Live with Fidelity Investments’ Himanshu Kalkar on Machine Meets World

by | Mar 3, 2023 | Fidelity IRA

Live with Fidelity Investments’ Himanshu Kalkar on Machine Meets World

An interview recorded live with Head of AI & Tech Products at Fidelity Investments, Himanshu Kalkar….(read more)




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Machine learning has revolutionized the world of investing, and Fidelity Investments’ Himanshu Kalkar is one of the people leading the charge. In a recent interview with Machine Meets World, Kalkar discussed the ways in which Fidelity is incorporating AI and machine learning into its investment strategies.

Kalkar, who serves as the Director of Research and Development in Fidelity’s Global Asset Allocation Group, explained that machine learning is helping his team make more informed investment decisions. By using AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, Fidelity’s investment professionals are able to identify patterns that might not be immediately apparent to humans. This allows them to more accurately predict market trends and make smarter investment choices.

One of the challenges of implementing machine learning in investment strategies is the quality of data. Kalkar pointed out that the data used in investment decisions has to be reliable and accurate. “We know that garbage in equals garbage out, so we have to be very careful about the data we use,” he said. Fidelity has taken steps to ensure that the data it uses is high-quality, including partnering with external data providers and building its own data infrastructure.

Kalkar also discussed the importance of interpretability when it comes to machine learning in investing. It’s not enough for AI algorithms to make accurate predictions; investment professionals need to understand why those predictions are being made. “We don’t want to automate blindly,” Kalkar said. “We want to understand the drivers of those forecasts and make sure they make sense.”

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While machine learning is still a fairly new technology in the world of investing, Kalkar sees it as an essential tool for the future. “I think we’re just scratching the surface,” he said. “Machine learning is going to change investing in a very fundamental way.”

As Fidelity Investments continues to incorporate machine learning and AI into its investment strategies, it’s clear that the company is poised to be a leader in the field. With Kalkar and his team at the helm, Fidelity is well-positioned to make smart, data-driven investment decisions in a rapidly-evolving market.

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