Moon in Taurus: A Family Connection…….

by | Mar 3, 2023 | Thrift Savings Plan | 26 comments

Moon in Taurus: A Family Connection…….

As befits today’s taurus moon, the sign most closely associated with money and resources, this video is a discussion with my sister Mary Throop on the matter of money and resources, spending, saving, education etc….(read more)

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The Moon in Taurus, a family connection is an astrological aspect that enhances the desire for stability, comfort, and nurturing. People with this placement tend to value their family and home life, and they strive to create a secure and comfortable environment for themselves and their loved ones.

Taurus is an earth sign, so the Moon in Taurus combines the emotional depth of the Moon with the practicality and groundedness of earth energy. This placement is associated with sensuality, stability, and reliability, and it can bring a deep sense of calm and peace to those who have it.

In the family context, the Moon in Taurus reveals a strong connection with one’s parents and other close family members. People with this placement tend to be loyal and supportive, and they value traditions and family history. They often have a deep appreciation for family meals, shared experiences, and familial traditions, and they may even have a talent for cooking or gardening.

The Moon in Taurus also emphasizes the need for financial security and stability, as well as the desire for material possessions. This is not necessarily a negative trait, as it can motivate people to work hard and build a stable financial foundation for themselves and their families. However, it can become a problem if they become too attached to material possessions or too fixated on accumulating wealth.

See also  Intro to your TSP (Thrift Savings Plan)

Overall, the Moon in Taurus is a powerful placement that brings a sense of emotional stability and comfort to the family dynamic. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing and supporting one’s loved ones, while also valuing traditions and creating a sense of security and stability for future generations to come.

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  1. Pat Scott

    Excellent discussion

  2. MelBroussard

    Really interesting discussion here. I am retired now but I followed a lot of the common sense advice you gave here. Live below your means always. New cars, the latest cell phones, etc drain the available capital for savings. In the USA your credit score is actually lower when you have no debt at all. It is counter-intuitive to me too but that is how the credit reporting agencies score.

  3. Anne Murray

    Thank You for Sharing your Familial Treasure. We need all the help we can get…

  4. San Morgan

    GrandMother said save 10%

  5. Shannon

    If Mary is OK with it, I'd be curious for Andre to share what placements she has in her chart that make her good with money and for that to be a career path for her.

  6. T H

    Subscribed today! Your calming way to explain astrology phenomenon give me a better understanding and learn how to prepare myself. Your have an awesome family. Thank you Mary for your time. People I know needs to hear you saying to learn to live within your mean and learn to save.

  7. Cristina Cardona

    Wonderful discussion, thank you for sharing your sister with us! ❤

  8. The Gutsy GURU

    Please bring your sister Mary Throop back soon!! She is so down to earth. MONEY makes MONEY.

  9. Laura Fahey

    so good thk u laurafahey.

  10. Jeanne Fraser

    I needed to hear this today, thank you very interesting!

  11. Sheila Eisele

    Bringing your family members on the channel is an excellent resource for you and all of us, Andre. Thank you.

  12. C C

    Thank you Mary!! Excellent information. You are just amazing!!! Andre, I always appreciate your programs! Are you able to put Mary's contact info on here?

  13. Mumford Hound

    It’s a good idea to tax the rich their fair share and stop corporate welfare to pay off US debt. Why isn’t this happening? Thank you for your videos.

  14. J P Wald

    Why is the screen black?

  15. Jan Wag

    It’s really fun to listen to siblings who each have their own unique talents to bring to the conversation and see how their different perspectives effect the management of finances and astrology. Thanks for the discriminating wisdom from both of you!!

  16. Rena R

    Absolutely great, sound advice….much appreciated!

  17. Jessica Malloure

    Thanks for such a great and timely discussion. I appreciate it!

  18. Cindy Gardner

    Thank you both for this interesting and helpful discussion.

  19. GinaMaria Opalescent

    Thanks for another fabulous conversation. How did your sisters end up in Canada and you in the US?

  20. Cheryl Robichaux

    This was great and very informative. So much of what she says is how I think and how I live my life. I learn so much with Andre. I love learning.

  21. Prena Ivezaj

    Great video, thank you both

  22. Margaret caldarone

    What an Elegant Woman. The Most Sensible Person, Ive Heard. I Could Listen to Her All Night. The Combination of You Two Cant be Beat. Blessings to Both of You.

  23. Azalea

    Well, this explains what happened to me today. I have the Moon in Taurus in the fifth house. Today my brother called me because he got a letter from the lawyer who is handling my Father's and Step Mother's Estate. We still have a little bit of inheritance to collect evidently. Total surprise we were not expecting. I haven't gotten my letter yet, but I probably will by next week.

  24. Maryalice Coleman

    Absolutely wonderful conversation – educational, helpful, wise, and hopeful. I learned from Mary and also things were confirmed for me as she spoke. You asked great questions! Thank you for covering this topic!

  25. Tral lallie

    Very interesting, and so wise… Thank you to both of you!

  26. Nutan khana

    Enjoyed listening

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