she jumped 30 feet into the creek 15 feet below us and jumped one more time and cleared the creek about 30 to 40 feet wide. I laid on the ground for an hour in the rain before i could move. I have a special whistle similar to their whistle to let them know it's me. Than when i was able i whistled and got up and left. I was hit harder than any football hit or kung fu hit… It happened so fast i saw star's… She could of killed me easily but didn't. The storm was churning so we were able to bump into each other. Unfortunately i scared her and i paid for it.. A couple years later she was with them nocturnally they 2 of them 6 footers skinny swinging in the trees. I was across the creek i gave them my whistle when i came up and saw them.. They stopped looking in my direction . i waved to them the kids waved back and continued swinging and playing in the tree.. I sat and watched them for a half hour before i whistled waved goodbye and continued on my nightly woods walk with my dog.
    They stopped again and waved goodbye.. The mother was standing between the two tree's as they were playing she never waved just stood there. On guard. But not worried about my presence…
    That's one of a hundred stories. I believe they can read your mind. Sometimes i think something and they look at me like they heard me. I was never scared of them but weary at time's the big male is enormous he could kill you in a second I've thought about it when i saw him… Plus they can run 50 miles an hour you can't get away… If you hurt them they will hurt / kill you . i travel always with Jesus I'm never scared… I try not to be .as a kid they never hurt me just watched me from a far.. I always saw them and thought at a young age they were human .

  16. Marianna070707

    L. A. I pray that the church take their heads out of the sand and opens their eyes!!!

  17. Sgt.Sid-Daugherty

    Digital cameras can not double expose. A new file is created every time a picture is taken.

  18. No Bama

    LA, point of order, small bullion customers all hate King Dickhead. Im sure you have heard the rumors.

  19. MyBet

    My son died suddenly at 49. He was a Christian, but certainly not perfect. I missed him so much that I shed tears everyday for over 2 years. Then one day I asked the Lord just to let me have a dream about him. I rarely dream at my age of 72. About 2 weeks later I was suddenly startled as I slept, by my son bursting through my bedroom door with flowers behind his back. It was such a vivid dream, I wonder if I was dreaming. He was absolutely beautiful. He was smiling from ear to ear. His hair was curly brown, not too long. His skin was perfect. His teeth were beautiful as he smiled. A day doesn't go by without me remembering how happy he looked, and how perfect. I believe I saw him as he is now in heaven. I haven't grieved over him since that dream. One day I will see him again, in heaven, and I am sure that is exactly how he will look. I believe that in that dream, he was as happy to see me as I was to see him. I thank the Lord for giving me this peace. And Oh, I was so excited when I had this dream that I jumped up to find my husband and tell him. I wish I had stayed in bed and enjoyed the dream for a longer time!

  20. Cheryl Tilma

    Just a footnote: Abraham wasn't honest about Sarah being his wife, however she was actually his half sister from another mother!

  21. Cheryl Tilma

    Just a footnote: Abraham wasn't honest about Sarah being his wife, however she was actually his half sister from another mother!

  22. FOJC 10.1

    Is LA a Pretribber?

  23. Jeff Anderson

    The Sasquatch seems to have the same shape of head as the skull behind L A

  24. Scott Yeager

    She was his sister read in the Bible she was step sister his father had more than one wife

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