“Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming…” – Robert Kiyosaki's Last WARNING

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Keogh Plan | 38 comments

Robert Kiyosaki issues a dire warning and explains how to prepare for the looming economic disaster.

Robert T. Kiyosaki is an American businessman, investor, and best-selling author. One of his most popular books is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and it’s a great educational tool on the way to financial freedom. Kiyosaki is well known for revealing the truth about money and finances that they don’t teach in any school.

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► Special thanks to:
Robert Kiyosaki & The Rich Dad Channel

Richard Duncan – Economics

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“Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming…” – Robert Kiyosaki’s Last WARNING…(read more)


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  1. Zac B

    everything will crash. its bound to fail at this point and when it does there will be a worldwide government that has a plan to come to the rescue of everyone, all the nations and it will damn us all.

  2. ft ln

    The Gov knows that we are on to them after 2008 and now it's the final grab!!! Then a change in government in the USA. China and Russia will be more moderate while Americas will become ruled by dictatorships

  3. Laquinton Piggee

    Biblical and scripture speaks on this! Kiyokasi your money want be worth shit too!!!!

  4. Tee Dee

    Brandon is a compromised president. He is not working for the American people.

  5. Whistleblower

    I will rob, steal and connive like always. I always have plenty because I take what I like and I do anything it takes to do so. I have no fear because I cause fear. I will be fine.

  6. theadesy music studios

    "Then guys like me well then why don't I hire somebody from india"…any body who hires others from other countries because of cheap labor are traitors to our country in my opinion because they want to save a few dollars while we have families starving here in the US because of some rich bastard

  7. bingoman17

    You, my friend, you are spot on… I'm 82 Y.O. Air Force Veteran and have been predicting this since the criminal Loss of Trump as the new president in the 2020 election… There is so much flacid thinking by most people that can't see this big picture, it's just sickening… A revolution may be the only thing that can stop the course of this country…! What say you, Mr. Kiyosaki…?

  8. rich w

    Going as planned..The great reset is almost here….Wake up !!

  9. louis finley

    is this guy for real? russia blows up its own pipeline, that would start pumping again the minute the conflict ended or even sooner. and would cost russia big bucks to fix. and risked the anger of the world because of the ecological issues involved. all that to prove a point? and its just a coincidence that the us started pumping the day the pipeline was blown up. if this guy can dilute himself into believing that then i aint taking any economic advise from him, period.

  10. Baltic Dubai

    What a b.s., northstream was blown up by the british and the americans. the evidence is there. But as always, mainstream and politicians
    are telling everybody different stories. F…the american and british warmongers, get out of europe and take your nato staff with you.

  11. Joe Pilman

    The secret of getting ahead is getting started. You can only be financially free when your passive income exceeds your expenses. I bought my second house in September and hoping to retire next year at 50 if things keep going smoothly for me.

  12. Guests

    Ok, you made your point we're screwed
    Any advice besides
    How to grow a garden in Brooklyn NY

  13. Matt Anderson

    Thank you Mr K!
    Much appreciated

  14. Jeff

    Are you sure BLACK ROCK isn't destabilizing the world's economy

  15. David Smith

    Eye opening.

  16. rustyrabbitak

    Why do we let these little men we call “leader” choose our future or how we die?

  17. jack dunford

    LETS NOT FIX the problem , lets profit from it . hell support the problem .

  18. Paul Jones

    All done by design unfortunately


    Yeah sure… He blew up his own pipeline.. that's the dumbest shit I've heard

  20. luka771771

    Such predictions from these fellow come every month and are terribly wrong until…one day… when things will collapse, which will happen in the next couple of years. Then they will say, we told you and write a book…Disgraceful

  21. Shawn William

    Hey guys obey Acts 2:38nkjv
    We r living the book of Revelation in the Bible.

  22. Braxteezybruh

    Imagine fighting for your country just to come back home to be spit on by the very people you fought for

  23. Jesus Loves You

    So many errors in these opinions. Please do your own fact checking and critical analysis if you find these opinions of interest before you act on this with investment decisions.

  24. Jodie Zammit

    I don’t think that’s right. Nordstream must’ve been pumping gas. A French vessel had to be rescued from the area because of the change in the water that occurs when gas is released in it. The water becomes unstable and vessels can sink from the instability.

  25. jay

    I’m a technologist in the electric vehicle field when he says in 20 years oils, not gonna have any value at all I couldn’t disagree more. gaping weaknesses of electric will be even more apparent in 20 years. And people will trust it less and less.

  26. Michael Fox

    If the Bis bank wanted they could write of all debt. Its based on monopoly fake money anyway and people pay tax for it. But noooo cant do that. Have to enslave people with more fakery instead. This bankers are fkn morons. We must end this pyramidscams the fed was owned by european banking familys. Banking wont work without telecom and energy and who owns most of it? Wallenberg just see who holds the swithboard patents? Ericsson the deep state coperation. They corrupted cia trough dulles 1956 and thats why everything is corrupt. Delaware the first state was swedish. They have their deep state coperations spread allover the world

  27. Judy Miller

    Agree green Joe canceling keystone pipeline was a act of treason and many other things he has done all pure evil

  28. J G I

    What benefit does saying "head up your ___" multiple times have?

  29. Fate Fortvna Talionis

    There is a lot of good information here. However, there's one thing here in particular which is a ridiculous assertion:

    The notion that Russia bombed their own pipeline.

    It's much more likely that a NATO ally bombed it because they realized that Russia was using the pipeline as leverage against EU countries. EU countries could either suffer economically to get much needed fuel by siding with NATO, or they could NOT support NATO's attack on Russia and continue to get cheap fuel from Russia. The smart choice would have been for NATO countries to rebel against this war we never should have been in. So that's why a NATO ally very likely blew up the pipeline, so that Russia couldn't use it as an economic weapon, even though we are attempting to bludgeon Russia to death with economic weapons of our own.

    Smart people know it wasn't Russia.

    The solution is for all countries involved in this war to sit down together and to come to a peaceful and fair solution for all parties involved. The current plan of attempting to choke Russia economically until they surrender has not worked, neither will it work going forward.

    It's time we act smart and make a deal.

  30. NotAGoodUsername 360

    You had me until you said oil was going to crater in 20 years. You DO realize that oil still makes plastics, right? EVs aren't going to change the need to transport goods from point A to point B without getting soaked in water.

  31. TAP Gateway Ltd

    GBP is coming into a bull market but both EUR/USD and are still in a bearish market and will be for a long time. GBP will always be stronger and recover faster during economic trouble!

  32. TAP Gateway Ltd

    The English pound has not crashed, its still stronger than the dollar and euro.

  33. TAP Gateway Ltd

    There is not going to be any crash! If you look at the trading charts both FOREX and CRYPTOEX they are all about to hit the bull market 2023

  34. Michael Covelesky

    Let it all collapse. It will suck but let it come.

  35. Mike Labor

    Excellent post!

  36. ro moore

    Dems accused Republicans of planning to cut social security ha! The dems are doing more to cut social security than anyone through inflation, health coverage and medi-cal

  37. Shantelle boyce

    I was able to buy outright a small house but owe a bit of debt … How can I survive on a low fixed income…

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