Lance Bachmann’s Impact on Local Search: Apple, Bing, and the Recession

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Recession News

Lance Bachmann’s Impact on Local Search: Apple, Bing, and the Recession

In part one with Lance Bachmann, we spoke a lot about business, growing a business and his passion for his employees. Then in part two we spoke about local SEO and how to get new customers, the right customers. Then in part three, we go more into how local search and search is changing.

We spoke about multisearch, and how Google is bridging your devices with your location and more. He compared those advancements to voice search. He said while voice search has grown, it has not taken over search. And he thinks this will be the same thing, it will not overtake search. He does not think search behavior in this area will change much.

Lance sends video text messages to people. He doesn’t like sending text messages because they can be misunderstood.

Apple Business Connect and Microsoft Bing Places are a small percentage of their business because you want your clients and businesses where people are and people are on Google. Lance explained they are a Yelp preferred agency and Yelp is struggling big time.

We then jumped into the recession talk and said when it comes to great businesses, those businesses thrive during these bad times. Lance said it is no longer an employees’ market, it is now an employers’ market, which is good for businesses but not good for employees.

Lance said scared money doesn’t make money and you need to go all in, even during the recession.

You can learn more about Lance Bachmann at Lance Bachmann Capital and 1SEO Digital Agency.

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0:00 – Changes In Local Search
3:43 – Google Multisearch
4:10 – Apple Business Connect
5:40 – Recessionary Times…(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News


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Lance Bachmann is a well-known figure in the world of digital marketing. With his expertise and innovative strategies, he has transformed the way businesses approach local search marketing. In recent years, he has been at the forefront of significant changes and has impacted the industry with his unique insights.

One of the most significant changes brought about by Lance Bachmann is the partnership between Apple and Bing. Apple, the tech giant, recognized the importance of local search and partnered with Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, to enhance its Siri virtual assistant. This collaboration has allowed Apple users to access local search results through Siri, providing them with relevant and accurate information about nearby businesses and services.

This development has not only benefited Apple users but has also created an opportunity for businesses to optimize their online presence for local search. With Lance Bachmann’s guidance, companies can now focus on improving their visibility on Bing, knowing that it will directly impact their presence on Apple devices. This strategic shift has enabled businesses to embrace local search as an essential aspect of their marketing efforts.

However, these changes did not come without challenges. The global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic posed a significant threat to businesses worldwide. Many companies faced financial constraints, which forced them to cut back on their marketing budgets. Lance Bachmann recognized this dilemma and adapted his strategies to help businesses navigate these uncertain times.

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One of the key ways Lance Bachmann addressed the recession was by emphasizing the importance of cost-effective marketing solutions. He encouraged businesses to focus on local marketing campaigns, which tend to be more affordable yet highly targeted. By shifting their efforts towards the local community, businesses could establish strong connections with their customers and build trust during a time of crisis.

Moreover, Lance Bachmann emphasized the importance of leveraging digital marketing channels to reach customers in a cost-effective manner. With more people staying at home and relying on online platforms, businesses needed to invest in strategies that would allow them to stay relevant and visible to their target audience. Bachmann suggested utilizing social media platforms, optimizing websites for search engines, and creating engaging content to attract and retain customers.

Through these efforts, Lance Bachmann has guided businesses through challenging times and encouraged them to adapt to the changing landscape of local search marketing. His unique approach, coupled with the Apple Bing partnership, has opened up new avenues for businesses to reach their target audience effectively.

In conclusion, Lance Bachmann’s contributions to the world of local search marketing are undeniable. His collaboration with Apple and Bing has revolutionized the way businesses approach local search, ensuring accurate and relevant information for users. Additionally, his insights during the recession have been invaluable, helping businesses navigate uncertain times and focus on cost-effective marketing strategies. As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, Lance Bachmann remains a leading figure, guiding businesses towards success in local search marketing.

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