Megan Horneman from Verdence Capital predicts a recession in the second half of 2023

by | Sep 25, 2023 | Recession News | 21 comments

Megan Horneman from Verdence Capital predicts a recession in the second half of 2023

Megan Horneman, Verdence Capital Advisors COO, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the latest market trends, why investors may be getting ahead of themselves, the Fed’s rate hike campaign, and more. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO:

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BREAKING: Recession News


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In the wake of the global pandemic, the world economy has faced unprecedented challenges. With nations grappling to recover from the toll of the pandemic, economic experts are on the lookout for potential shifts and uncertainties in the financial landscape. Megan Horneman, Director of Portfolio Strategy at Verdence Capital, recently expressed her concerns about a possible recession looming on the horizon for the second half of 2023.

As an experienced financial advisor, Horneman’s predictions carry weight in the investment community. Horneman believes that several factors may contribute to the looming recession. One primary concern is the aftermath of the pandemic and the transition from pandemic-driven policies to a more normalized economic state. As governments begin to withdraw stimulus measures and support, there is a fear that a sudden economic decline may take place.

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Moreover, issues surrounding inflation play a significant role in Horneman’s prediction. The widespread government spending during the pandemic has injected massive amounts of money into the economy, leading to rising prices and potential inflationary pressures. While many argue that these inflationary trends may be transitory, Horneman stresses the need for caution. She believes that if inflation persists, it could lead to a rise in interest rates, which in turn would hamper economic growth and potentially trigger a recession.

The global supply chain disruptions also pose a significant challenge to economic stability. The pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities and interdependencies of global supply chains, with shortages and logistical challenges impacting various sectors. Horneman emphasizes the importance of monitoring these disruptions and their potential long-term consequences. Any prolonged disruption may hamper production and consumption, leading to a contraction in economic output.

Horneman, however, acknowledges that there are factors that could mitigate the risks of recession. Central banks and governments play a crucial role in managing economic cycles. Effective policy decisions and adjustments could help cushion the economy from a potential decline. Moreover, technological advancements and innovative industries may help drive economic growth and offset any negative effects on traditional sectors.

It is essential to note that Horneman’s predictions are speculative and subject to change. The future is inherently uncertain and dependent on various complex factors. However, her expertise and experience in the field provide valuable insights and trends to consider when assessing the potential risks to global economic stability.

As investors and individuals, it is vital to stay informed about the potential risks and take appropriate measures to safeguard our financial well-being. Understanding the factors that may contribute to an economic downturn allows us to make more informed decisions about our investments and financial plans. While we cannot predict the future with complete certainty, the insights of experts like Megan Horneman help us navigate the challenging terrain of economic uncertainty.

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  1. Prince Anthony

    Bunch of jokers. Useless financial ‘experts’.

  2. Alice Mendoza

    Most likely, something external caused this recession. The United States is losing its influence as a government reserve currency for the first time in decades. They don't have any more economies to utilize to control inflation, and less money is being invested in stock and oil trading than in the past. They all provide evidence in favor of the hypothesis that a new multilateral international order is in development.

  3. On The Money

    Please stop with the recession talk. Its old and tired.

  4. joe blow

    S&P could run to NEW high around 4800…….but that's it. Look for a 12-15% correction…..Charts say bottom of around 3850 IS possible…..THREE more rate hikes……..Inflation still toooo high. End of year rally gets us to 4350…….LOWER than today. IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE led by FOMO losers!!!!

  5. Jared Crenshaw

    It's such a crazy thing to believe that we could shut down the economy, pump trillions of faux money into it, and not have permanent, massive distortions.

    And, thats after years of massive distortions caused by manipulation and scammery.

  6. NHAN HA

    If we hold for 21 dollars we loss because the holder make profit we still able to buy cheap 7 dollars a bellow with the verification to ensure the company not file bankruptcy. And company still in service workers and as well as goods and services other company need it workers need. Rather than the lost from 60 dollars per share or more

  7. NHAN HA

    We do not need stock good that more than 21 dollars per share. That will end up 60 dollars because the holding when economic company incident or weather or wars or CEO cheating or politicians cheating we have recession

  8. NHAN HA

    If they weak in labors they cheat

  9. NHAN HA

    To choose the company that most workers work because they are safe for investment. The workers they need supplies from other companies that produce.

  10. NHAN HA

    The price low is 7 dollar and the high price is 21 dollars. You do not want to buy stock more than 2- dollars. If it is more you sale your holding to look for company that have 7 dollars per share you buy and wait.

  11. Shinmar Corp

    We have been in Recession since September 2021 at the very least. With the FED increasing rates and scheduled quantitative easoning until 2030 rates will continue to climb without end in sight.

  12. NHAN HA

    You follow this formula to prevent the recession

  13. NHAN HA

    Or any 30 days you earn 21%

  14. NHAN HA

    So in the 300 days the buy low is profit and the selling in any day or maximum gold is 21%. Which mean in every 10 month you earn from buy low and sale high as the percentage rate 1 dollar invest is 210% from higher percentage rate. And the low percentage rate is each day 7%.

  15. NHAN HA

    When you hold stock you want the investor buy so that you able to make profit quick it is not from portion advice you hold long more than 30 days you can not earn the 21% from holding but it is from selling. If you earn correct you also buy correct. The buy correct is the low price for price rise and hold in any within 30 days or 30 days you must earn 21%.

  16. NHAN HA

    The dollar invest the low earning is 7% and the high earning in 30 day or in any day holding is 21%. This must know when you earn 21% by holding 30 days you must sale. Or you do the grouchy price tag. To stop the investors to buy

  17. NHAN HA

    The investor must know what they are doing in order for them to make the earn. But also not to harm to the other investor or most of them broke and the few of them earn the most in the recession time. Beside also general living cost become expensive due to cause any reason economic incident. Same as drivers cause jam and accident in public market road way

  18. SeetheworldUSA

    Market is going down because she has a lot of cash on her hand….Okay…

  19. YT- Isaiah

    Damn this could be bad

  20. Bromley Simon

    Just take some profits now if you have any. Maybe add some inverse ETF positions to your portfolio as a hedge. It HAS been an aggressive move up after all. And with low-risk treasuries paying a decent yield, what is buoying all this enthusiasm? No, it's good to be prudent and especially when you've let it ride this far.

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