March 2023’s Silicon Valley Bank Failures Under NESARA

by | Oct 19, 2023 | Bank Failures | 20 comments

March 2023’s Silicon Valley Bank Failures Under NESARA

What does this March tell us about NESARA? Should the Banking failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank scare us? How close is NESARA? Will my money be OK in the banks?

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Title: NESARA: Silicon Valley Bank Failures of March 2023

In March 2023, the global financial landscape experienced significant turbulence as several prominent banks in Silicon Valley faced unprecedented failures. This economic upheaval brought to light the controversial proposal of the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA). Let’s delve into the events leading to these bank failures and the potential implications of NESARA for the financial sector.

The Silicon Valley Bank Failures:
Silicon Valley, renowned as a hub of technological innovation and economic prosperity, was hit hard when major banks started faltering. The failures were predominantly attributed to a combination of factors, including excessive risk-taking, inadequate risk management, and the rapidly evolving financial technology landscape. Firms that epitomized the region’s entrepreneurial spirit found themselves struggling to stay afloat.

The Impact on Silicon Valley’s Economy:
Silicon Valley’s economy has long been reliant on the financial sector, with banks providing vital financial services to tech startups, venture capitalists, and the entire ecosystem. The failures had an immediate impact on the region, leading to a freeze in credit availability, reduced investments, and a general sentiment of uncertainty. This sudden interruption threatened to disrupt the innovation-driven engines that have propelled Silicon Valley’s growth for decades.

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The NESARA Proposal:
NESARA, standing for the National Economic Security and Recovery Act, emerged as a response to the crisis. This proposition had been gaining traction in political circles for several years but gained renewed attention with the onset of the bank failures. NESARA aimed to establish a comprehensive set of economic reforms to stabilize the financial system and safeguard the nation’s economic security.

The Key Objectives of NESARA:
1. Debt forgiveness and restructuring: NESARA proposed to alleviate the burden of debt on individuals, families, and businesses, providing an opportunity for a fresh start. By restructuring and forgiving certain types of debt, the act aimed to stimulate economic growth and alleviate financial distress.

2. Financial system and banking reform: NESARA called for stricter regulations and oversight of financial institutions to prevent excessive risk-taking and ensure proper risk management practices. It sought to restore public confidence in the banking system and establish mechanisms to avoid future systemic failures.

3. Economic stimulus and job creation: NESARA envisioned significant investments in infrastructure, renewable energy, technology innovation, and education to boost economic growth and create employment opportunities. It aimed to foster long-term economic stability and prosperity.

Controversy Surrounding NESARA:
While NESARA aimed to address the deep-seated issues within the financial system, the proposal faced mixed sentiments. Critics argued that the act’s provisions could lead to moral hazard, rewarding irresponsible financial behavior and burdening responsible taxpayers. Others feared that the sweeping reforms contained within NESARA could disrupt the delicate balance of the free market.

The unprecedented bank failures that shook Silicon Valley in March 2023 propelled the NESARA proposal into the spotlight, igniting a debate about the need for comprehensive economic reforms. While the failures showcased vulnerabilities within the financial sector, NESARA’s objectives of stability, debt relief, and economic growth aim to safeguard the nation’s economic security. Whether or not NESARA becomes a reality, the Silicon Valley bank failures of 2023 served as a wake-up call, urging policymakers and financial institutions to reevaluate risk management practices and foster a more robust and secure financial ecosystem.

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  1. Bee

    I thought we were getting the money from the cabal and sex travelers? Yeah whatever JP Morgan was just murdered and moving the JP Morgan France to China what does that tell you? That's really related to Joe Biden if you ask me I bet he's setting it all up it's probably part of it and they've been planning to kill that JP Morgan dude was financing the sex traffickers doing Epstein money to use for sex trafficking and his other criminal activities. .
    I spoke with someone at Bank America yesterday and they're all basil for a gold compliance so they're already to go with the books back standard but it going to standard and it's and as far as exchanging foreign money they're all set so they're not going anywhere Wells Fargo just got rid of their mortgage company like they're not going to do any more videos or just going to keep collecting on the old one. I would really love to sue my homestead plan because when once you buy a house even when you get refinances which banks or whatever you buy the homestead to ensure the title and everything right? And then it should stay good for the remainder of the you know as long as you on the house. Well my expired in 2010 nobody even told me mortgage coming in and tell me the homestead didn't tell me I didn't get any notice I just looked it up the other day or a couple weeks ago because I'm going to file for an exempt homestead and I'm going to ask for backpay you know because I have been struggling and I even had a grant help pay my mortgage and they should have told me that it expires I should have got a notice that and I took was called they never inspired so I would love to see them and Wells Fargo for not informing me any of that disinformation.

  2. Ron Smith

    Question about all deaths will be washed away. So are you saying people who just partied and spent money like it was going out of style are going to end up getting a free ride. And people who worked and saved and paid their bills are going to get f*** over Sounds like the continuation of the welfare state to me

  3. Big Al

    So will accountants and attorneys both be retrained? If no IRS and courts are corrupt then no need. And what about home mortgage lending? We are a small shop.

  4. Maria Easlick

    Take propolio and honey cumb for the cof.Dr joung that worked for me

  5. Jose Arce

    how can we get in to save our money when we have hacker in our email ect

  6. Gen Uvsal

    Let me ask you Dr. something. What will the life of normal people be after nesara kicks in? Will it be like the utopia? If it is, for how long? Forever? When do you think the 7 year tribulation will happen? When do you think the anti christ will show up? I'd like to know your opinion about this matter… possibly with another video if you can. If you are truly christian who believe God, you must believe all the words in the bible. I hope people open their eyes and see things right with discernment. Thank's brother.

  7. Jade

    its Venezuela where there is alot of bartering, and off the books commerce going on. No one respects the government anymore because they act like a bunch of idiots worried about other countries and women all the time. Just focus on getting people the things they need instead of putting on a show

  8. J Contreras

    Cough me too. Going away

  9. J Contreras

    Why does it take 7 days to open a bank account. I notice xlm and XRP are rising. I heard the swift system is no more

  10. Krystal Imhoff

    I needed to hear this…I’ve been feeling stressed. Thank you Dr. Scott

  11. Texas Strong

    I'm so glad I found your channel, all that is going on was freaking me out and you have removed a big weight off my shoulders. God bless you Dr. Young

  12. Jackie's Bubbles

    God has won this war of Good vs Evil, we are just watching it play out. Thank you for this video

  13. Katie Mitchell

    Dr Scott if we have funds in the stock market. Will we get it back under the new system? Thank you.

  14. T M

    This is good, but I will argue when he says you're covered if you have $250,000 or less. The FDIC has less than 2% of all deposits in the banks. That is way too little to cover a catastrophic bank failure.

  15. Angelique St Hiliare

    RESURRECTION Tsunami of Glory come forth all over the earth now in Yahushuas magnificent all powerful name.

  16. Kimberly Berkhahn

    Russell J Gould post master general told these guys to stand down in 1999. This show has been years to long. It's time to get back to the people. ❤

  17. Inquisitive Person

    Is there any good information on how to look at estate probate laws, are they illegal based on the Constitution? Where might I find some credible information on managing an estate constitutionally?

  18. Marlene Womack

    TellTrump to release The Pandora Papers.

  19. MidMoPit

    Dude take your money out now, no panic just make it crumble quicker Trump isn't going to save you, your another idiot wanting money b real dude

  20. Linda Tigner

    Who gets the titles of all the homes and cars when nesara pays off the loans?

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