Messed up pretty bad – fuck

by | Oct 31, 2022 | Resources | 45 comments

Messed up pretty bad – fuck

Messed up pretty bad – fuck

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Messed up pretty bad – fuck

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Messed up pretty bad – fuck

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Messed up pretty bad – fuck



  1. Such-Combination5046

    At least you’re saving money by using Mint mobile

  2. throwaway827364882

    it could be worse. you could lose 100K

  3. ipassedthe65

    I feel like people should list their careers so we can actually get a grasp of the Carnage they are experiencing

  4. wasnotherewas

    It started with that fuck stupid SPY reversal from 347 to 367 and then it spiralled out of control. And then Meta fucked me bad. Then it degenerated into 0 DTE calls to win it back. Wish I took a deep breath and slowed down.

    Please stop if you can. I am so ashamed.

  5. [deleted]


  6. Secredits

    There’s a version of you somewhere in the multiverse who did the exact opposite, so there’s that.

  7. Swiftnice

    Just go back in time and reverse your picks.

  8. HeroicCrackdealer

    Uninstall the app

  9. Dothemath2

    Hang in there. Take care of yourself. Anything is survivable as long as you are alive.

  10. Ash0300

    Regards: fuck it, the most I could loose is 100%
    OP: hold my beer…proceeds to loose 400%

  11. mostly_sarcastic

    Messed up pretty bad *so far!*

  12. lordjords

    Welcome to the club

  13. Habesha2001

    I’m gonna screenshot this so anytime I’m having a bad day, I will remember it could be worse

  14. Jeece712

    Nice one bro, let’s hug!

  15. wickity_wackk

    They needed to make a new part of the graph for your dumb ass. Respect.

  16. Academic_Banana_5659

    You lost 5 years of my salary

    Jesus fucking Christ

  17. Joey-tv-show-season2

    Will you be financially okay after this ?

  18. henrypdx

    Like the market, life has ups and downs. You’re down now, but I’d start buying calls on your life now if I could — brighter days are ahead of you. Embrace that expectation, and the universe will deliver. Hang in there.

  19. _chasingdabag_v2

    That’s so ducking hot

  20. Dry_Armadillo_2092

    Crammered by the zuck

  21. Exodus292

    you fucked up so hard that the image is marked as NSFW

  22. boomerberg

    Minus $99,559.95…so far…

  23. ip_address_freely

    It’s only money

  24. gimmeTenDs

    Man. I saw that dude post the 500k day and I thought – man, I’m going all in on options on Monday. Thanks for talking some sense into me, I needed that.

  25. quirkyfarticus

    bro needs captain hindsight asap

  26. Historical-Bag9248

    I’ll see ya at Wendy’s on Monday!

  27. Hefty-Lingonberry618

    I hope you bounce back and kill it! Keep your head up.

  28. ragnar2434

    at least have the dignity to gamble in a casino.


    Look at the bright side…only way to go from here is up

  30. Observ1

    I am confused is this post about the guy messing up bad for using Mint mobile or losing 100k?

  31. Villageidiot1984

    Every time I see one of these absolute full tilt blowout posts, I think the same thing. You should not be trading. Ever. The things you have to do wrong to get -400% returns in a week are basically every single thing you can do wrong. Just stop trading. Park your money in SPY. Next time you think about trading, ask yourself, if I’m so bad at this that I’m worse than most of the people on WSBs, do I really think I can beat the market year in and year out? Then answer no, and buy SPY.

  32. wasnotherewas

    Thanks for the support and also the harsh comments. To clarify a few things, I am not in debt, i do have a job. The trades were very high probability wins with low returns. I would advice people to never trade earnings and 0 DTE. And then never revenge trade.

  33. king-of-bags


  34. DissolutionedChemist

    Well, it’s time to delete the app!

  35. OnlyBlackWomen

    been there done that, you are not alone, keep going

  36. CauseImBatman23

    How is this even possible?

  37. mrpresidentAdc

    Still got enough for a 5for5 at Wendy’s, the spicy nuggets are pretty good

  38. MoreCerealPlease

    Stop for a while dude. You need to let your mind reset or you’re going to make it worse. You’re an accountant, so you make good money and you can come back from a 100k drawdown but don’t let it spiral further. It looks like you practiced good risk management until recently. Get back to that. Trying to “win it back” quickly will only compound the problem. You’ll be fine. Forgive yourself, learn from it, take a break, move on. Oh also don’t buy puts when everyone else turns into a doomer. That’s usually near the bottom. People are slow to react.

  39. byebyeborg

    Everytime I feel down on myself, on my career or something else, I come here and think, well at least I’m not one of these fuggin regards and I feel better about myself.

  40. takcho

    People need to learn from you, this is true loss porn

  41. nvesting

    Looks like you’re in debt, mate

  42. Fawkinchit

    Whoa, what did you even buy?

  43. coding102

    options is a sure way to make this happen.

  44. Landed_port

    #Phenomenal cosmic risk!

    ^^^itty ^^^bitty ^^^gains

  45. rp2012-blackthisout

    What were your plays? And please post future plays so I can inverse em.

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