Live Interview: NBC Director Breaks From the Needle Narrative

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Silver IRA | 31 comments

Live Interview: NBC Director Breaks From the Needle Narrative

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In a shocking move that defies the mainstream media narrative, an NBC director has decided to speak out against the prevailing “needle narrative” surrounding the current global health crisis. This courageous individual, whose identity remains undisclosed for fear of repercussions, joined me live to discuss their concerns and shed light on the truth hidden from the public.

The heavily controlled information disseminated by major news outlets has been a source of frustration and suspicion for many individuals seeking to understand the full scope of the ongoing pandemic. Despite claims of unbiased reporting, many news networks have seemed to follow a predetermined agenda, emphasizing narratives that promote fear and compliance.

During the live interview, the NBC director expressed their growing concerns about the lack of transparency and critical analysis within their workplace. They admitted that they were compelled to speak out due to a sense of moral responsibility and the desire to provide the public with a more balanced and objective perspective.

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The director revealed that the decision to go against the needle narrative was sparked by personal research and interactions with colleagues in the medical field. They highlighted numerous instances where scientific evidence and alternative viewpoints were dismissed or downplayed, further fueling their doubts about the prevailing narrative. The director emphasized that they are not advocating against vaccinations but urging individuals to critically examine and question the information they are presented with.

Furthermore, the director stated that they felt a growing pressure to conform to the predetermined narrative pushed by the network. They described experiencing a sense of cognitive dissonance, torn between their professional responsibilities and their personal beliefs in pursuing truth and open dialogue.

This brave move by the NBC director highlights the urgent need for diverse perspectives and the importance of free expression within media organizations. The director’s decision to speak out despite potential consequences should serve as an inspiration to others who find themselves questioning the narratives being presented by mainstream media.

It is essential for society to encourage an open and informed dialogue, allowing for the exploration of all perspectives. Suppressing dissenting voices and consolidating information only serves to breed mistrust and fuel the spread of misinformation.

As citizens, it is crucial that we hold news organizations accountable for their reporting, demanding transparency, and objectivity. By actively seeking out alternative sources of information and engaging in critical thinking, we can make well-informed decisions.

In conclusion, the brave NBC director who has defied the needle narrative by speaking out serves as a reminder that the pursuit of truth should be paramount in journalism. The decision to challenge a predetermined agenda shows the importance of open dialogue and the need to question narratives presented by mainstream media. It is high time that individuals take responsibility for seeking out alternative perspectives and insisting on transparency within the media.

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  1. TouchofMary HomeSchool

    Thank you! We have a support rally in Eugene Oregon on January 23rd, 11am to 1 pm walk the block of 7th and Pearl.

  2. HermitTheFrog

    I think the AOC story is to discredit Florida.

  3. HermitTheFrog

    11:28 – "pro-choice"… imagine if the left mandated abortion…

  4. J.Robert Sergertson

    Leopards don't change their spots ?
    Suddenly after decades of being Propagandist "They have an epiphany ,see the light and repent???
    Anyone from NBC/CBS/ABC/CNN/MSNBC,etc can't be trusted and have Ulterior motives ! Infiltration of trusted alt media? Discredit ,subvert Destroy??

  5. Psycho_Cat_Lady

    Did anyone ever think this would be America.?

  6. My Six Sense

    You think that was happenstance that Malone "forgot" to mention March and that it was cut in at end of video? No. Billionaires have more reach than you think.

  7. John

    Record everything and post on social. Watch out for FBI instigators. Dont wear weird body armor or shields. Dont be afraid to show your face.

  8. Mal Dad

    Everyone needs to read Robert F Kennedy's book, it's an amazing look behind the curtain of the relationship between pharma and the government, really eye opening.

  9. Ale Woron

    I admired your bravery when you went rouge on Fox live, but your “I will try to be there” is not a response of a committed journalist. Actually, you chipped away at the importance of the event. Flaky.

  10. Dan Bates

    Hey Matt welcome to the supposedly dark side !

  11. Dan Bates

    Sorry Millions that support No forced Jab !

  12. Dan Bates

    You are absolutely Not Alone for the hundreds of thousands people that support anti- jab! Hell no We won't Go ! Better dead than Red !

  13. Bit Bay

    Oh this March is exactly what we need to do and is so awesome…uh maybe I'll try to make it LOL

  14. icats


  15. icats

    Have they tried to silence him? Is he still working?

  16. T O

    Hey Matt if you're listening 3 of us just RSVP'd from WA State – Thank you organizing the event! Our governor is a total Tyrant. The unconstitutional lockdowns out here MUST STOP. We're living like second class citizens, were being discriminated against, we're sick of it! Our local media here is horrible. All they talk about 24/7 is the "space needle" jabbs nonstop and how the hospitals are 100% full because of the un-ouchy people, it's all our fault. The segregation is just wrong & evil. Its unbelievable! We can't even dine in at a freaking McDonald's. Help us! Our government and local media have turned on us! They blame us for everything. They even say there would be less sick homeless people if the un-ouchie "deplorables" would just simply get the prik. Our governor refers to us as "Trumpian deplorables" regardless of our voting staus even though Trump has publicly supported the prik but not the mandates. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

  17. T O

    Well done ivory. THIS is journalism and YOU ARE a great one at that. Keep it up! Also, your sponsor is a wise investment. I bought gold from them before and plan to buy more soon. I'll use your link when I have the extra cash to invest 🙂

  18. Saxon Stangs etc

    Great interview and seems like a great guy. I retired from my company because of this mandate crap. Really hoping a lot of us go against mandates so that the loss of my job was worth some thing!

  19. cory honn

    See video of Fauci in October of 2019 Merik Institute I believe

  20. Mike H.

    Great interview Ms. Ivory.

  21. Vicki Parzyk

    I found this interview so refreshing and hopeful for us all. Those of us who want to come together for our freedom to choose. So good!!!

  22. tak178

    The fight against the Fascists will not be easy. We have to take a stand, or it's over. Kudos to this former Marine. Hoo-Rah!

  23. Alice MacDonald

    It's going to be cold in DC on January 23rd.

  24. Go Billz

    i dont trust this guy…especially if he doesnt lose his job at NBC

  25. VMXGroove

    That guy is going to lose his job when the pinheads at NBC corporate see this.

  26. Mark Ridge

    "I've seen the needle and the damage done." Neil Young

  27. Thomas Pope

    Republicans need only a handful of Democrats to vote with them for impeachment of Biden. An impeachment would force some truths about Biden such as his true medical situation and expose if others are actually running this administration. I don't believe we can wait until midterm elections to do something. This is becoming an existential crisis. God bless Ivory and those such as this executive willing to give up everything to take a stand. It's encouraging.

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