Michael Malice Welcomes Cody Wilson on #265 of ‘YOUR WELCOME’

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 27 comments

Michael Malice Welcomes Cody Wilson on #265 of ‘YOUR WELCOME’

Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) welcomes gun rights activist and founder of Defense Distributed, Cody Wilson, onto the show to discuss the current legislation regarding “ghost guns”, his battles for the rights of gun owners across America, and why bans on gun manufacturing are fundamentally opposed to what the Founding Fathers believed in and fought for.




Intro song: “Out of Reach” by Legendary House Cats

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In episode 265 of the popular podcast “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice, listeners were treated to an intriguing and thought-provoking conversation with Cody Wilson. Renowned as a developer and ardent advocate of the 3D-printed firearm industry, Wilson shared his views on various topics, captivating the audience with his unique perspective.

For those unfamiliar with Cody Wilson, he rose to fame in 2013 when he released the blueprint for a 3D-printed gun called the “Liberator.” This act sparked intense debates about the accessibility and regulation of firearms, leading to a temporary block on publishing such files by the US State Department. His actions landed him on the cover of Wired magazine, making him a figurehead for the growing discussion on technology, freedom, and gun control.

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In this episode of “YOUR WELCOME,” Michael Malice deftly navigates the conversation, presenting a well-rounded dialogue that encompasses politics, technology, and individual liberty. From the start, it becomes evident that Wilson is a fervent believer in the potential of decentralized manufacturing and its role in challenging existing power structures.

Beyond the sensationalism often associated with 3D-printed firearms, Wilson expresses the fascinating concept of “crypto-anarchy.” He explains that technology can be leveraged to challenge governmental control and empower individuals to exercise their rights more fully. By allowing anyone with internet access and a 3D printer to manufacture their firearms, he believes individuals can circumvent oppressive laws and take responsibility for their own safety.

Though one might expect this episode to revolve solely around Wilson’s controversial career, Michael Malice cleverly steers the conversation into wider realms. The duo delves into topics such as privacy, individual autonomy, the role of technology in society, and even the philosophical underpinnings of freedom.

Wilson offers a glimpse into his perspective on the relationship between technology and freedom, asserting that advancements like 3D printing can be seen as a logical progression of the Second Amendment. He argues that if a person has a right to bear arms, they should have the right to produce arms as well, as long as they don’t infringe on the rights of others.

What makes this episode of “YOUR WELCOME” particularly engaging is the amicable exchange between Malice and Wilson. Despite their differing viewpoints, they maintain a respectful and intellectually stimulating conversation. Malice consistently challenges Wilson’s assertions, creating a dynamic discussion that pushes listeners to critically consider their own opinions on topics such as regulation, decentralization, and human agency.

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In conclusion, episode 265 of “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice encapsulates the essence of this renowned podcast. It offers a platform for guests like Cody Wilson to share their unique perspectives, challenging preconceived notions and encouraging listeners to question the status quo. Malice’s skilled moderation allows the episode to flow seamlessly while ensuring each talking point is thoroughly explored. Whether you agree or disagree with Wilson’s views on 3D-printed firearms and personal autonomy, this episode is sure to leave you with a newfound appreciation for the depth and diversity of human thought.

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  1. Zevonthethompsongun

    It's a shame Cody is the face of this movement. You really can't choose the leaders of the revolution

  2. Jeff Curtis

    The tyrants will never win unless they resort to starting killing everyone, which I wouldn't put past them.

  3. I am one too

    59:41 Trump had issues, no doubt.
    However he gave us great scotus justices

  4. I am one too

    A 65 yr old man was arrested in Queens, NY for shooting a mugger trying to stab his victim.

  5. Island Timekeeper

    Matt Walsh's next documentary: "What is a Firearm?"

  6. Brock Bellerive

    Gun control as a "luxury belief" needs to be mainstreamed.
    In fact, the very concept of "luxury belief" needs to be applied as a dismissive to the arguments made by detached neoliberal elites.

  7. Ztem Naed

    NRA spends more on it's leader's travel, salary and wardrobe than on litigation over gun rights. The NRA is a slow crawl to gun rights. They like gun rights always being under seige because they profit and get donations. Meanwhile, GOA and FPC are litigating and WINNING.
    Democrats and the Left are rabidly going after gun rights more than usual in response to losing Roe v Wade. It's hand-in-hand with labelling all conservatives nazis or white supremacists.

  8. Ian McPherson

    Ghost guns…give me a break. Real guns are killing people.

  9. James Yahnke

    I worked over 21 years in production CNC machining, 17 years of it with the same organization. Young people cant work in the field. Its too much work.

  10. Hugh-John Fleming

    Haven't listened yet. Like Wilson Combat 'Wilson?'

  11. André Edelslund

    Cody Wilson you are a hero. Thank you. And I'm not even an American, never been there or have any ties. Just living in Denmark and been seeing the writing on the wall for decades.. Thanks to both of you.

  12. mclaytv

    Idk if Michael sees this but he has me blocked on Twitter!!! It’s weird because he’s one of my hero’s.

  13. FlyingColors

    Vivek Raswamy is an amazing candidate that I think should be leading the pack

  14. FlyingColors

    This conversation needs to be had all across America. Thanks for putting this out there

  15. Get_A_Pair with Sully

    Cody Wilson and Michael Malice, the two men who brought me to Anarchism. Went from being raised a Left-Libertarian Catholic Boy, to Centrist Conservative-Libertarian Catholic Marine, to Anarcho-Capitalist Catholic Veteran. Thank you for helping me understand my beliefs and breaking me from the Statist Cult that I had to Struggle Session myself to believe in.

  16. BOLD And The BEAUTIFUL Gimbal

    0:47 For someone with a decent I.Q Micheal, you back so pretty stupid shit. Praising a man who helped 3D printing guns become a thing. Gee, I wonder if that CAD file could be used with any 3D printer, in any country?!

    I wonder about you Micheal, I wonder whether your moral compass is correctly calibrated. Or do you just like having affect, for the thrill of it…

  17. Peter Barrett

    Bruh this administration is probably hunting Cody stay safe man

  18. Abstract Approach

    So, hear me out, instead of national divorce first, we annex Canada. Then with all tge bew land we firm our anarchic paradise

  19. Mike Jones

    2a all day … Everyone should have a set of bear arms

  20. Anita Farren

    I love that you & Cody took a few minutes to intentionally say kind things about Alex Jones! Regardless of what people think of him (whether it be true/false or love him or hate him) he's been a powerful voice & a force of nature to make people think, wake people up & look at the world from a point of view that many people would have never seen otherwise.
    Sometimes he's a but dark or hyperbolic, but he's been right about A LOT more things than I ever would've expected.
    He's also had the BEST guests over the years, better than any other Podcaster.

  21. T T

    They don’t need to repeal 2A. They just have to make gun shops and manufacturers harder to insure (since the Sandy Hook lawsuit), make ammunition very expensive and hard to find, and criminalize those who defend themselves or their property ✅✅✅

  22. Gavin Cotter

    This man is literally a pedophile.

  23. Paul Schuyler

    You can add France and the Netherlands to the list which includes Canada.

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