Michael Pento Forecasts Impending ‘Hard Landing’ Recession: Rapid Arrival Expected

by | Sep 19, 2023 | Recession News | 27 comments

Michael Pento Forecasts Impending ‘Hard Landing’ Recession: Rapid Arrival Expected

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With interest rates higher than they’ve been in over 20 years, many analysts and economists have expected the economy – and then the markets – to buckle under the higher cost of debt. After all, we have 6x the total public debt as we did that last time interest rates were this high.

But whether that will eventually prove true, the markets are priced as if it won’t.

Right now, they’re priced for no recession, no adverse lag effects from the historically aggressive hiking & tightening campaign pursued over the past year and a half by the Federal Reserve and most of the other major world central banks.

So when will this higher cost of debt matter? Will it matter?

For answers, we turn to the highly popular and always informed money manager and macro analyst Michael Pento.

0:00 Why is the recession still coming?
5:26 The high cost of the debt.
11:39 Risk of zombie companies on this program.
18:41 What is the shadow banking system?
22:34 How high interest rates are hurting the government.
28:57 How banks are tightening lending standards.
34:53 The long end of the yield curve.
40:30 Retailers in sell mode.
45:36 Consumer pressure on the housing market.
51:15 The Fed is a confederation of banks.
57:43 The real estate market in a depression.
1:04:27 The oligarchy of the housing market.

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Michael Pento is a prominent economist and financial commentator who has been sounding the alarm bells for quite some time about an impending economic disaster. In his view, a “hard landing” recession is on the horizon, and the signs are becoming increasingly clear. Pento believes that this recession will arrive sooner than most people anticipate, leaving little time for preparation.

Pento’s track record in predicting economic downturns is quite impressive. He accurately predicted the 2008 financial crisis, giving him credibility among investors and economists alike. As the president and founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies, he has a reputation for providing astute analysis and investment strategies to his clients.

One of Pento’s primary concerns is the excessive debt levels that have built up globally since the last recession. Governments, corporations, and individual households have all taken on unprecedented amounts of debt, and this has created a fragile and unsustainable economic environment. As interest rates rise, the cost of servicing this debt will become increasingly burdensome, potentially leading to defaults and bankruptcies. Pento argues that this will trigger a chain reaction, pushing the global economy into a devastating recession.

Another point Pento emphasizes is the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy. He believes that the central bank’s ultra-loose monetary policies, such as low-interest rates and quantitative easing, have artificially propped up the economy and created a bubble in financial markets. As the Fed begins to withdraw these stimulus measures, the markets will react negatively, leading to a sharp downturn. Pento warns that the consequences of the Federal Reserve tightening monetary policy too quickly or too much could be dire.

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Pento’s concerns extend beyond the United States. He notes that other major economies, such as China and the European Union, are also grappling with significant problems. China’s debt-fueled growth has been a cause for worry for many analysts, and Pento is no exception. He believes that China’s economic slowdown will have global implications, given its status as the world’s second-largest economy. Additionally, the debt and structural issues in the European Union, particularly in countries like Italy and Greece, could spark a financial crisis that spreads throughout the eurozone.

While Pento’s warnings are dire, he does provide some recommendations for investors to weather the storm. He advises reducing exposure to stocks, especially those in industries particularly vulnerable to an economic downturn, such as housing and auto manufacturers. Instead, Pento suggests increasing positions in safe-haven assets like gold and silver, as well as treasury bonds. These investments tend to perform well during times of economic uncertainty.

It’s important to note that not everyone agrees with Pento’s dire predictions. Some economists argue that the global economy is more resilient and diversified now than it was in 2008, and that lessons have been learned from past crises. Nonetheless, Pento’s track record of accurate predictions and his in-depth analysis of current economic trends make his perspective worth considering.

In conclusion, Michael Pento warns that a “hard landing” recession is approaching, and it may arrive sooner than many expect. His concerns over excessive debt levels and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy are factors that he believes will play a significant role in triggering this downturn. While his predictions may be dire, he offers prudent investment advice to help individuals weather the storm. As the global economy continues to evolve and potential risks loom on the horizon, it is essential for investors and policymakers alike to pay heed to experts like Michael Pento and take appropriate measures to safeguard against a potential economic disaster.

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  1. Rick Lange

    Great interview!

  2. Kathleen McKeon

    The People dropped the ball, quit participating and let crooks run amok and of course they did. JFK tried really hard to wake up the people and warn the people, it did squat, when they murdered him, that still did squat so here we are. Thanks for a good breakdown of where we are now, appreciate it.

  3. Mon Djak

    Thank you for a great interview! Very good!

  4. Profit-Engine

    The Mega players are using cash from American's 401k's to compete against the public in home purchasing! What a perverse system, it becomes self-defeating for the public to invest.

  5. greg magnuson

    Great program…too bad you're so desperate to not acknowledge that the Democrats and Joe Biden are the ones trying to arrest their opposition.

  6. Mon Djak

    28:54 Banks are not getting their incomes from deposits. I hope.

  7. M Kozell

    You forgot about the government control through permitting process and the control through government regulation and control of industries

  8. River Man

    Has anyone done a study of the removal of debt from the economy due to the masses of retirees paying off their mortgages.

  9. Gary Strand

    Confused? Pento says banks "send" underwater debt to FED (they buy it at par) he should say they pledge Treasury securities as a claim similar to a deed of trust on residential mortgages (retaining coupon interest).
    I am in"deed" confused?
    Anybody help clarify?

  10. Steve Wang

    Very good interview, thank you

  11. Daniel Uk

    What a cliff hanger

  12. LG B

    Government makes the problems, they don’t fix them.

  13. mschroed99

    This guy is the same o same o for years. Yawn

  14. Matt Anderson

    You're right!
    Mike is one of the best guests you have on, I love him!
    Thank you for having him back!!

  15. auctionmusic

    this guy was totally, and I mean totally wrong about 2008. See his debates with Peter Schiff at that time.

  16. Samuel Corp

    I agree, the free market is dead. All our problems are due to the Marxist Federal Reserve and the rest of the lying thieving bankster system.

  17. Jason Fuller

    That's because prior administrations did not commit the amount of F'n crimes that the Trump administration did!! Our nation is not just a meritocracy, but a nation of laws as well. That applies to EVERYONE, even former Presidents. Two tiered justice system is also destroying this country. Rich are not held accountable at all. Just look back at 2006. One person went to jail, ONE!! The rest, well they got nothing. Get real.

  18. xoctor

    Just when I thought Pento was making sense, he goes off on his idiotic "I'm a Libertarian", reality-denialist rant. Honestly, if he can't see the dishonesty and danger in trumpism, or the shortfalls of Libertarianism, then there is no way I can trust any of his judgement.

  19. Rafael  Lopez

    Excelent interview, he's my favourite Wealthion guest

  20. devbrat bhaduri

    When deviant criminal propaganda is mainstreamed with the acquiesced with the help of the government and judiciary, for sure time is rife for a civil strife.

  21. Thomas Kauser

    2019 we were about to use our left hands as toilet paper and we locked everything down except for the nursing homes?
    I get your point but not your time line!

  22. Thomas Kauser

    Bank term funding facilities ?
    Lair loan crack house?

  23. Thomas Kauser

    How can anyone even talk hard landing or recession and not about the giant toga PARTY?
    Uncle sugar is overdrawn each month $500 billion large or $ 6 trillion dollars a year and everyone is a Debbie downer!
    Toga toga toga!

  24. chris gough

    Love listening to Michael, one of the best for sure. Thanks 🙂

  25. Thomas G 5859

    This guy is the closest thing to Chicken Little you’re going to see in a dress shirt and tie… it’s like Groundhog Day every day around here

  26. Bryan Olson

    You should let your guest talk more

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