Looking to Invest During Times of High Inflation? Look No Further!

by | Oct 27, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 7 comments

Looking to Invest During Times of High Inflation? Look No Further!

Inflation is on the rise, what are we going to do about it? Today, we discuss how high inflation affects the stock market, and talk about strategies that can help.

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DISCLAIMER: We do not provide personal investment advice and we are not qualified licensed investment advisors; We are amateur investors who simply love investing. We qualify our information by reading academia, listening to licensed professionals on podcasts and by reading related books written by industry professionals.

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Investing During High Inflation? Try THIS!

Inflation is a term that often elicits fear and concern among investors. High inflation typically erodes the value of money, making it more difficult to preserve wealth and achieve financial goals. However, it is important to remember that there are always opportunities to navigate and take advantage of market conditions, and high inflation is no exception.

Understanding High Inflation

High inflation occurs when there is a sustained and significant increase in the general price level of goods and services over time. This can reduce the purchasing power of money, and if left unchecked, can have adverse effects on the economy. During such times, traditional investments such as cash and fixed income securities may be inadequate to counter inflationary pressures. To combat the eroding effects of high inflation, investors must explore alternative avenues.

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Real Assets: The Inflation Hedge

Real assets, such as real estate, commodities (like gold and silver), and infrastructure, have long been considered an effective hedge against inflation. Unlike cash or fixed income, these assets tend to retain or even increase their value during inflationary periods.

Real estate, in particular, can provide a solid investment opportunity during high inflation. Owning income-producing properties can help offset the rising costs of goods and services, as rental income tends to increase with inflation. Additionally, properties can appreciate in value, further boosting returns in the long run.

Another possibility is investing in commodities. Historically, gold and silver have been sought after during periods of high inflation due to their intrinsic value. These tangible assets have stood the test of time as investors turn to them during volatile economic conditions.

Investing in infrastructure is also worth considering during high inflation. Governments often ramp up infrastructure spending in an attempt to stimulate the economy during inflationary periods. Investing in infrastructure funds or specific projects can provide the opportunity to benefit from increased government spending and maintain value as inflation rises.

Diversify and Rebalance

Diversification is always emphasized when it comes to investing, and it becomes even more crucial during high inflation. By spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions, investors can reduce their vulnerability to any single asset’s performance.

Moreover, regular rebalancing of the investment portfolio is essential. While some assets may outperform others during high inflation, it is important to reassess the allocation to ensure it remains aligned with financial goals and risk tolerance. Adjustments can be made to capitalize on changing market conditions.

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Consider Inflation-Indexed Bonds

Investors seeking a fixed income component to their portfolios during high inflation should explore inflation-indexed bonds. These bonds’ principal and interest payments are adjusted to reflect changes in inflation rates. In effect, they offer a guaranteed real return, protecting investments against inflation risk.

However, it is important to note that investing in these bonds may involve a trade-off, as their yields may be relatively low compared to conventional bonds. Nonetheless, they can provide stability and peace of mind during inflationary times.

Stay Informed and Seek Professional Advice

While investing during high inflation can present lucrative opportunities, it is crucial to stay informed and educated about market dynamics. Nobody can predict the economic future with certainty, but staying up-to-date with economic indicators, policy changes, and market trends can help make better-informed investment decisions.

Furthermore, seeking professional advice is always recommended during uncertain times. Financial advisors can provide guidance tailored to individual circumstances and goals. They can help assess risks, identify suitable investment opportunities, and provide strategies to navigate high inflation successfully.

Investing during high inflation may seem daunting, but it also presents unique opportunities. By diversifying, considering real assets, investing in inflation-indexed bonds, and seeking professional advice, investors can position themselves to not only protect their wealth but also potentially profit from market conditions. Remember, in every challenge lies an opportunity; high inflation is no different.

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  1. OriginalBaoser

    I remember my parents giving me a pound note to go buy fish and chips. And I still got change from it. Who here even remembers pound notes? 😀

  2. Ash

    V3AM all the way

  3. Rich Guest

    Another splendid vid.

  4. skeletor2000

    Thanks for the video – I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing! 40% global all cap, 40% life strategy 100, 10% ishares uk property, 2% silver, 8% gold … fingers crossed for the future guys!

  5. Matt Downes

    Loving thr content mate! Just a quick question, which vanguard account have you invested in is it the VUSA?

  6. Toby Newbatt

    Buy All the Freddos now so they don't keep going up in prices! Great info mate well researched.

  7. David Stewart

    Inflation makes my heart sad! Great video, mate – we have to make sure we try to keep pace.

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