Maximizing the Benefits of Inflation: Insights from Shyam Sekhar at ithought Advisory

by | Jul 28, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 2 comments

How can investors prepare their portfolios to tackle inflation volatility?

Tune in to Mr Shyam Sekhar talk about the ithought way of tackling inflation.
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Inflation is a word that often strikes fear into the hearts of consumers and investors alike. It is commonly seen as a dreaded economic condition that erodes the purchasing power of our hard-earned money. However, what if I told you that inflation can be turned in your favor? That it can actually work as an advantage for you?

Enter Shyam Sekhar, a renowned investor and founder of ithought Advisory, who believes that understanding inflation can help you navigate your financial journey better. In his thought-provoking article, he sheds light on how inflation can be used to your advantage rather than being something to fear.

Firstly, Sekhar explains that inflation is an essential component of any healthy economy. It reflects the growth and development of an economy and demonstrates that things are moving forward. It is often supported by higher wages, increased consumer spending, and overall economic expansion. Inflation, in its moderate form, is a sign of progress.

However, it is the high and uncontrolled inflation that poses a threat to your financial well-being. In such situations, it is crucial to take proactive measures to safeguard your wealth. Sekhar suggests that rather than fretting about inflation, we should focus on investing in assets that can outpace it.

One such asset class that can protect and grow your wealth during times of inflation is equities or stocks. Historically, stocks have shown the ability to outperform inflation over the long term. This is because companies can increase their prices and earn higher profits during inflationary periods. By investing in solid and fundamentally strong companies, you can offset the impact of rising prices and even benefit from them.

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Real estate is another asset class that can be a hedge against inflation. As property prices tend to rise during inflationary times, owning real estate can not only preserve your purchasing power but also provide you with rental income. Additionally, investing in rental properties can allow you to increase rents in line with inflation, thereby maintaining the value of your investment.

Inflation-linked bonds are also an option worth exploring. These bonds are tied to the inflation rate, ensuring that the interest and principal paid to investors keep up with the rising prices. By investing in these bonds, you can protect your investments from the erosive effects of inflation.

Furthermore, Sekhar highlights the importance of asset allocation and diversification in combating inflation. By spreading your investments across different asset classes and regions, you reduce the risk associated with any particular investment. This can help you weather the storm of inflation and position yourself for long-term growth.

Lastly, Sekhar advises investors to look beyond traditional assets and consider alternative investments like commodities and gold. During inflationary periods, the prices of commodities like oil, metals, and agricultural products tend to rise, thus providing a potential opportunity for investors. Similarly, gold has long been considered a safe-haven asset during times of economic uncertainty and is often seen as a hedge against inflation.

In conclusion, Shyam Sekhar’s article sheds light on how inflation can be turned in your favor. Rather than ruing the rise in prices, it is essential to channel your energies towards strategies that can help you protect and grow your wealth. By investing in assets that can outpace inflation, diversifying your portfolio, and considering alternative investments, you can position yourself to benefit from inflationary times. With the right knowledge and approach, you can turn inflation into an ally on your financial journey.

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  1. Sai deepak

    Thank you sir

  2. mallika sampathkumar

    Sir, really giving the insights ahead. Hopefully, I may work with you in the near future .

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