Luke Gromen Recommends Owning These Assets as Recession Becomes Inevitable

by | Oct 22, 2023 | Recession News | 19 comments

Luke Gromen Recommends Owning These Assets as Recession Becomes Inevitable

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Macro analyst Luke Gromen returns for Part 2 of our interview with him on the unfolding sovereign debt crisis & the likelihood of recession, which he sees as “inevitable” — largely due to higher oil prices and the collapsing commercial real estate market.

Luke also shares his outlook on which assets to consider holding in such an environment, as well as which ones to steer clear of.

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And on Twitter @LukeGromen and on YouTube @LukeGromenFFTTLLC

0:00 Recessions and recessions inevitable.
5:56 Does the argentinaification of the economy include social uprising?
14:55 The importance of oil and real estate.
22:04 The extent to which the housing market will crash.
29:04 Thoughts on a new BRICS currency priced in gold.
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There’s no doubt that it’s a very challenging time right now for the average investor. Above and beyond the recent economic impacts of COVID, the new era of record low interest rates, runaway US debt and US deficits, and trillions of dollars in monetary and fiscal stimulus stimulus has changed the rules of investing by dangerously distorting the Dow index, the S&P 500, and nearly all other asset prices. Can prices keep rising, or is there a painful reckoning ahead?

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Recession Is Inevitable. So Own These Assets.

In today’s uncertain economic landscape, it seems increasingly likely that a recession is on the horizon. This is a notion shared by financial expert Luke Gromen, who suggests that preparing for an economic downturn is crucial. But what exactly does this preparation entail? Gromen suggests focusing on certain assets that have historically shown resilience during times of recession.

One of Gromen’s recommendations is gold. The precious metal has long been considered a safe-haven asset in times of economic instability. As a tangible asset, gold tends to hold its value and even appreciate during periods of market turmoil. Its limited supply and universal appeal make it attractive to investors seeking stability and wealth preservation.

Another asset that Gromen touts is real estate. While the housing market can be volatile, owning property can be a valuable long-term investment. During a recession, property values may decline, but historically they have rebounded and grown again post-recession. Furthermore, real estate can provide a steady source of rental income, adding another layer of stability to one’s portfolio.

Gromen also advises diversifying one’s investment portfolio by including government bonds. U.S. Treasury bonds, in particular, are often regarded as a safe investment during times of economic downturn. Government bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the government, which gives them a high level of security. They provide a fixed income stream and serve as a buffer against volatility in the stock market.

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In addition to these traditional assets, Gromen suggests exploring alternative investments such as cryptocurrencies. While relatively new and highly volatile, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have shown potential as a hedge against economic uncertainty. Their decentralized nature and limited supply make them appealing to investors looking to diversify their holdings beyond traditional financial instruments.

Gromen emphasizes the importance of taking a long-term view when considering investments before a recession hits. Timing the market perfectly is nearly impossible, so it is crucial to make informed decisions and hold onto assets that have a history of weathering economic storms.

Investing in recession-proof assets is not a guarantee of success, nor does it eliminate all risk. However, by diversifying one’s portfolio and owning assets that have proven resilience in past recessions, individuals can better position themselves to weather the financial storm that may lie ahead.

As always, it is important to consult with a financial advisor before making any major investment decisions. Everyone’s situation is unique, and a professional can help tailor a plan that aligns with specific financial goals and risk tolerance.

In conclusion, recession is an inevitable part of the economic cycle. By owning assets like gold, real estate, government bonds, and potentially even cryptocurrencies, individuals can position themselves in a way that may offer some protection during an economic downturn. While no investment strategy is foolproof, diversification and preparing for the future can provide peace of mind and potentially preserve wealth even in challenging times.

Truth about Gold
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  1. Robert Walker

    It has been here for MONTHS.
    WAKE UP !!

  2. Ultra

    What are some good ETFs to invest in oil in the ground or energy innovation companies?

  3. V Danger

    Logan's Run lol

  4. Utubedude

    Define commercial real estate. Does that only include RE such as office buildings or are you including multifamily?

  5. Eleuthero5

    You have great guests Mr. Taggart. This guy certainly doesn't pull any punches and his pessimism is data driven. It's refreshing to hear a sober minded appraisal of the Gordian Knot that is the US Economy.

  6. simon fes

    I like investing in close-end funds that pay monthly dividends. The trick is to hold long term and reinvest the monthly dividends plus buy more shares on a monthly basis or when ever you can afford to. This can be easily done because close-end funds are bought and sold on the stock market just like regular stock. That’d be enough to create a portfolio that would pay you between $50k to $70k in dividend income

  7. Christian Carver

    I wonder if that was what Covid was all about. The aging population

  8. Chirs Bowman

    Wow, thank you Adam, so nice to hear some, both helpful and truthful, valuable insights here.

  9. Jack X

    Luke explains much better than I what I've been thinking was the end game for years … only you'd think knowing these realities would move markets the way that makes sense … but they don't. It always seems we have to push things to disaster and then everyone just says "no one could have seen this coming!".

    It's just so absurd there is no proactive policy awareness of any kind and 99% of people don't understand this stuff … and 90% couldn't understand it if Luke explained it to them at their dinner table anyway.

  10. Michael Skelton

    Just my 2 cents but the age/class conflict language, "Boomers" etc helps nobody; this is coming from a Gen X'er, a member of the "sandwich" generation .

  11. Katie Z

    We have the largest oil and gas reserves on Planet Earth. Our government can manage the price of oil by regulating how much we take out of the ground an sell. This isn’t the 1970s. We are not OPEC dependant.

  12. jeb bush

    The days of cheap oil are numbered. Survival trumps.

  13. Jane Dodson

    Luke is good. He talks over my head easily.

  14. L. Eve Montgomery

    Well of course we’re experiencing huge inflation after the trillions of newly-printed dollars the Fed has dropped into the hands of bighedge funds / banks. Where would that money go?! It flows unevenly across the economy, benefiting the banks and wealth first and foremost, while the bottom 99% suffer from currency debasement. Eventually we’ll see civil unrest that we now can’t imagine.

  15. Nicias Smith

    I don't see how the housing market doesn't crash. It may get delayed a bit but I just don't see it. The percentage of baby boom silent generation who have enough money to cut a check to buy a new house for their kids and still have plenty of money for retirement is low

  16. Girish Vinod

    US should sell one state for each european coubtry and move whole of europe to us.

  17. Let Truth Prevail

    The government will still be broke and taxes are maxed out.

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