Morris Invest: The Most Evident Indicator of a Severe Economic Downturn

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Recession News | 32 comments

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This is the CLEAREST sign of a massive recession

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How to Become a Section 8 Landlord
Section 8 is a government program that allows tenants to qualify for lower income rent, and the remainder of the rent is paid to the landlord by government agencies. As a landlord, you do have to apply to become a Section 8 landlord. The application process can vary by state, city, and even county, so be sure to look into your local regulations.

Personally, I do not have any Section 8 properties in my portfolio, but I have before. You can listen to an older episode that Natali and I recorded on our experiences with Section 8 here:

Ways to Get Funding for Building Your Portfolio
I’ve heard from many investors that it’s getting increasingly harder to find funding, particularly in the commercial space. My first tip for you would be to read the great book, Getting the Money by Susan Lassiter Lyons. It is a comprehensive guide to attaining funding from private lenders.

If for some reason you don’t want to go that route, you could also try using a company like DLP Capital or seek out lenders on LinkedIn.

Tips for Buying Gold and Silver
There are a few different ways to buy gold and silver, but if you’re specifically looking to have gold and silver delivered, I can recommend Lear Capital. My link is or you can call them directly at 800-613-3557.

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I’m not an expert on gold investing, but a great resource I can recommend is the book Nomad Capitalist by Andrew Henderson.
#morrisinvest #claytonmorris #recession

About Clayton Morris:
As a financial news host and real estate investor, Clayton Morris believes that everyone has the right and the ability to achieve financial freedom – and works to help others to know how to do so. Clayton founded Morris Invest that builds portfolios for their clients and guides them through the buying process, ensuring cash-flowing investments. In his podcast, Investing in Real Estate with Clayton Morris, he offers specific and actionable ways to have financial security and to build a meaningful life. Clayton Morris co-hosts Redacted with his wife, Natali, bringing you news you won’t hear on major networks.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I only express my opinion based on my experience. Your experience may be different. These videos are for educational and inspirational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. There is no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion. We recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we make if you decide to use their services. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals….(read more)

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This is the CLEAREST sign of a massive recession | Morris Invest

The world economy has faced numerous ups and downs throughout history. From financial crises to recessions, there have been plenty of warning signs before economic downturns. However, experts agree that one of the clearest signs of a massive recession is when real estate markets start to crumble.

Real estate has always been a reliable indicator of economic health. When the housing market begins to falter and property values decline, it often signifies a looming recession. This is due to the fact that real estate is deeply intertwined with various sectors of the economy, such as construction, banking, and consumer spending.

Over the years, we have seen this pattern time and time again. The infamous 2008 financial crisis originated from problems within the real estate market, particularly the subprime mortgage sector. As property values plummeted and foreclosures skyrocketed, the domino effect was felt across the economy, leading to the Great Recession.

Similarly, during the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s, the collapse of technology stocks resulted in a sharp decrease in property values. This decline in real estate played a significant role in the subsequent recession.

Now, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc on the global economy, the real estate market is once again showing clear signs of distress. As businesses continue to shut down and consumer spending declines, property values have started to tank in many areas.

One key indicator is the rise in foreclosures and delinquencies on mortgage payments. These are early warning signs that homeowners are struggling to meet their financial obligations, which inevitably leads to declines in property values as distressed properties flood the market.

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Another clear sign is the decrease in home sales and the withdrawal of buyers from the market. As unemployment rates soar and job security becomes uncertain, potential homebuyers are more hesitant to make large purchases, causing a decline in demand. This lack of demand further impacts property values and exacerbates the economic downturn.

The commercial real estate market is also feeling the strain. The closure of businesses due to lockdown measures has left many commercial properties empty or underutilized. This has led to a rise in rental vacancies, resulting in reduced rental incomes and declining property values for owners.

It is important to note that a declining real estate market is not the sole reason for a recession. It is often just one piece of the puzzle, indicating underlying issues within the economy. However, it is a critical indicator that should not be overlooked.

For real estate investors and homeowners, these signs serve as warnings to be cautious and take measures to protect their investments. It is crucial to reassess financial goals, examine the stability of tenants, and consider alternative investment strategies.

In conclusion, when the real estate market starts crumbling, it is a glaring sign of an impending recession. The current COVID-19 pandemic has only further highlighted this relationship between real estate and economic health. As property values decline, foreclosures rise, and demand dwindles, it becomes evident that a massive recession is on the horizon. It is vital for individuals and investors to heed these signs and be prepared for the financial challenges that lie ahead.

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  1. Jakari Bey

    The land belongs to indigenous blacks and no one else
    Mother Nature is genociding you all since you refuse to return our land and go back to the caves of Europe.

  2. John Batchler

    Liar dollar hasn't crash

  3. M McCarthy

    So let me get this straight…investors are worried about the USD and America's economic health and are fleeing into "Euro bonds???" You mean the region that is closer to Russia, suffering directly from the misguided sanctions, going into recession, manufacturing companies are fleeing, and consist mostly of vassal countries of America? That is the best they could come up with…not Brazil, India, China, or other global South country bonds or stocks? LOL

  4. Anthony Grau

    You keep talkin about a resection we are in a depression and it's going to get great baby you listen to all these freaking so-called educated people we've been in a depression but again if people only listen to what certain people say instead of looking at the real facts yourself

  5. Steven Pallesen

    CORPORATE is public. Therefore public servants serve CORPORATE. Private is Soul Proprietor. CORPORATE claims ownership of you and this planet.

  6. Steven Pallesen

    Highest title you and property are chattel property of this legal system of government.

  7. Peter Johnson

    We need to invoke Richard Nixon and put a stop on price increases. Inflation is, in some ways a feedback loop. Block the price increases and you break the cycle.

  8. Hector Abcdefg

    Everything continue the same

  9. D

    You better be in the proper real estate like farming and land. Home prices are going fall.

  10. Ace Jets

    In Regards to Matt's call., at the end were you referring to wholesaling is where your heart is or doing the multi family homes? Thanks for the content

  11. ER Marble & Tile Inc

    The banks continuously create boom and bust cycles, this has led to the current state of affairs most of the worlds people find themselves in…

  12. Carter

    You cannot cut your way out of recession you've got to invest your way out of recession, the Conservative party are in the dark ages on policy they've got to think again. My primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about £170k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

  13. Marco Garcia

    Why are you posting investors in your report, then state that we are in a recession? Come on dude, get it together. This video is a soup sandwich.

  14. papa Floppa

    Are these videos conveying this dark idea about the upcoming collapse of the dollar just so u will get into realstate bcause it sounds a little fishy and is this impending collapse thing for real.

  15. Zatoichi Son

    For decades American Senate, Congress, and they Presidents approved to make war after war spending trillions of dollars of public money killing millions of innocent people, destroying country after country, stealing and robbing those countries, and now when so many agencies, individuals and war profiteers made a lot of money, will be good if American people will ask all those people involved to make a contribution of they own money to help USA not to be affected by this massive recession as Mr. Morris is talking about. No accusations, punishments, sanctions, short or long term jail sentience, or even death penalties for so many crimes committed in all those wars and decades…., not even one person is guilty of war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity ??? Every person is a saint not have a guilt when millions are death, countries ruined and destroyed, robbed of wealth and goods…NO ?? IN GOD WE TRUST !

  16. Wm Shafer

    Your just a full of it hustler like the rest, full of BS Criminal aliens, property squatters, full courts, no inforcment. Just show your valuables, they will be taken

  17. Katie Marshall

    Great new I only trust you.

  18. Randy Best

    Real Estate will crash too.

  19. Moises


  20. Greg Thorne

    Real estate values in the U.S. will likely sink 60% over the next 5 years.

  21. Shantell Johnson

    Once fed, state, and local govt’s absolved renters from paying during the pandemic, it showed small landlords like me that it’s just not worth it. The govt can yank your property rights at anytime. I’m getting out.

  22. Gary Bacher

    Anybody that's how old is this because nobody's invest in real estate now

  23. Mike Ansley

    We are in a recession…
    We are going into a great depression

  24. Thomas Williams

    America is broke, deeply in debt unlikely to stay healthy, and about to experience the deep depression the United States has ever had before.

  25. J HOOD

    Love this channel and it's content but not all of us can afford invest in realeste and silver and gold !

  26. David Bencivenga

    Precious metals and real estate. You are a glutton for punishment.

  27. NightHawk

    As long as we remain away from energy independence it will be bad and get worse since inflation and energy is being handled as reckless as the pandemic.

  28. Alex

    Without the "cheap" products from China the margins have been evaporated….

  29. Mark Mongillo

    Stocking paper goods and other goods is gonna be the best investment lol. Think about how expensive paper towels are now can you imagine in a few years

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