Los riesgos de abusar de la testosterona según el Dr. Hernández

by | May 2, 2024 | SEP IRA

Los riesgos de abusar de la testosterona según el Dr. Hernández

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Licenciado en Medicina, Director Médico en la Clínica Keval, Fundador de BeLevels y autor de 2 libros, el Dr. Antonio Hernández tiene un historial de lo más completo. Y en este episodio de El Pódcast de Webpositer lo demuestra.

Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector de la Medicina, Nutrición y deporte de élite, Antonio es todo un ejemplo de sabiduría y profesionalidad.

Quédate porque el Dr. Hernández trata temas que nos afectan a todos, junto a otros de gran interés sobre testosterona, suplementación, la importancia de dormir, nutrición o la gran verdad de los cuerpos irreales en redes sociales.

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Testosterone is a hormone that is primarily associated with men as it plays a crucial role in the development of masculine characteristics such as muscle mass, strength, and libido. However, there is a growing trend of individuals, both male and female, using testosterone supplements or injections to enhance their physical performance or appearance. While there are legitimate medical reasons for using testosterone therapy under the supervision of a doctor, there are also risks associated with abusing this hormone.

Dr. Hernández, a respected endocrinologist, has been vocal about the dangers of overusing testosterone and the negative effects it can have on the body. One of the most significant risks of excessive testosterone use is the disruption of the body’s natural hormone balance. When testosterone levels are artificially increased, the body may stop producing its own testosterone, leading to a decline in sperm production, testicular atrophy, and infertility in men.

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In women, excessive testosterone can cause masculinization effects such as deepening of the voice, facial hair growth, and even male pattern baldness. Additionally, high levels of testosterone in women can disrupt the menstrual cycle and lead to infertility.

Beyond the reproductive system, abusing testosterone can also have serious effects on other parts of the body. Increased testosterone levels can lead to liver damage, cardiovascular issues such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attacks, and mood disorders such as aggression and irritability.

Dr. Hernández emphasizes the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any hormone therapy, including testosterone. It is crucial to undergo thorough testing to determine the individual’s baseline hormone levels and whether testosterone therapy is medically necessary. Furthermore, it is essential to follow the doctor’s recommended dosage and monitoring schedule to avoid potential complications.

In conclusion, while testosterone can play a significant role in overall health and well-being, it is crucial to use it responsibly and under medical supervision. Dr. Hernández warns against the dangers of excessive testosterone use and advocates for informed decision-making when it comes to hormone therapy. By being mindful of the risks and benefits of testosterone treatment, individuals can optimize their health and avoid the potential dangers of overusing this hormone.

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